Flowers of Christmas cholla cactus (Tasajillo, Opuntia leptocaulis) in a ranch at 7278 Batts Ferry Road. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
 Fruits of Christmas cholla cactus (Tasajillo, Opuntia leptocaulis) in a ranch at 7278 Batts Ferry Road. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
 Blooming Christmas cholla cactus (Tasajillo, Opuntia leptocaulis) in a ranch at 7278 Batts Ferry Road. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
 Flower of Christmas cholla cactus (Tasajillo, Opuntia leptocaulis) in a ranch at 7278 Batts Ferry Road. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
 Flower and fruits of Christmas cholla cactus (Tasajillo, Opuntia leptocaulis) in a ranch at 7278 Batts Ferry Road. College Station, Texas, August 1, 2014
 Christmas cactus (Tasajillo, Cylindropuntia leptocaulis) on a fence at Road 322 south from Milano. Texas, December 1, 2012
 Creek and a cypress in McKinney Falls State Park, near Upper falls. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Rock-shield lichen Xanthoparmelia and a broken limb of Christmas cactus (Tasajillo, Cylindropuntia leptocaulis) in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Indian mallow (Abutilon fruticosa) near a parking of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Texas aster with variegated fritillary(?) butterfly near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Mustard flowers in grist mill in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Palafoxia callosa near Onion Creek in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Dwarf yellow butterfly (Dainty Sulphur, Nathalis iole) on Texas aster near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 "Porcupine egg" of cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) near Onion Creek in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Texas aster (Aster texanus) near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Tetrameric flower of water-primrose willowherb (Ludwigia) near Onion Creek in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Small green flowers of pigeon-berry (Rivina humilis, rouge-plant) in a forest near Onion Creek in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Small red berries of pigeon-berry (Rivina humilis, rouge-plant, baby peppers) in a forest near Onion Creek in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Dwarf rosette lichen Physcia neogaea on a dry pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Onion Creek near Lower McKinney Falls. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 - Caprock Canyons 11/2/97 - Tasajillo (Christmas cactus) (Caprock Canyons State Park - Dallas, November 2 - 8, 1997)
 Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Blooming cherry like tree in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, March 7, 2009
 Blue curls (Fiddleneck, Phacelia congesta) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Water speedwell (Veronica anagalis-aquatica) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Flowers of Blue curls (Fiddleneck, Phacelia congesta) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Green false nightshade (Chamaesaracha coronopus) near a parking lot in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Mature seed head of curly dock (Rumex) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Rice stink bug nymph (Oebalus pugnax) on bluestem grass in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Paper-spined cholla cactus (Opuntia articulata) in Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Humble (Houston area), Texas, July 18, 2014
 Paper-spined cholla cactus (Opuntia articulata) in Mercer Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. Humble (Houston area), Texas, July 20, 2013
 Orange flowers of Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) on Savanna Meadow Trail in Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. Austin, Texas, May 10, 2009
 Yellow flowers of Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) on Savanna Meadow Trail in Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. Austin, Texas, May 10, 2009
 Dwarf rosette lichen Physcia neogaea on a dry pad of prickly pear cactus in prairie in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Slender orange-bush lichen (Teloschistes exilis) together with Parmotrema and Physcia on an old pad of prickly pear cactus in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Yellow and orange flowers of Engelmann prickly pear cactus (Opuntia phaeacantha var. discata) on Savanna Meadow Trail in Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. Austin, Texas, May 10, 2009
 Nymphs of cactus bug Chelinidea vittiger feeding on prickly pear cactus (discolored areas of opuntia is the result of punctures) in TAMU Holistic Garden in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 11, 2008
 Redeye prickly pear cactus (Engelmann prickly pear, Opuntia phaeacantha var. discata) on Savanna Meadow Trail in Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. Austin, Texas, May 10, 2009
 Fruit of cholla cactus (cylindropuntia) on Blue Creek Trail. Big Bend National Park, November 29, 2009
 Coreid bugs Chelinidea vittiger (adult with feeding nymph) on a pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 7, 2008
 Cane Cholla cactus and Southeast Rim, view from east part of Dodson Trail. Big Bend National Park, Texas, November 23, 2007
 Sprout of prickly pears cactus (opuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2008
 Lake below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Emerging sprout (new pad) of prickly pears cactus (opuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, May 6, 2008
