Mint like plant on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Carolina larkspur (Delphinium carolinianum) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Lazy daisy (Aphanostephus skirrhobasis) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Flower of white prickly poppy (Argemone albiflora) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 White prickly poppy (Argemone albiflora) flowers on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Stamens of white prickly poppy (Argemone albiflora) flower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Distinctive fruits of Common hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata), waferlike samara with broad wings, on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Top of Sugarloaf Mountain, with view Road 364 to the north. Gause, Texas, May 17, 2009
 Sugarloaf Mountain, view from Road 364. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Sunflower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Bails of cotton near CR 264, with Sugarloaf Mountain on horizon. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Sunflower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 View of Little River from old railroad bridge at CR 264 near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Mirabilis (Four-O clock family) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Close-up of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Snake cotton (Froelichia) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Flower of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Snake cotton (Froelichia) taken from roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 Flower of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 Flowers of Mirabilis (Four-O clock family) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Sandburs spikelet (Cenchrus spinifex) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Close-up of flower of Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) on roadside of Road 364, north from Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 Sand palafox (Palafoxia hookeriana) flower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Flower of Palafoxia hookeriana (sand palafox) in dew on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Slender bush clover (Lespedeza virginica) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Morning Glory (Ipomoea cordatotriloba) flower on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Yellow flower of aster family Viguiera cordifolia(?) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Small yellow flower of aster family with downcurved rays on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Flowers with papery sheath of Parks jointweed (Polygonella parksii) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Branching sprays of white flowers of wild buckwheat (Yerba colorado, Eriogonum annuum(?)) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Snake cotton (Froelichia) on roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain, with cottony 5-lobed tubular flowers in a dense spike-like cluster. Gause, Texas, September 20, 2008
 Cottony 5-lobed tubular flowers in a dense spike-like cluster of Snake cotton (Froelichia) taken from roadside of Road 364, near Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 Mountain laurel (Sophora secundiflora) in Antique Rose Emporium. Independence, Texas, March 26, 2010.
 Flower of Unicorn plant (devil s claw, Proboscidea loisianica) on roadside of Road 364, north from Little River. Gause, Texas, May 30, 2010
 Maharlu Lake (Daryache ye Namak) and Kuhe-Garh mountain ridge (2720 m) in Fars Province of Iran. This salty lake is exploited as a mine of different chemicals, mainly by Shiraz Petrochemical Company. View from a window of a plane from Doha, Qatar to Houston, TX, March 16, 2010.
 Parasitic plants in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Sulphur Flower (Eriogonum umbellatum) in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Yellow coralroot (Corallorhiza trifida) in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Participants of Quantum Summer School conference visiting Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 El Capitan Mountain from southern foot of the mountain. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 27, 2007
 El Capitan Mountain from a trail at the foot of the mountain. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 27, 2007
 Mountain laurel flowers on Blue Trail in DeSoto State Park on Lookout Mountain. Fort Payne, Alabama, May 19, 2007
 Orange spots on leaves of mountain ash caused by mountain ash-juniper rust fungus (Gymnosporangium cornutum) in Petiayarvi, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 17, 2015
 El Capitan Mountain at sunset, view from lower Roadside Park south from the mountain. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Dwarf sunflowers (Old-man-of-the-mountain, Rydbergia grandiflora, Hymenoxys grandiflora) on a slope of Colony Baldy Mountain in Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Colorado, July 3, 2007
 Bails of cotton near CR 264. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Cotton field from CR 264. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Cotton fields near CR 264. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Weathered mountain top in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 View of Manhattan from High Mountain. Paterson, New Jersey, March 25, 2007
 Harvested cotton field near CR 264. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Bails of cotton near CR 264 at sunrise. Gause, Texas, September 22, 2012
 Sunflower on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Prismatic rocks in High Mountain Park. Paterson, New Jersey, March 25, 2007
 View of a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 View from a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 View from a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A small creek near Mountain Road in Delaware Water Gap. New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 Limestone on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Palafoxia hookeriana on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Frozen Buttermilk Falls on Mountain Road in Delaware Water Gap. New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 Sandy path from a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Limestone shelters on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Cracked limestone on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Bedouin sheep on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Sandy runnel from a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Globular seed pod of Gaillardia on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 Blooming mountain laurel (Sophora secundiflora) in Zilker Botanical Gardens, Austin, Texas, March 7, 2009
 View of a heavily polluted Yeroham reservoir from a mountain ridge. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Black flint stones on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 A tulip in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A tulip in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 View of hills near Yeroham from a trail from a damn to the mountain ridge. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Small limestone arch on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 A tulip on a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Red anemone (adonis?) flower on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A tulip on a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Tulips on a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A tulip in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring plant in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A thorny plant in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring plants in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A creek south from Wallpack Center, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 A stream south from Wallpack Center, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 A tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring flowers in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring desert near a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring flowers in Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A farm west from Hidden Falls, view from Mountain Road. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 Green paint on a cut branch of mountain ash tree in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 23, 2017
 Crossing of Mountain and Brink roads east from Wallpack Center. Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey, March 3, 2007
 Spring flowers on rocks of Negev Desert, on a mountain ridge behind Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Spring flowers in a riverbed near a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 A tulip and wild onions (?) on a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Papery sheath of Parks jointweed (Polygonella parksii) on roadside of Road 364. Gause, Texas, October 1, 2011
 A dwarf iris in Negev Desert on a trail descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 Red anemones in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001