Heathcote Brook Branch overflowing Road 1, near Raymond Road exit. South Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15, 2007
 A flooding in a forest around Extended Stay America hotel at Road 1. South Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15, 2007
 Flooded forest near Extended Stay America hotel at Road 1. South Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15, 2007
 Heathcote Brook Branch east from Extended Stay America hotel at Road 1. South Brunswick, New Jersey, April 15, 2007
 Flooding in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Road 27. Kingston, New Jersey, April 16, 2007
 Flooding of Millstone River bridge in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Road 27. Kingston, New Jersey, April 16, 2007
 Flooding of a trail in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, view from Road 27 crossing to the north. Kingston, New Jersey, April 16, 2007
 A historical bridge across Millstone River bridge during flooding, near Road 27. Kingston, New Jersey, April 16, 2007
 Sycamores on Battle Road, view from Springdale Road. Princeton, New Jersey, April 27, 2007
 Yellow Trail in Six Mile Run Reservoir, after flooding. Somerset, New Jersey, April 29, 2007
 A towpath after heavy rains in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park south from Road 518 crossing. Rocky Hill, New Jersey, April 19, 2007
 Flooding in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, north from Carnegie Lake. Kingston, New Jersey, April 16, 2007
 A junk car damaged by flooding near gas station at Road 11 near Rambling Road in Empire. Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, April 15, 2006
 A stream south from Wallpack Center, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 A creek south from Wallpack Center, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 Sycamores on Battle Road, view from Olden Lane. Princeton, New Jersey, April 27, 2007
 Blue Trail in Six Mile Run Reservoir, approaching Blackwell Mills Road. Somerset, New Jersey, April 29, 2007
 A towpath of Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park west from Mapleton Road. Kingston, New Jersey, April 20, 2007
 A grotto in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park west from Mapleton Road. Kingston, New Jersey, April 20, 2007
 A blooming tree in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park near Washington Road crossing. Princeton, New Jersey, April 20, 2007
 Morning mist on boulder field near Stuart Road entrance of John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
 Blue panicgrass (Panicum antidotale) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Bladderdock (Rumex vesicarius, local name homeid) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Flowers of bladderdock (Rumex vesicarius, local name homeid) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Jefferson(?) Road in snow. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A house at 89 Battle Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 Sycamore alley on Battle Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A house at 91 Battle Road in snow. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A house at 99 Jefferson Road in snow. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A brick house on Hodge Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A white house at 37 Hodge Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 A house at Jefferson Road in snow. Princeton, New Jersey, March 7, 2007
 Walpack Valley, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 A road in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. Kingston, New Jersey, May 7, 2007
 Fire road on the top of Mount Tammany. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 31, 2007
 A small creek near Mountain Road in Delaware Water Gap. New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 View to the south from south side of Mountain Lakes in John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
 Rowing in Carnegie Lake, view from Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 2, 2007
 Lake Carnegie, view from Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, February 4, 2007
 Stony Brook Meeting House near Quaker Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 29, 2007
 Frozen Buttermilk Falls on Mountain Road in Delaware Water Gap. New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 A farm in Walpack Valley, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 A road in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, north from Griggstown. New Jersey, May 11, 2007
 Dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 Flower of dishrag gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca, Luffa cylindrica) near Zubara exit of Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, April 3, 2014
 A waterfall of a creek flowing from Sunfish Pond, near Mine Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 Lake Carnegie at sunset, view from Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, February 4, 2007
 Parade Ground and barracks, view from Guardian Park road. Sandy Hook, New Jersey, March 11, 2007
 Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park east from Washington Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 13, 2007
 A farm west from Hidden Falls, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 A path in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 3, 2007
 A lock of Millstone River south from Griggsown. New Jersey, April 11, 2007
 A balcony of a barrack at Magruder Road in Fort Hancock Historic District. Sandy Hook, New Jersey, February 11, 2007
 Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath near Lake Carnegie, west from Washington Road. Princeton, New Jersey, March 2, 2007
 Sprouting poison ivy, in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 3, 2007
 A deer on Linear Park Trail (former railroad) in Cook Natural Area, near Ridge Road. Kingston, New Jersey, May 11, 2007
 Carnegie Lake near Faculty Road, view from Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. Kingston, New Jersey, May 5, 2007
 Middle Bayou from Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 A lock of Millstone River south from Griggsown after a rain. New Jersey, April 15, 2007
 Details of the mud texture in Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 Animal tracks on the mud of Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station. Texas, July 19, 2009
 Dry landscape with caked mud of Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 A cottage at Faculty Road on Lake Carnegie, view from Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. Princeton, New Jersey, May 5, 2007
 A maple branch on a path in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 3, 2007
 A house in north part of Fort Hancock Historic District, view from Kearney Road. Sandy Hook, New Jersey, March 11, 2007
 A snake on a trail south from Mountain Lakes in John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
 Concrete remains south from Mountain Lakes in John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 27, 2007
 Nodding waxy flower of May apple (mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum) in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, near Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 3, 2007
 Roadside of Road 2562 near crossing with Road 217, south from Roans Prairie. Texas, April 4, 2010.
