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581-17. Garlic mustard and cut leaf toothwort in background on Mount Rose Ridge Trail in Stony Brook Watershed park. Pennington, New Jersey, April 29, 2007

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Boulder field near Devil s Cave near northern entrance of John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
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Opening leaves of skunk cabbage near a creek near northern entrance of John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
Morning mist on boulder field near Stuart Road entrance of John Witherspoon Woods park. Princeton, New Jersey, April 28, 2007
A mill on Millstone Creek. Kingston, New Jersey, April 2, 2007
A creek in Woodfield Reservation. Princeton, New Jersey, April 26, 2007
A walk near Frick Lab at rain. Princeton, New Jersey, April 12, 2007

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