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627-07. Pink flowers of stonecrop (Sedum cauticola, Hylotelephium cauticola) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 4, 2008

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Yellow flowers of stonecrop (Sedum) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 17, 2009
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Bush Morning Glory (Ipomoea carnea, pink form) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2008
Pink flowers of milfoil (millefolium) in dew in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, November 18, 2009
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Garlic flowers in dew in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 22, 2008
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Asphodel flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 1, 2008
Yellow flowers of gourd in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 7, 2008
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Red flowers of Jatropha integerrima (peregrina) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 7, 2008
Blue linum (flax) flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 31, 2008
Buds of Bubba desert willow flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2008
Flowers of Dipladenia sanderi (Mandevilla) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 22, 2008
Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2008
Pink milfoil (Achillea millefolium, yarrow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 9, 2010
Pink milfoil (Achillea millefolium, yarrow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 28, 2009
Pink milfoil (Achillea millefolium, yarrow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 26, 2010
Blue flowers of Stachytarpheta sp. (Porterweed, Brazilian Tea) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 31, 2008
Lawn aster flowers with melting hoar in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 28, 2008
Flame Acanthus (Anisacanthus quadrifidus) flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 7, 2008
Flowers of Caesalpinia pulcherrima (red bird of paradise) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2008
Yellow flowers of Heteropterys (Heteropteris) angustifolia in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 7, 2008
Red flowers of Russelia sarmentosa (Leafy Coral Blow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 28, 2008
Bubba desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) flowers in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2008
Red tassel flowers (Emilia javanica, Cacalia coccinea) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 10, 2008
Small blue flowers of Stachytarpheta sp. (Porterweed, Brazilian Tea) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 24, 2008
Small red flowers of Scarlet bourvardia (Trumpetilla, Bouvardia ternifolia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 28, 2008
Small blue flowers of Stachytarpheta (Porterweed, Brazilian Tea) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 17, 2008
Red flowers of Russelia sarmentosa (Leafy Coral Blow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 20, 2008
Pink flowers of Crape myrtle (Crepe-myrtle, Lagerstroemia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 11, 2009
Pink flowers of velvet pod mimosa (Mimosa dysocarpa, gatuno) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 27, 2009
Red powder puff flowers of Fairy Duster (Calliandra californica) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 20, 2008
Small yellow flowers of Helichrysum italicum (strawflower, immortelle) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 18, 2008
Blue trumpet flowers of Iochroma warscewiczii (Purple bells) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 7, 2008
Cylindrical cluster of white flowers of pickerel weed (Pontederia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, June 7, 2008
Small red tassel flowers (Emilia javanica, Cacalia coccinea) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 10, 2008
Flowers of Black flamingo (sunset bells, Chrysothemis pulchella) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 7, 2008
Red tassel flowers (Emilia javanica, Cacalia coccinea) near a parking lot of TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 28, 2008
Flat-topped cluster of pinkish flowers of milfoil (Achillea millefolium, yarrow) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 28, 2008
Orange flowers of Black flamingo (sunset bells, Chrysothemis pulchella) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 24, 2008
Large yellow flowers of Hooker s evening primrose (Oenothera hookeri) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 26, 2008
Buds of orange flowers of Leonotis nepetaefolia (Cordao, klip dagga) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 28, 2008
Close-up of yellow flowers of Hooker s evening primrose (Oenothera hookeri) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, September 5, 2008
Orange flowers of Chrysothemis pulchella (Black flamingo, sunset bells) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 1, 2008
Lace cactus in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 14, 2008
Yellow skullcap-like flower in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 20, 2008

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