A hay roll, view from Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, December 11, 2004
 A farm near Church Cove of Sakonnet River, view from Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 South end of Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, May 8, 2004
 A house near Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 View to the west from south end of Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 13, 2005
 Sakonnet Point Lighthouse, view from a beach at the end of Rhode Island Road at morning. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Sakonnet Point Lighthouse (zoomed), view from a beach at the end of Rhode Island Road at morning. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Sakonnet Point Lighthouse, view from the end of Rhode Island Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, May 8, 2004
 A silo on Route 81 near Narrow Avenue. Tiverton, Rhode Island, December 8, 2004
 A farm near Route 81 east from Sawdy Pond. Tiverton, Rhode Island, December 8, 2004
 A silo and a farm near Route 81 west from Stafford Pond. Tiverton, Rhode Island, December 11, 2004
 A silo and a farm near Route 81 west from Stafford Pond. Tiverton, Rhode Island, December 8, 2004
 A silo at crossing of Snell and East Main roads, view from a bridge across Sisson Brook. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 9, 2004
 A silo at crossing of Snell and East Main roads, view from a bridge across Sisson Brook. Little Compton, Rhode Island, December 31, 2003
 Sakonnet Harbor at evening. Little Compton, Rhode Island, June 2, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 A farm at South Commons Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 18, 2004
 Whimshaw Farm near Brownell Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 18, 2004
 Marsh plants in Wilbour Woods. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 18, 2004
 Skunk cabbage in Wilbour Woods. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 18, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
 Skunk cabbage in Wilbour Woods. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 18, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
 Fiddleheads in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
 Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 A dam of Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, June 5, 2004
 Fiddleheads in a swamp of Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
 Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 22, 2004
 Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 22, 2004
 A dam of Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 A pond of Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, May 8, 2004
 Loop road in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 22, 2004
 A silo and a farm near Route 81 west from Stafford Pond. Tiverton, Rhode Island, September 28, 2004
 Gooseberry Island and Snug Harbor, view from the end of Succotash Road in Jerusalem. Rhode Island, December 5, 2004
 A bench overlooking Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 22, 2004
 Two ponds in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville, with some mist. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Red maple swamp in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Red maples in a swamp in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Fruit of skunk cabbage(?) in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 2, 2004
 Fall colors of poison ivy in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 An old grassy road in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville, with some morning fog. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Point Judith, view from Breakwaters. Narragansett, Rhode Island, December 5, 2004
 Spring flowers and leaves of Indian poke (Veratrum viride) near Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 A silo from East Main Road, near intersection with Snell Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 19, 2004
 Rose Island and Newport Bridge, view from Fort Adams State Park. Newport, Rhode Island, December 18, 2004
 Moonset over Newport Bridge, view from Goat Island connector. Newport, Rhode Island, December 25, 2004
 A pond in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 A cabin at south-east side of Simmons Mill south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 11, 2004
 Point Judith Lighthouse, view from a WWII bunker. Narragansett, Rhode Island, December 5, 2004
 Newport Bridge and Goat Island Lighthouse at moonset, view from Goat Island connector. Newport, Rhode Island, December 25, 2004
 A silo from Snell Road bridge across Sisson Brook, near intersection with East Main Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 19, 2004
 Two swans on Watchemoket Cove, view from East Bay Bike Path. Providence, Rhode Island, December 30, 2004
 Newport Bridge at morning dusk, view from Taylor Point. Jamestown, Rhode Island, December 18, 2004
 Newport Bridge at morning dusk, view from Taylor Point. Jamestown, Rhode Island, December 21, 2004
 Feeding swans on Watchemoket Cove, view from East Bay Bike Path. Providence, Rhode Island, December 30, 2004
 Vapor rising from Atlantic Ocean at sunrise, view from Beavertail Point. Jamestown, Rhode Island, December 21, 2004
 A dragger(?) boat fishing for scallops(?), view from Beavertail Point at morning. Jamestown, Rhode Island, December 21, 2004
 Old carriage road in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area (entrance from John Dyer Road) south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, June 4, 2004
 Old carriage road in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area (entrance from John Dyer Road) south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, June 4, 2004
 Fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria) grown at John Dyer Road parking lot fence in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
 Birch Boletus (Boletus Scaber, Leccinum scabrum) mushrooms in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 2, 2004
 Newport Bridge and East Passage of Narragansett Bay at morning dusk, view from Taylor Point. Jamestown, Rhode Island, December 18, 2004
 Various kinds of ducks (mallards, harlequins?) on Watchemoket Cove, view from East Bay Bike Path. Providence, Rhode Island, December 30, 2004
 Indian pipe plants with ripening fruits and club mosses in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area (entrance from John Dyer Road) south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, September 26, 2004.
