Valley of Yellowstone River, view from Grand Loop Road. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Yellowstone River from Grand View Lookout Point in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Lower Falls of Yellowstone River from Grand View Lookout Point in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Canyon of Yellowstone River from Grand View Lookout Point in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Yellowstone River, view to the east from a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Lower Falls of Yellowstone River from a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Yellowstone River, eastern view from a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Rock near Yellowstone Park, view from East Entrance Road. Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Canyon of Yellowstone River from a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Firehole Falls. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Old Faithful Geyser. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Forest at East entrance of Yellowstone Park. Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Eruption of Great Fountain Geyser. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Dragon s Mouth in mud volcano area in Yellowstone Park. Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Dry trees near a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Creek in area of Norris Geyser Basin(?). Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Chocolate pot in area of Norris Geyser Basin(?). Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Horse in a window of a trailer parked near Old Faithful Geyser. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Cooked forest above Black Dragons Caldron (Mud volcano area) in Yellowstone Park. Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Great Fountain Geyser, view from Firehole Lake Drive. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Dead trees in are of calcium carbonate deposit in Norris Geyser Basin. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 Yellowstone Lake and hot springs, view from Steamboat Point. Wyoming, July 24, 2010
 View from Road 20/26 west from Casper. Wyoming, July 25, 2010
 Wind River from Hot Springs Park. Thermopolis, Wyoming, July 25, 2010
 Rainbow Terraces in Hot Springs State Park. Thermopolis, Wyoming, July 23, 2010
 Parasitic plants in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Yellow Gaillardia flower in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 19, 2010
 Yellow stonecrop (Sedum) in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 19, 2010
 Yellow coralroot (Corallorhiza trifida) in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Sulphur Flower (Eriogonum umbellatum) in Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 White geranium like flower in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2010
 Roadside of Road 2562 near crossing with Road 217, south from Roans Prairie. Texas, April 4, 2010.
 Sego Lily (Calochortus nuttallii) in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 19, 2010
 Rock Buckwheat (Eriogonum sphaerocephalum) in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2010
 Wildflowers on a roadside of Road 2562 near crossing with Road 217, south from Roans Prairie. Texas, April 4, 2010.
 Barn with a tractor at William Penn Road near crossing with Road 390 east from Independence. Texas, April 21, 2010
 Participants of Quantum Summer School conference visiting Beartrap Meadow County Park on Casper Mountain. Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 Landscape from Independence Rock west from Casper. Wyoming, July 22, 2010
 Rainbow Terraces and the city from Monument Hill. Thermopolis, Wyoming, July 25, 2010
 Alcova Reservoir 25 miles south-west from Casper. Wyoming, July 29, 2010
 D. Herchbach at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 A. Sokolov at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 28, 2010
 D. Herschbach at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 28, 2010
 L. Cohen at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 28, 2010
 D. Watson at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 28, 2010
 Valley of Teensleep Creek in Cloud Peak Wilderness. Wyoming, July 30, 2010
 D. Mazziotti at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 28, 2010
 Teensleep Creek in Cloud Peak Wilderness at evening. Wyoming, July 30, 2010
 D. Watson at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 M. Scully at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 M. Scully at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 Upper part of Teensleep Creek in Cloud Peak Wilderness. Wyoming, July 30, 2010
 Charles H. Townes at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 21, 2010
 Old farm machinery in Garden Creek Audubon Center. Casper, Wyoming, July 20, 2010
 Blue Penstemon (Penstemon cyaneus) in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 19, 2010
 Northern shore of Lost Twin Lakes in Cloud Peak Wilderness. Wyoming, July 30, 2010
