Irregularly shaped limestone formations along a passage of Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Bone-shaped limestone formations along a passage of Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Drapery and ripple-shaped patterns of travertine flowstone speleothems in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Passage in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Limestone formations in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Flowstone feature in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Limestone tunnel in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 A column and other speleothems in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Massive stalagmites in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Narrow passage in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Travertine speleothems along a passage in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Lions Tails hanging in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Stalactites and massive stalagmites in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Massive stalagmites in Hall of Giants of Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Columns in a small side alcove in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Huge stalagmite named "Rock of Ages" in Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 A narrow stalagmite with a large cluster of stalactites in the Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Stalactites and stalagmites in a small alcove along the side of Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Speleothems (including stalactites, stalagmites, a column, and helictites) in an alcove of the Big Room of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 "Natural entrance" to Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Pointed formations in caves of Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Serpentine path of "Natural entrance" to Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Fresh snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Plants in snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Ocotillo bush near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Agaves and cacti in snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Cholla cactus in snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Prickly pears cactus in snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Irregularly shaped beach rocks in Al Aaliya Island (Jazirat al Aliyah). Qatar, March 27, 2013
 Irregularly shaped desert truffles (faqah) in Omani Market. Doha, Qatar, February 17, 2012
 Irregularly shaped paintings of Ellsworth Kelly in San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. San Francisco, California, March 18, 2024
 George Ashby s Phillips 66 gas station at crossing of Hwy 285 and FM 652. Orla, New Mexico, December 25, 2007
 Jackie and Hall Olds (Hal Old) store, grocery and cafe at crossing of Hwy 285 and FM 652. Orla, New Mexico, December 25, 2007
 Irregularly shaped pores of pineapple bolete mushroom (Boletellus ananas) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville, Texas, July 7, 2018
 Irregularly shaped zoned tooth fungus (Hydnellum concrescens) on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, November 20, 2021
 A sign near Orla grocery near historical marker No. 3876 at crossing of Hwy 285 and FM 652. Orla, New Mexico, December 25, 2007
 Orla cafe served to feed workers in oil, gas, and sulphur fields, at crossing of Hwy 285 and FM 652. Orla, New Mexico, December 25, 2007
 Stalagmites in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Sinuous nature of hyphal cells and irregularly shaped hyphopodia of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 A hall in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 A cave in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 The Watchtower in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Stalagmites in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Stalactites in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 The King s Throne in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Pluto s Anteroom(?) in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Spacious hall in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Asci and ascospores (at low magnification) of Trichothyrium sp., a catathecioid hyperparasite of Meliolales, and hyphal cells and irregularly shaped hyphopodia of fungus Meliola martiniana (Setameliola martiniana) from a leaf of redbay tree (Persea borbonia), collected 2 days before in Little Thicket Nature Sanctuary near Cleveland. Texas, February 26, 2024
 Hall of the Mountain King(?) in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Spores (in KOH) of rounded earthstar mushrooms (Geastrum saccatum) collected in Sam Houston National Forest near Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 - Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico 8/30/97 (Dallas - a trip to New Mexico mountains, July 11 - August 30, 1997)
 Passages of Yu. B. Bak House at Kirochnaya Street. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 5, 2016
 A room in Museum of Fine Arts. Houston, Texas, June 17, 2007
 Glass passages and 5-storey window of Museum of Islamic Art. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2011
 Billiards room in Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 6, 2007
 Precious Room of Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 6, 2007
 Section of scallop squash (Patty Pan) both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from Farm Patch Produce Market in Bryan. Texas, October 9, 2024
 Glass passages and 5-storey window of Museum of Islamic Art at evening. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2011
 Red room in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Statue in Precious Room of Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 6, 2007
 A room in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Entrance of Majolica Room in Hermitage museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 14, 2007
 Mirror in Precious Room of Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 6, 2007
 Room in Pavlovsky Palace. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 29, 2007
 Gold Drawing-room in Hermitage museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 14, 2007
 Scallop squash (Patty Pan) when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight from Farm Patch Produce Market in Bryan. Texas, October 9, 2024
 Passages of King s(?) Tower in Shlisselburg Fortress. Orekhovy Island, Leningradskaya Region, Russia, July 27, 2012
 Room corner in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Dining room in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Green room in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Living room in Pavlovsky Palace. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 29, 2007
 Room with portraits in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Decorated room in Grand Palace. Peterhof, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 31, 2007
 Red living room in Pavlovsky Palace. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 29, 2007
 Skeletal remains of a pier that used to hold Balinese Room, a nightclub and a former dancing hall and an illegal casino at 2108 Seawall Boulevard that extended 600 feet from Seawall Boulevard at 21st Street into the Gulf of Mexico and that was washed away by hurricane Ike. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Entrance of Tukish Room from Mauritanian Parlor in Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 6, 2007
 Room in Alexander Palace. Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin), suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 2, 2007
 Reading room in Alexander Palace. Tsarskoe Selo (Pushkin), suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 2, 2007
 Rounded earthstar mushrooms (Geastrum saccatum) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, December 2, 2023
 Reconstruction of Soviet style boiler-room (kotelnaya) in Museum of Political History (Kshesinskaya Mansion). Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 25, 2007
 Pear-shaped puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme) shaped like pointed eggs on a birch tree near Lisiy Nos, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 23, 2016
 Billiard Room (Turkish Room) of Yusupov Palace. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 8, 2009
 Shell shaped tomb of Johnnie at Rice Cemetery at Road 241 near Cameron. Texas, December 1, 2012
 Marble tombstone shaped as a tree trunk in Bryant Station Cemetery near Buckholts. Texas, December 1, 2012
 Rounded building of Education City Mosque. Doha, Qatar, June 29, 2016
 Irregularly grown leaves of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) on Road FS 203 near on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, March 30, 2024
 Funnel-shaped mushrooms Singerocybe adirondackensis(?) or may be Clitocybe in Hensel Park. College Station, Texas, December 31, 2017
 Old pear-shaped puffball mushrooms (Lycoperdon pyriforme) in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 31, 2016
 Rounded building of Education City Mosque from the ground floor. Doha, Qatar, June 29, 2016
 A room in Grand Palace in Peterhof. Near Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 22, 2005
 A living room in Gatchina Palace near Saint Petersburg. Russia, December 23, 2005