 View from Fish Pier in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Plover Hill, view from the east, in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Cow Cove and Block Island North Lighthouse, view from Grove Point. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Southeast Lighthouse in Block Island, view from a place near Cat Rock cottage. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Vail Beach and Great Point in Block Island, view from west. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Hog Island Shoal Light and East passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Baker Road. Portsmouth, Rhode Island, May 16, 2004
 Goat Island Lighthouse and a ship "Constellation", view from Storer Park at morning. Newport, Rhode Island, October 2, 2004
 Tidal flat north from Jerusalem and a fake lighthouse on Gooseberry Island, view from Succotash Road. Rhode Island, February 29, 2004
 An observatory disguised as a lighthouse (zoomed) on Gooseberry Island, view from Succotash Road north from Jerusalem. Rhode Island, February 29, 2004
 A silo from Snell Road bridge across Sisson Brook, near intersection with East Main Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, December 31, 2003
 Rome Point and Fox Island in Narragansett Bay. North Kingston, Rhode Island, December 5, 2004
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park. Jamestown, Rhode Island, March 19, 2004
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park. Jamestown, Rhode Island, March 13, 2004.
 Squantum Point and a gas tank on opposite side of Providence River, view from East Bay Bike Path. Providence, Rhode Island, December 30, 2004
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park at morning. Jamestown, Rhode Island, October 4, 2004
 Rhode Island Sound between Black Point and Scarborough Beach. Narragansett, Rhode Island, October 31, 2004
 South Shore Beach in Little Compton. Rhode Island, May 30, 2003
 Boats in Narragansett Bay and Newport Bridge, view from Goat Island Connector. Newport, Rhode Island, June 13, 2004
 Boats in Narragansett Bay and Newport Bridge at dusk, view from Goat Island Causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, June 23, 2004
 Rose Island and Newport Bridge, view from Fort Adams State Park. Newport, Rhode Island, October 4, 2004
 Boats in Narragansett Bay and Newport Bridge at dusk, view from Goat Island Causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, June 23, 2004
 Boats in Narragansett Bay and Newport Bridge at sunset, view from Goat Island Causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, June 23, 2004
 Boats in Narragansett Bay and Newport Bridge at dusk, view from Goat Island Causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, June 23, 2004
 Narragansett Bay, Rose Island and Newport Bridge, view from Fort Adams State Park. Newport, Rhode Island, May 29, 2004
 Boats in Newport Harbor, view from Goat Island Causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, June 23, 2004
 Boats in Newport Harbor, view from Goat Island Connector. Newport, Rhode Island, June 13, 2004
 Boats in Newport Harbor, view from Goat Island Connector. Newport, Rhode Island, June 13, 2004
 Goat Island Lighthouse and Newport Bridge at moonset, view from Goat Island causeway. Newport, Rhode Island, November 26, 2004
 A beach on Sakonnet Point. Little Compton, Rhode Island, November 2, 2003
 Bird sanctuary near Quicksand Pond in Little Compton. Rhode Island, May 30, 2003
 Goat Island Lighthouse and Newport Bridge, view from Goat Island Connector. Newport, Rhode Island, October 2, 2004
 South Shore Beach at evening (7:12 p.m.). Little Compton, Rhode Island, August 23, 2003