 Spreading dogbane (Fly-trap dogbane; Apocynum androsaemifolium) in Rotary Park near Garden Creek Waterfall, south from Casper. Wyoming, July 19, 2010
 Lecture of D. Herchbach "Dimensional scaling" at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 D. Herchbach during a lecture "Dimensional scaling" at Quantum Summer School conference. Casper, Wyoming, July 26, 2010
 Sandstone at Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, 25 miles south-west from Casper. Wyoming, July 27, 2010
 Alcova Reservoir from Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, 25 miles south-west from Casper. Wyoming, July 27, 2010
 Weathered wood on the top of a hill, view from Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, 25 miles south-west from Casper. Wyoming, July 27, 2010
 Middle Bayou from Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 Weathered wood and Alcova Reservoir, view from Cottonwood Creek Dinosaur Trail, 25 miles south-west from Casper. Wyoming, July 27, 2010
 Dry landscape with caked mud of Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 Details of the mud texture in Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station, Texas, July 19, 2009
 Animal tracks on the mud of Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station. Texas, July 19, 2009
 Eroded granite rock formations. Independence Rock west from Casper, Wyoming, July 22, 2010
 Independence Rock west from Casper, with names and messages allegedly carved by emigrants to the West in 1843-1869. Wyoming, July 22, 2010
 Road FS203A at crossing with Forest Service Road 203 near Richards Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, June 29, 2022
 Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) on roadside of Road 364, north from Sugarloaf Mountain. Gause, Texas, August 8, 2009
 Middle Bayou near Road 50, 4 miles south-east from crossing with Road 60, near Batts Ferry Road, south from College Station. Because of dry spell and hot weather, water level dropped revealing caked mud and bare iron bridges at the bottom of the bayou. Texas, July 19, 2009
 Grand staircase and monument of Russian Tsar Nikolay I (that recently replaced V. I. Lenin) in Vitebsky Vokzal (train station). Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 10, 2010
 Bald Hill Road at northern crossing with Abbott Loop Trail. Danby, New York, October 16, 2005
 Catkins in a creek crossing of Little Lake Creek Loop Trail in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, April 4, 2010.
 Road crossing near Anichkov Bridge at Nevsky Prospect, view from a tourist bus. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 15, 2016
 Goose crossing road sign at Quanapoag Road 0.3 miles east from intersection with Bullock Road, between a lake and a cranberry bog. Freetown, Massachusetts, May 28, 2003
 Forest Service Road 203A near crossing with FR 203 in Sam Houston National Forest. Texas, July 12, 2020
 Field of pumpkins at crossing of Van Donsel Road and Road 392. Dryden, New York, October 30, 2005
 Old shed with a tractor on William Penn Road, near crossing with Road 390, east from Independence. Texas, April 1, 2008
 Wodrich Murals house (former Shannon family store), view from Road 390, near crossing with Road 50. Independence, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Yellow Linum berlandieri (stiff-stem Flax) on a roadside of Road 217, near crossing with Road 2562. Roans Prairie, Texas, March 29, 2009
 A fence behind the ranch near Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Vintage car behind the ranch near Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Crossed Swords at Grand Hammad Street. Doha, Qatar, February 26, 2010
 Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) in McKinney Falls State Park near Austin. Texas, May 10, 2009
 Horseback riding on the ranch near Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Mountain slope behind the ranch near Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Patterned chandelier and grand staircase of Museum of Islamic Art. Doha, Qatar, January 30, 2010
 Exploring old farm machinery on the ranch near Casper. Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Grand canal in Villagio shopping mall in Aspire Zone. Doha, Qatar, February 11, 2010
 A discussion after a talk (G. Kurizki) at a physics workshop. Casper, Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 R. Glauber showing a movie at the end of a physics workshop. Casper, Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 R. Glauber watching a movie at the end of a physics workshop. Casper, Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Visiting a local bar by a participants of a physics workshop. Casper, Wyoming, July 20, 2007
 Mountain climbing during a day hike (M. Scully), south from Casper. Wyoming, July 18, 2007
 A blooming tree in Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park near Washington Road crossing. Princeton, New Jersey, April 20, 2007
 A lecture of R. Lucht, "Tutorial on CARS: from ps to fs" at a physics workshop. Casper, Wyoming, July 16, 2007