Bull No. 13 with trimmed horns on Lynn Street. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Old bull No. 484 with cut horns on Lynn Street. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Young bulls on Lynn Street. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Showy evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) and a rusty vintage car on Lynn Street. Richards, Texas, April 16, 2022
 Trees trimmed by floodings in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Cluster of achenes of Bur-marigold (Beggar-ticks, Bidens), with barbed awns, in Sam Houston National Forest, on Little Lake Creek Loop Trail. Richards, Texas, October 4, 2008
 Fence and flowers at Clarinn Street. East from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Barbed wire in bamboo forest on Kiwanis Nature Trail. College Station, Texas, November 15, 2017
 Flower of green milkweed (Antelope horns, asclepias viridis) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 5, 2008
 Blooming bell weed (Ruellia prostrata) in a mat of trimmed Sesuvium plants on a lawn at Al Bidda Street near crossing with Al Adaid in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 28, 2015
 Antelope horns (asclepias viridis) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 10, 2008
 Beach morning glory (railroad vine, Ipomoea pes-caprae) on a concrete fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, November 27, 2014
 Yellow flower of cottonwood hibiscus (sea rosemallow, Hibiscus tilliaceus) from a trimmed tree in Dahl Al Hamam Park at Al Markhiya Street. Doha, Qatar, April 12, 2016
 Green milkweed (Antelope horns, asclepias viridis) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, June 14, 2008
 Antelope horns milkweed (Asclepias viridis) in Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site, near Loop trail. Washington, Texas, March 30, 2008
 Blooming beach morning glory (railroad vine, Ipomoea pes-caprae) on a concrete fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, November 27, 2014
 Flower of beach morning glory (railroad vine, Ipomoea pes-caprae) on a concrete fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, November 27, 2014
 Closed flowers of Antelope horns milkweed with a hairy seed in Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site, near Loop trail. Washington, Texas, March 30, 2008
 Opening flower of Antelope horns milkweed (Asclepias viridis) in Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site, near Loop trail. Washington, Texas, March 30, 2008
 Green milkweed (Antelope horns, asclepias viridis) near Loop Trail in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 12, 2008
 Sealey Street near 18th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Isaac Heffron house (1899), now "Victorian Inn" at 511 17th Street, near Postoffice Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Landes-McDonough house (1887-8) at 1602 Postoffice Street, a corner of 16th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 West-Lucas House on Sealey Street near 12th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Mather House (1887) on Winnie Street near 19th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Bull nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Turret of Gustave Heye house (c. 1880) at 1226 Postoffice Street, a corner of 13th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 George Fox House at 1402 Ball Street, a corner of 14th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Lemuel C. Burr house (1876) at 1228 Sealy Street near 13th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Beissner House (1887) at 1702 Ball Street, a corner of 17th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Wooden fence in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 29, 2008
 Julius H. Ruhl House (c. 1874) at 1428 Sealy Street, a corner of 15th Street, in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Field of flowers and broken fence in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 29, 2008
 Antique shops on central street (Road 149). Richards, Texas, January 26, 2008
 First Presbyterian Church (1872-89) at 1903 Church Street, a corner of 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Bull nettle flowers with a caterpillar(?) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 18, 2008
 Barn on Forest Ranch Lane, view from Road 149, west from Richards. Texas, November 1, 2008
 Bull nettle (Mala mujer, Cnidoscolus texanus) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 18, 2008
 Houses at 1808 Postoffice Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Bull nettle (mala mujer, Cnidoscolus texanus) flowers in Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site. Washington, Texas, March 30, 2008
 Bull nettle (mala mujer, Cnidoscolus texanus) flowers in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 31, 2008
 Bull nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 21, 2024
 White fence of a ranch at Old Independence Road. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
 Sealey Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Palace Theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Model of a train on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Green lynx spider on bull nettle (mala mujer) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 12, 2008
 Green lynx spider on bull nettle near Loop Trail in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, July 12, 2008
 White fence of Guzman Ranch at Old Independence Road. Independence, Texas, September 21, 2008
 White fence of Guzman Ranch at Old Independence Road. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
 Cow staring behind a fence at Old Independence Road, near Prairie Hill. Between Independence and Brenham, Texas, September 21, 2008
 Blooming bull thistle (Cirsium horridulum) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 9, 2022
 Top view of Bull thistle (Cirsium horridulum) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 9, 2022
 Fence of Triple T Ranch and bluebonnet flowers, view from Old Chappell Hill Road, near Pulawski School Lane. East from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Bull nettle (mala mujer, Cnidoscolus texanus) armed with stinging hairs in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 31, 2008
 Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Fence with roadside wildflowers at Dannheim(?) Road, east from Christmas Road. West from Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 Bull nettle (Mala mujer, Cnidoscolus texanus) flower with immature katydid in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, April 27, 2008
 Toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica) on a fence of Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalid Bin Hamad Al-Thani Palace at Al Rayyan Al Jadeed Street, near Huwar Street (Al Attiya) Roundabout. Doha, Qatar, October 18, 2015
 Entrance of Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Toothbrush tree (Salvadora persica) hanging from a fence of Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalid Bin Hamad Al-Thani Palace at Al Rayyan Al Jadeed Street, near Huwar Street (Al Attiya) Roundabout. Doha, Qatar, October 18, 2015
 Fence with roadside bluebonnet flowers at 1505 Dannheim Road, east from Christmas Road. West from Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 Sculpture in front of Carnegie public library on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Cornstalk Fence Hotel at 915 Royal Street. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 13, 2005.
