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785-08. Unicorn plant (devil s claw, Proboscidea loisianica) on roadside of Road 364, north from Little River. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009

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Flower of Unicorn plant (devil s claw, Proboscidea loisianica) on roadside of Road 364, north from Little River. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
Large flower of Unicorn plant (devil s claw, Proboscidea loisianica) on roadside of Road 364, north from Little River, with purplish dots and yellow stripes in the throat. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Unicorn plant (devil s claw, Proboscidea loisianica) on roadside of County Road 264 in Branchville, Milam County. Texas, July 24, 2022
Silver-leaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) on roadside of Road 364, north from Little River. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
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Cottony 5-lobed tubular flowers in a dense spike-like cluster of Snake cotton (Froelichia) taken from roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
Mint like plant on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
Brownish claw shaped seed pod of Goat s beard plant (Koelpinia linearis) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Top of Sugarloaf Mountain, with view Road 364 to the north. Gause, Texas, May 17, 2009
Sunflower on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
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Sunflower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
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Lazy daisy (Aphanostephus skirrhobasis) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
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Snake cotton (Froelichia) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
Close-up of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Mirabilis (Four-O clock family) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
Flower of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
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Flowers of Mirabilis (Four-O clock family) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
Close-up of flower of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Sandburs spikelet (Cenchrus spinifex) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
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Sand palafox (Palafoxia hookeriana) flower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Flower of Palafoxia hookeriana (sand palafox) in dew on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
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Flower of white prickly poppy (Argemone albiflora) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
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Flowers with papery sheath of Parks jointweed (Polygonella parksii) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
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Snake cotton (Froelichia) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain, with cottony 5-lobed tubular flowers in a dense spike-like cluster. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Branching sprays of white flowers of wild buckwheat (Yerba colorado, Eriogonum annuum(?)) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
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Flowering plant of Pulicaria guestii in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Plant of Pulicaria guestii in bloom in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
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Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii in roadside silty depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Plant of Pulicaria guestii with yellow flowers in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Plant of Pulicaria guestii growing over Corchorus in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Small plant of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera, local name ashkhar) on roadside of a road to Al Dhabiya on north-western coast, Ash Shamal area. Qatar, June 17, 2016
Plant of Pulicaria guestii with flowers, view from above, in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
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Greater toothed cup fungus (Tarzetta catinus) on roadside in a forest near Okhta River in Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 1, 2017
View of Little River from old railroad bridge at CR 264 near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
Greater toothed cup fungus (Tarzetta catinus) on sandy roadside in a forest near Okhta River in Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 1, 2017
Plant of Pulicaria guestii grown under Ziziphus bushes eaten by brown caterpillars in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii with Ziziphus nummularia eaten by caterpillars in background in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Sugarloaf Mountain, view from Road 364. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
Salt tolerant plant of Salsola drummondii on roadside of Dukhan Road. Qatar, October 31, 2015
Crosses of a roadside memorial on Road 105 between Plantersville and Montgomery. Texas, April 5, 2009
Almost dry plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
Dry plant of Cornulaca aucheri on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, July 11, 2015
Large plant of Salsola drummondii on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
Desert plant Picris cyanocarpa(?) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Young plant of Salsola drummondii on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
Salt tolerant plant of Salsola drummondii in windblown sand on roadside of Dukhan Road. Qatar, October 31, 2015
Young plant of Cocculus pendulus climbing on a fence on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Purplish plant of Anabasis setifera on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
Plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
Plant of Salsola cyclophylla on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, July 11, 2015
Young plant of common tumbleweed (Amaranthus albus) on roadside of Salwa Road near Mukaynis. Qatar, November 27, 2015
Seeds of a plant of sunflower family on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Al Magdah farms in northern Qatar, May 2, 2014
Large plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
Plant of Cocculus pendulus (local names khuneigh, gurdhi) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Shoot of Eyelash Plant (Blepharis ciliaris) on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Eyelash Plant (Blepharis ciliaris) with flowers on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Plant of Bienertia cycloptera in a roadside gully of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, November 27, 2015
Plant of Fagonia ovalifolia(?) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Dry Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
Dry curved branches with seeds of Virgin s Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica) on roadside of Dukhan Road. Shahaniya, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Seedling of a salt tolerant plant Anabasis setifera on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
Creeping plant of Corchorus depressus in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
Eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) on a roadside of a road to Al Numan. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
Pink young plant of Bienertia cycloptera taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
Plant of Salsola cyclophylla in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Half dry salt tolerant plant of Bienertia cycloptera on roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, October 16, 2015
Roadside field of bluebonnets and a white fence on Road 390 (William Penn) east from Independence. Texas, March 15, 2009
Yellow fruit on a plant of wild gourd (Cucumis prophetarum) on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Young plant of Salsola drummondii in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
Virgin s Hand plant (Anastatica hierochuntica local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) in a roadside depression near Salwa Road. Qatar, April 22, 2016
Seedling of eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015

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