Black rattlesnake in a canyon. Zhikharevo, east from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2011
 Yellow lady slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolus) in a canyon of Lava River. Zhikharevo, east from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2011
 Interior of a church in Rozhdestveno, south from Saint Petersburg in Leningrad Region. Russia, June 19, 2011
 Interior of Church of Boris and Gleb in Agalatovo. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Interior of a Gothic church of Peter and Paul in Shuvalovo Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 31, 2011
 Interior of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2, 2014
 Interior of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25, 2009
 Mosaic interior of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30, 2003
 Mosaic interior of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30, 2003
 Interior decorations of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25, 2009
 Church reflection (flipped image) in Staraya Ladoga. East from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2011
 Interior mosaics on walls of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 25, 2009
 Interior of Kazanskaya Church of Voskresenskiy Novodevichiy Monastery. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2010
 Interior of Saint Catherine Roman Catholic Church at 32 - 34 Nevsky Prospect. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 19, 2009
 Interior of Pavlovsky Palace. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 14, 2011
 Interior of a stone mausoleum in Novodevichye Cemetery at Moskovskiy Prospekt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 15, 2011
 Interior of Archangel Cathedral in Kremlin (Arkhangelsky sobor of Russian Orthodox church). Moscow, Russia, July 3, 2011
 Interior of the Rozhdestveno Church, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 22, 2004
 Interior of the Church of Saint Mary. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Close up of a dome of Church of Savior on Blood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 27, 2011
 Interior of Blagoveshchenskaya Church in Vasilievsky Ostrov neighborhood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Church altar in Pavlovsky Palace. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 14, 2011
 Interior of Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church at 40 Nevsky Prospekt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, December 15, 2005
 Interior of Christian Orthodox church in Konevets Monastery, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2002
 Gothic church (Capella) in Alexandria Park in Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 6, 2011
 Interior of Church of Three Saints (Trioch Sviatiteley) in Vasilievsky Ostrov neighborhood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Interior of Vladimir Cathedral (orthodox church) at 9A Lenina Street. Kronstadt, part of Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 28, 2013
 Interior of Church of Uspeniya Presviatoy Bogoroditsy (built in 2008) in Pargolovo Cemetery near Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 10, 2013
 Gothic church (Capella) (1831-1833) in Alexandria Park in Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 6, 2011
 Coliseum Place Baptist Church (1854 - 2006) ruined by a fire at 1376 Camp Street in Lower Garden District. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22, 2006
 Interior of church of Dormition of the Mother of God (former scating rink) on Leytenanta Shmidta Embankment of Vasilyevsky Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 16, 2015
 Interior of Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church at 2327(?) Burgundy Street in Faubourg Marigny. New Orleans, Louisiana, June 9, 2006
 Interior of Church of the Epiphany at 501 East Gregg Street. Calvert, Texas, December 25, 2009
 Interior of the Church of Annunciation in Nazareth, Grotto of the Virgin. The Middle East, March 16, 2002
 Arch of the Hurva (Ruined Synagogue) in the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 17, 2000
 Interior of Pater Noster Church on Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001
 Interior of a church near 19th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Interior of Saint Catherine Church in Kingisepp. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
 Interior of Church of Saint George in Yuriev Monastery. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Interior of Fiodorovsky Cathedral. Pushkin (former Tsarskoe Selo), south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 30, 2011
 Interior of an Orthodox church in Tur Malka Russian monastery on Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001
 Old gas station in Zhiharevo, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 2, 2011
 Monastery in Staraya Ladoga. East from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2011
 Petrovsky Bridge in Zhiharevo, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 2, 2011
 A fly east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Emerging thunderstorm clouds in Zhiharevo, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 2, 2011
 Rapids of Lava River in Zhiharevo, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 2, 2011
 Saint George s Cathedral in Old (Staraya) Ladoga. Leningrad Region, east from Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4, 2011
 Interior of church of Saviour on Ilyino. Novgorod, Russia, May 7, 2016
 Daisy and buttercup east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Daisy flower east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Leaf venation east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Cinquefoil (Potentilla) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Melampyrum nemorosum east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Green grasshopper east from Toksovo, 10 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 17, 2011
 Feeding mosquito east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 White flowers of bittercress (Cardamine) in Zhiharevo, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 2, 2011
 Interior of Saint Mary s Assumption Church. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 8, 2005.
 Interior of Saint Patrick s Catholic Church. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 15, 2005.
 Interior of Saint Isaac Cathedral. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2009
 Altar of a recently built church. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Dome interior of Saint Isaac Cathedral. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2009
 Interior of Paromenskaya Church in Zavelichye. Pskov, Russia, August 8, 2004
 Blue and brown butterflies east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Flowers of wild strawberry east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Yellow flower of avens east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Skipper butterfly on a leaf east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Interior of Andreevsky Cathedral on Vasilievsky Island in Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 29, 2010
 Interior of Kazansky Cathedral on Nevsky Prospect. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 17, 2009
 Interior of Saint Patrick s Roman Catholic Church. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 15, 2005.
 Interior of Saint Mary s Church in Old Ursuline Convent. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 14, 2005.
 Gothic church of Peter and Paul in Shuvalovo Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 31, 2011
 Bird s-eye Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Central area of daisy flower east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Young leaves of raspberry (Rubus) east from Toksovo, 10 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 17, 2011
 Field scabious (Knautia arvensis) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Interior of a church in Old (Staraya) Ladoga. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 23, 2005
 Amanda s Blue butterfly (Polyommatus amandus) on Saint John s wort east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Interior of a mausoleum in Novodevichye Cemetery at Moskovskiy Prospekt. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26, 2010
 "Las Vegas style" interior of Saint Mary s Assumption Church. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 8, 2005.
 Interior of Saint Patrick s Catholic Church at 724 Camp Street. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 7, 2006
 First Presbyterian Church, formerly Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Sterling (1850) at 401 East Barton Street, a corner Beech Street at morning. Calvert, Texas, December 22, 2011
 Praying at the entrance of Anna Kashinskaya Church, view from a tour bus. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Spreading Bellflower (Bluebells, Campanula patula) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Flower of wild strawberry (Russian name Zemlianika) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Flowers of Bird s-eye Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Amanda s Blue butterfly (Polyommatus amandus) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Amanda s Blue butterfly (Polyommatus amandus) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Arctic Fritillary butterfly (Boloria chariclea)(?) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Large Skipper butterfly (Ochlodes sylvanus) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011
 Scarce Fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas maturna) east from Toksovo, 10 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 17, 2011
 Interior of Cathedral of Archangel Michael. Oranienbaum (Lomonosov), a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 22, 2014
 Interior of Saint Paul s Catholic Church on Nassau Street. Princeton, New Jersey, February 24, 2007
 Gates of Church of Boris and Gleb in Agalatovo, view from a tour bus. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Begging person on steps of Anna Kashinskaya Church, view from a tour bus. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Altar of Trinity Church in Melnikovo (Tserkov Troitsy Zhivonachalnoy). North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Church of Boris and Gleb (built in 1999 - 2001) in Agalatovo. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
 Early fruit of wild strawberry (Russian name Zemlianika) east from Kuzmolovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 22, 2011