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589-19. Hairy Androsace (Androsace villosa) alpine flowers on Colony Baldy Mountain in Sangre de Cristo Mountains, with white pinwheel-like flowers having a yellow "eye" that turns pink with age and tiny basal tightly clustered leaves. Colorado, July 3, 2007

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Hairy Androsace and deer clover on Colony Baldy Mountain in Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Colorado, July 3, 2007
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Agaves and El Capitan Mountain from a trail in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Texas, December 27, 2007
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Cushion cactus and El Capitan Mountain from a trail in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Texas, December 27, 2007
Agave, cacti and El Capitan Mountain from a trail in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Texas, December 27, 2007
El Capitan Mountain (zoomed), view to the west in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Texas, December 27, 2007
Tiny yellow flowers of Hypericum(?) in Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, May 26, 2012
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