Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir) sinkhole in south central area. Qatar, February 19, 2010
 Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir sinkhole) from its bottom in Umm Al Shabrum south-west from Doha. Qatar, February 27, 2015
 Texture of Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir sinkhole) in Umm Al Shabrum south-west from Doha. Qatar, February 27, 2015
 Karst feature in Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir sinkhole) in Umm Al Shabrum south-west from Doha. Qatar, February 27, 2015
 Light beam in Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir sinkhole) in Umm Al Shabrum south-west from Doha. Qatar, February 27, 2015
 Morning beam of light in Cave of Brightness (Musfer Cavern, Dahl Al Misfir sinkhole) in Umm Al Shabrum south-west from Doha. Qatar, February 27, 2015
 Thorn Acacia (Acacia ehrenbergiana, local name Salam) trimmed by grazing camels in desert near Cave of Brightness in south central area. Qatar, February 19, 2010
 Interior of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 17, 2010
 A cave in Dahl Al Hamam Park at Al Markhiya Street. Doha, Qatar, March 16, 2016
 A cave in Northern Cavern in Natural Bridge Caverns. San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2007
 Remnants the Qatar TV production in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Stone huts on limestone cliffs (remnants the Qatar TV production) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Limestone cliffs with fossils on Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Mysterious clay balls on a beach of Ras Abrouq in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Cut-leaved Storkbill (Erodium laciniatum, Hanbaz, qarnwah) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Stone hut nestling on a limestone hill remained from television production in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Stone hut nestling under a limestone cliff remained from television production in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Group of circular stone huts in a ravine encircled by a horseshoe of steep limestone cliffs (remnants the Qatar TV production) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 False sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana, local name Hawzan or mureer, Hawdhan) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Stone huts nestling on limestone cliffs remained from television production in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Narrow-leaved asphodel (Asphodelus tenuifolius, local name Bwraq or barwaq) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 White berries on a desert bush Ochradenus baccatus (Pearl Plant, Taily Weed, local name Gurdhi or qurDi) in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 Interior of a small granite cave near Vyborg. Russia, July 20, 2024
 Film City, a mini-town film set for a television series "Eial al Deeb: The Suns of the Volf" in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) from south in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Cave deposits in Cathedral Cave in Onondaga Cave State Park. Leasburg, Missouri, September 24, 2005
 Barracuda on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Film City, conglomerate of traditional Gulf architecture (houses, minaretts, wind towers and enclosed courtyards), built for a television production in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet. Qatar, February 13, 2010
 View from a window to the south from TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 17, 2010
 Underground parking south from TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 4, 2010
 View to the south from a window of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus at evening. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2010
 Underground parking south from TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus at evening. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2010
 Vendor arranging fishes on a stall for sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Parrotfish (Gain, Chlorurus sordidus) on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Brown spotted grouper (Hamour, Epinephelus tauvina) in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 A vendor with fish in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Box of barracuda fish on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Sale team with King Fish in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Boxes with hammour fish on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Group of workers cleaning fish in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Vendor refreshing mackerel(?) fish in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Large masses of hammour and snapper(?) fish in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Dorab wolf-herring (Huff, Chirocentrus dorab) for sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Central hub of a desert plant Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 The most popular fish Hammour (Brown spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina) on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Vendor with large hammour fish (Brown spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina) on sale in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Vendor with King Fish (Seer Fish, Streaked Spanish Mackerel(?)) in Central Fish Market. Doha, Qatar, February 29, 2010
 Fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 TAMUQ Main Lecture Hall 238 (Texas A and M University at Qatar) from south in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2010
 In Cathedral Cave in Onondaga Cave State Park. Leasburg, Missouri, September 24, 2005
 Cathedral Cave in Onondaga Cave State Park. Leasburg, Missouri, September 24, 2005
 Beached dhow boats in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Reconstructed historical village in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Central statue of Apollo, a Greek and Roman god on Twelve Paths (Dvenadtsat Dorozhek) in Old Sylvia in Pavlovsk Park, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 23, 2010
 TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) from south in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, January 27, 2010
 Beached dhow fishing boat in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Beached fishing boats at sunrise in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Beached dhow boat at morning dusk in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Hull of beached dhow boat at sunrise in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Round Sole (flounder) in fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Beached dhow fishing boat at morning dusk in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 8, 2010
 Central area of flower of dogwood (Cornus florida) in Huntsville State Park on Chinquapin Trail. Texas, April 3, 2010.
 Interior of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City. Doha, Qatar, March 2, 2011
 A statue at Columbus Circle at south-west gate of Central Park. New York City, February 25, 2007
 Members of the Qatar Natural History Group (QNHG) exploring area of gypsum crystal pavement (selenite) during fossil trip in area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
 West entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus in fog. Doha, Qatar, February 24, 2010
 West entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2010
 Interior Ministry(?) and Al Bidda Tower in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, February 1, 2012
 Interior Ministry(?) and GOIC Office in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, February 1, 2012
 Doorway in area of Al Nuha Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Architecture of west entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2010
 Palms at west entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 4, 2010
 Entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) from west in Education City campus at evening. Doha, Qatar, February 28, 2010
 Rows of fish in fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Snapper(?) fish in fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Fish basket with hamoor on ice in fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Courtyard and mosque in area of Barzan Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Al Khair Supermarket in area of Al Asmakh Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Parked cars in area of Al Maymoun Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Architectural detail of west entrance of TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2010
 Minister of Interior(?) near Corniche, West Bay area. Doha, Qatar, March 2, 2013
 Interior of a modern car on motor show in National Convention Centre. Doha, Qatar, February 25, 2014
 Saddleback Grouper (Najil) fish for sale in fish market in Al Wakra, south from Doha. Qatar, February 5, 2010
 Breezeway (covered passageway) in area of Barzan Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Bicycle at an apartment door in area of Al Asmakh Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Soft drink bottles in area of Salala Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Rusted iron door in area of Salala Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Apartment for rent "RooM RANT" in area of Al Jassasiya Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Waheed Accessories in Souq (market) area in Central Manama. Bahrain, February 10, 2015
 Narrow street in Souq (market) area in Central Manama. Bahrain, February 10, 2015
 TAMUQ research area (Texas A and M University at Qatar) from south in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, February 8, 2012
 A pray "God grant me the serenity to accept the things..." on a gate in area of South Galvez Street in Central City neighborhood. New Orleans, Louisiana, March 28, 2006
 Interior of Andreevsky Cathedral on Vasilievsky Island in Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 29, 2010
 Interior of a mausoleum in Novodevichye Cemetery at Moskovskiy Prospekt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2010
 Interior of Kazanskaya Church of Voskresenskiy Novodevichiy Monastery. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2010
 Area of Jebel Al-Nakhsh in south-western Qatar, February 7, 2014
 Red interior of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015
 Bush of Leptadenia pyrotechnica in Traina Sinkhole (karst depression) AOI 2 north-west of Khor Al Adaid. Southern Qatar, January 23, 2015
 Red interior with seeds of opened ripe fruit of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) taken from area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, May 29, 2015