 Pad of pricly pears (opuntia) cactus with snow in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, December 10, 2008
 Cypress Pool below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Bend of Colorado River from Bluff Trail Loop in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 View of Colorado River from Bluff Trail Loop in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Top view of young pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 29, 2024
 Close-up of young pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 29, 2024
 Young pads of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) on a trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, March 29, 2024
 El Capitan Mountain with cholla cactus in foreground, view from upper Roadside Park. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Flower buds on a pad of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
 Steep descent to Colorado River from Bluff Trail Loop in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Green flower buds of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, April 15, 2023
 Nymphs of cactus bug Chelinidea vittiger feeding on Opuntia cactus in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 11, 2021
 Tasajillo (Cylindropuntia) cactus taken from a fence at Road 322 south from Milano. College Station, Texas, December 2, 2012
 Cholla cactus (cylindropuntia) in Antique Rose Emporium. Independence, Texas, August 15, 2009
 Yellow flower of pricly pear cactus (Opuntia) on Closed Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 4, 2024
 Cholla cactus in snow near a road between White s City and Carlsbad Caverns. New Mexico, December 26, 2007
 Leaf of poison ivy in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Young leaves of oak in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Lower Falls in Taughannock Falls State Park. Ithaca, New York, October 11, 2005
 Blooming prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 7, 2023
 Yellow flower of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, May 7, 2023
 Prickly peas (Opuntia cactus) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 25, 2014
 Young leaves of Virginia creeper in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Tender leaves of Virginia creeper in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Skeleton of a dry pad of prickly pears cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 1, 2020
 Pads of prickly peas cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 25, 2018
 Dry pad skeleton of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 17, 2022
 Skeleton of a dry pad of prickly pears cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 1, 2024
 Dry pad skeleton of prickly pears cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 13, 2020
 Dry skeleton of prickly peas cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 22, 2022
 Blooming prickly pears cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 30, 2011
 Violet spiderwort (Tradescantia gigantea(?)) flowers in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Gold dust lichen (Chrysothrix xanthina) in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Violet flowers of spiderwort (Tradescantia gigantea(?)) in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Vegetative shoot of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 17, 2022
 Purplish pads of a prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 28, 2023
 Rusty pads of prickly peas cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 22, 2022
 Texture of a pad skeleton of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 17, 2022
 Yellow flowers of Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in dew in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 19, 2012
 Texture of a pad skeleton of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 1, 2024
 Prickly peas cactus (Opuntia) with yellow Senecio(?) flowers in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 25, 2018
 Close-up of pore lichen (Pertusaria) on a juniper branch in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Medallion lichen Dirinaria confusa on a juniper tree in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Fringed puccoon (Narrowleaf gromwell, Lithospermum incisum) in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Pore lichen (Pertusaria) with apothecia on a juniper branch in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Pore lichen (Pertusaria) on bark of a juniper branch in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Copper-colored young leaves of Virginia creeper in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Prickly peas (Opuntia) cactus in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 18, 2018
 Blooming cholla cactus(cylindropuntia) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 26, 2012
 Close-up of purple spots on pads of a prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, January 28, 2023
 White fringe lichen (Heterodermia albicans) on a tree (may be juniper) in McKinney Roughs Nature Park near Austin. Texas, March 17, 2021
 Flower of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia engelmanii(?)) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 4, 2020
 Yellow flower of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 7, 2020
 Blooming prickly pear cactus (Opuntia engelmanii(?)) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 4, 2020
 Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) in Dahl Al Hamam Park at Al Markhiya Street. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2016