 Spires of Saint Mary s Cathedral Basilica (1847) at 2011 Church Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Sonnentheil House (1886-7) at 1826 Sealy Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Knees of bald cypress trees trimmed by a mower on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2024
 Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella, firewheel) on roadside of Road 217, near Road 2562. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Old stone fence at Al Jassasiya Street in Musheirib neighborhood. Doha, Qatar, December 25, 2015
 A mysterious iron fence on Madison Street in French Quarter. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 28, 2006
 Cat sitting on stone fence on Al Sham Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, August 22, 2014
 Double fence around a mansion at 11 Morskaya Street in Komarovo, near Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 17, 2021
 Round veranda of Bishop s Palace (1886-93) at 1402 Broadway Avenue, near 14th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Joel B. Wolfe house (c. 1894) at 1602 Ball Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Mrs. Jetta Davis house (1887) at 1712 Winnie Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Yellow thistle (Bull thistle, Cirsium horridulum) on Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, April 13, 2024
 Seedpod of Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella, firewheel) on roadside of Road 217, near Road 2562. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Texture of a knee of bald cypress tree trimmed by a mower on a lawn in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 22, 2024
 Kibbutz Qetura (behind five lines of barbed wire), view from Arava Road 90. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
 Oak sprouts trimmed by animals in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, December 17, 2011
 Paperflower (Bougainvillea glabra) on a fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 22, 2014
 Cast iron fence on Petrovskaya Street in Kronstadt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, January 3, 2016
 Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) near a fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 22, 2014
 Birch growing on a stone fence at Storozhevoy Bashni Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
 Cornstalk Fence Hotel at 915 Royal Street in French Quarter in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13, 2006
 Texas thistle at a fence at Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 1, 2008
 Street performance at Texas Renaissance Festival. Plantersville, Texas, November 23, 2008
 Dressed actor on a street at Texas Renaissance Festival. Plantersville, Texas, November 23, 2008
 Street vendor with bagels at Texas Renaissance Festival. Plantersville, Texas, November 23, 2008
 Onlookers at a street performance at Texas Renaissance Festival. Plantersville, Texas, November 23, 2008
 Spectators at a street performance at Texas Renaissance Festival. Plantersville, Texas, November 23, 2008
 Yellow trumpetbush (Tecoma stans) on a fence on Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 22, 2014
 A courtyard of Cornstalk Fence Hotel at 915 Royal Street in French Quarter. New Orleans, Louisiana, April 23, 2006
 A sofa floated to a fence near Reynes Street in Lower Ninth Ward. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 22, 2006
 Cast iron fence of a garden on Petrovskaya Street in Kronstadt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, January 3, 2016
 Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia) butterfly on Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) on roadside of Road 217, near Road 2562. Richards, Texas, November 1, 2008
 Broken electric wires and a fence near Roffignac Street in Lower Ninth Ward. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 23, 2006
 Inscription "The bourgeois don t rule" on a fence of Sever shopping center at Batareynaya Street. Vyborg, Russia, August 5, 2024
 Colonel Short s Villa, with cornstalk fence, at 1448 Fourth Street in Garden District. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 30, 2005