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854-05. Flower buds of prairie Indian plantain (Cacalia plantaginea) on Baranowsky Road south-west from Brenham. Texas, April 15, 2010

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Indian plantain (Cacalia plantaginea) on Moore s Hill Outcrop at FM Road 3090 near Navasota. Texas, April 21, 2018
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Field of wildflowers near 9370 Old Independence Road, opposite to Wellness Ranch, north from Brenham. Texas, April 14, 2010
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Indian paintbrush and other wildflowers from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
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Cow preparing to moo at Old Independence Road, near Prairie Hill. Between Independence and Brenham, Texas, September 21, 2008
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Indian paintbrush, primrose and bluebonnets from Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 17, 2010
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Ranch road in mist, view from Old Navasota Road, near Old Chappell Hill Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
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Shack and flowers at Allwise Road, near Old Plantation Road. East from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
Masonic Cemetery on Old Chappell Hill Road, near Road 1155. East from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
Farm in mist, view from Old Navasota Road, near Old Chappell Hill Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
Junk cars in bluebonnet flowers, view from Airport Road, near Road 50. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
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Dense field of bluebonnet flowers, view from Old Navasota Road, near Old Chappell Hill Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
Branch of Syrian mesquite (Prosopis farcta) with flower buds taken from Rawdat Al Faras Research Station (RAFRS) near Al Zubara Road. Qatar, April 29, 2016
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Red dirt ranch road with bluebonnets (lupine), view from Road 308 south-east from Llano. Texas, April 5, 2010.
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Texas thistle at roadside of Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 1, 2008
Texas thistle at a fence near Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 2, 2007
Texas thistle flowers near Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 2, 2007
Texas thistle at a fence at Road 1155, north-east from Brenham, west from Dillard Road. Texas, June 1, 2008
19th century tomb of Pecan Cemetery at Road 71 with bluebonnets (lupine), view from Road 308 south from Marble Falls. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Field of bluebonnet and paintbrush near Road 50 north from Prairie Hill Road, south from Independence. Texas, March 22, 2008
Railroad bridge of Old Gay Hill Road, north from Pledger Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 7, 2008
Bales of hay at Kuykendall Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 8, 2008
Wildflowers at Road 390, a corner of Hoddeville School Road west from Gay Hill. Texas, April 15, 2010
Wildflowers at Hoddeville School Road, a corner of Road 390 west from Gay Hill. Texas, April 15, 2010
Kingsland Railroad, view from Road 321 near Road 1431, west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Flower buds of mustang grape in Lemontree Park. College Station, Texas, March 24, 2010.
Flower spike of largebracted plantain (Plantago aristata) in Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, May 1, 2010
Mixture of wildflowers along Hoddeville School Road, a corner of Road 390 west from Gay Hill. Texas, April 15, 2010
Wildflowers on roadside of Hoddeville School Road, a corner of Road 390 west from Gay Hill. Texas, April 15, 2010
Indian paintbrush flower with oval bright-reddish pink flower leaf bracts in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
Flower buds of spiderwort (tradescantia) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, March 18, 2010.
Jerusalem sage (Phlomis fruticosa) flower buds in Antique Rose Emporium. Independence, Texas, May 16, 2010
Bluebonnet (lupine) flowers on Kingsland Railroad, view from Road 321 near Road 1431, west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Lupine (bluebonnet) along tracks of Kingsland Railroad, view from Road 321 near Road 1431, west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Junkyard in bluebonnet flowers, view from Airport Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
Some flower buds in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 13, 2010
Bluebonnet (lupine) flowers along tracks of Kingsland Railroad, view from Road 321 near Road 1431, west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Tiny white flower of Mollugo verticillata (green carpetweed, Indian Chickweed) from a lawn in College Station, Texas, June 10, 2010
Nipple cactus (Missouri foxtail cactus, Escobaria missouriensis, Coryphantha missouriensis) with flower buds on Moore s Hill Outcrop at FM Road 3090 near Navasota. Texas, April 21, 2018
Lupine and other weeds thriving on polluted soil along tracks of Kingsland Railroad, view from Road 321 near Road 1431, west from Burnet. Texas, April 5, 2010.
Nipple cactus (Missouri foxtail cactus, Escobaria missouriensis, Coryphantha missouriensis) with red fruits and flower buds on Moore s Hill Outcrop at FM Road 3090 near Navasota. Texas, April 17, 2022
Road south-west from Al Wakra at the beginning of dust storm. Qatar, March 5, 2010
Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia, Russian name Rosianka) with flower buds in Sosnovka Park, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 28, 2010

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