 Ranch road in bluebonnets at rain, view from Road 1155, south from Washington. Texas, April 18, 2009
 Wildflowers on a roadside of Road 2562 near crossing with Road 217, south from Roans Prairie. Texas, April 4, 2010.
 Ranch road with bluebonnet wildflowers at rain, view from Road 1155, south from Washington. Texas, April 18, 2009
 Red dirt ranch road with bluebonnets (lupine), view from Road 308 south-east from Llano. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 19th century tomb of Pecan Cemetery at Road 71 with bluebonnets (lupine), view from Road 308 south from Marble Falls. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station. Because of dry spell and hot weather, water level dropped revealing caked mud and bare iron bridges at the bottom of the bayou. Texas, July 19, 2009
 Small fish on a road after a recent flooding in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, June 6, 2019
 Cars damaged by flooding and fire near Road 300 in Delacroix, Saint Bernard Parish. East from New Orleans, Louisiana, May 26, 2006
 Abandoned grocery store at a corner of Road 594 (Iron Bridge Road) and Harge Road south-west from Somerville. Texas, November 12, 2011
 Old gas station and a grocery store at a corner of Road 594 (Iron Bridge Road) and Harge Road south-west from Somerville. Texas, February 24, 2008
 Abandoned gas station and a grocery store at a corner of Road 594 (Iron Bridge Road) and Harge Road south-west from Somerville. Texas, March 15, 2009
 A fountain on Woodrow Wilson School Plaza and blooming magnolias south from Frick Lab, in Princeton University. Princeton, New Jersey, April 12, 2007
 Milton Cemetery South from Paige near Road 159. Texas, November 4, 2007
 Cow shed at road 1644 south from Calvert. Texas, December 8, 2007
 Junk cars, view from Road 50, near Airport Road. Brenham, Texas, June 2, 2007
 Oil rig, view from Ritchey Road near Rock Prairie Road. College Station, Texas, September 16, 2007
 Road junction south from Chicago, view from a plane. Illinois, August 7, 2007
 Ranch road in mist, view from Old Navasota Road, near Old Chappell Hill Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Oaks on Appalachian Trail south from Rattlesnake Mountain. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 Stones on Appalachian Trail south from Rattlesnake Mountain. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 Blooming oak on Appalachian Trail south from Rattlesnake Mountain. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, May 12, 2007
 Dunnfield Creek south from Sunfish Pond. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 31, 2007
 Texas thistle flowers near Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 2, 2007
 Texas thistle at a fence near Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 2, 2007
 A small waterfall of Dunnfield Creek south from Sunfish Pond. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 31, 2007
 The beach boardwalk, view to south-west from a mall overpass. Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 24, 2007
 A cottage at Road 56 south from Bayou Neuf Road, Terrebonne Parish. Louisiana, June 25, 2005
 A walk near Frick Lab at rain. Princeton, New Jersey, April 12, 2007
 A creek in Woodfield Reservation. Princeton, New Jersey, April 26, 2007
 A tree on northern tip of Sandy Hook. New Jersey, April 22, 2007