Paintbrush and bluebonnets in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2010.
 Field of bluebonnets and paintbrush in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 29, 2008
 Rusty vintage car in bluebonnets in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2010.
 Pasture with bluebonnets south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Indian paintbrush, primrose and bluebonnets from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
 Bluebonnets and paintbrush at 9370 Old Independence Road, opposite to Wellness Ranch, north from Brenham. Texas, April 14, 2010
 Back lit coreopsis and paintbrush flowers south from Road 390, opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 21, 2010
 Paintbrush and bluebonnet flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Flowers of bluebonnet and paintbrush near Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Bluebonnet and paintbrush flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Paintbrush and bluebonnet flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Field of bluebonnet and paintbrush near Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Blue and red flowers of bluebonnet and paintbrush in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Field of bluebonnet and paintbrush flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Field of bluebonnet and Indian paintbrush flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 West side of a field of bluebonnet and paintbrush flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Indian paintbrush flower with oval bright-reddish pink flower leaf bracts in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
 Bluebonnet (Lupinus) and paintbrush in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 20, 2019
 Bluebonnets from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
 Wildflowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2010.
 Indian paintbrush (Castilleja indivisa) in Old Baylor Park. Independence. Texas, March 15, 2009
 Indian paintbrush and bluebonnet (Lupinus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 13, 2020
 Bluebonnet (Lupinus) and paintbrush flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 20, 2019
 Field of bluebonnets near Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 21, 2010
 Stone house in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2010.
 Indian paintbrush and bluebonnet (Lupinus) near a water well in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 13, 2020
 Farm south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Wildflowers south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Paintbrush flowers and vintage car near Gilmartin s General Store in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 29, 2008
 White and blue species of bluebonnets from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
 Bluebonnets on a tomb of James Burford Viskers in Independence Cemetery. Texas, April 14, 2010
 Farm road south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Wildflowers around springhouse south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Field of wildflowers south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Trail to a springhouse south from FM 390 opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2010
 Indian paintbrush and other wildflowers from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
 Red field of Indian paintbrush near Old Independence Road, near Brenham. Texas, April 7, 2010.
 Field of yellow and orange flowers south from Road 390, opposite to Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 21, 2010
 Field of Indian paintbrush flowers near Old Independence Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 2, 2010.
 Indian paintbrush with bluebonnet flowers near 9370 Old Independence Road, opposite to Wellness Ranch, north from Brenham. Texas, April 14, 2010
 Wildflowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 31, 2010.
 Field in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 31, 2010.
 Scarlet Pea (Indigofera miniata) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 9, 2010
 Old stone house in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 31, 2010.
 Ratany (Krameria lanceolata) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 9, 2010
 Skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 16, 2010
 Scarlet Pea (Indigofera miniata) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, June 12, 2010
 Skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) flower with showy stamens in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 16, 2010
 Bluebonnets in Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Four tall stone columns, ruins of front facade of Baylor Female College in Old Baylor University Park. Independence, Texas, July 12, 2008
 Four tall stone columns remaining from front facade of Baylor Female College in Old Baylor University Park. Independence, Texas, October 24, 2009
 View from Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 18, 2009
 Oaks in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2019
 Old Baylor Park in Independence at rain, Texas, April 18, 2009
 Small purple flowers of sandbells (bristly nama, Nama hispidum) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 16, 2010
 Bluebonnets and paintbrush north from Chappell Hill. Texas, March 25, 2018
 Cows in a field of bluebonnets near Road 390, near Independence. Texas, April 19, 2009
 Field of flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Field of wildflowers near Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Coreopsis flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Flowers and fence in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2019
 Field of wildflowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
 Cows standing in a field of bluebonnets near Road 390, near Independence. Texas, April 19, 2009
 Indian blanket flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 24, 2012
 Spring wildflowers in a field in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Photographer with a tripod in Old Baylor Park at morning. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 White gaura flower in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
 Skullcap (Scutellaria wrightii) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Log cabin in Old Baylor Park at morning in mist. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 Flowers in Old Baylor Park at morning in mist. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 Taking pictures of a pet dog in bluebonnets in Antique Rose Emporium. Independence, Texas, April 19, 2009
 Bluebonnets (lupine) in Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Engelmann s daisy (Engelmannia pinnatifida) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Skullcap (Scutellaria wrightii) flower in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
 Roadside flowers in Old Baylor Park at morning in mist. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
 Flowers of babyslippers (Hybanthus verticillatus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Golden tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Babyslippers (Hybanthus verticillatus) with fruits in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Bull nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2008
 City Cemetery in bluebonnets. Fayetteville, Texas, April 15, 2010
 Bluebonnets (lupine) among rocks of Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Meadow with bluebonnets (lupine) in Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Bluebonnets (lupine) and yucca in Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Bluebonnets and cows in Historic Independence Cemetery near Independence. Texas, March 31, 2019
 Masses of yellow stonecrop (Sedum nuttallianum) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Blue flowers of skullcap (Scutellaria wrightii) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Flowers of golden tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella, firewheel) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Flowers of yellow stonecrop (Sedum nuttallianum) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Flower of skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Crowds of red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Green fruits of babyslippers (Hybanthus verticillatus) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021
 Children s tomb with bluebonnets in Historic Independence Cemetery near Independence. Texas, March 31, 2019
 Bluebonnets (lupine) on granite outcrops of Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Meadow with bluebonnets (lupine) and yucca in Inks Lake State Park on Pecan Flats Trail west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
 Yellow stonecrop (Sedum nuttallianum) on a flat stone in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 20, 2024
 Red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) crowding near their mound in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021