A pumpkin grown in wild at Burnett Creek near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette. Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Sunflowers on a trail near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette IN, September 11, 1999.
 Black walnuts on a trail near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette IN, September 11, 1999.
 A spider holding a white ball on a hollow log at Heritage Trail near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette. Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Burnett Creek during dry weather near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette. Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground 1/1/00 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 A monument to gen. W. H. Harrison (built in 1908?) at the site of the Battle of Tippecanoe. Battle Ground near Lafayette IN, August 15, 1999.
 A flowerbed in a used car at Heritage Trail in Lafayette, near Battle Ground. Indiana, May 16, 1999.
 Micro-tunnels left by leaf miners. Heritage Trail in Lafayette, near Battle Ground, Indiana, May 16, 1999.
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 A shrub in a forest on Heritage Trail near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette. Indiana, January 31, 1998.
 Skunk cabbage flowers in a creek on Heritage Trail near Battle Ground, north from Lafayette. Indiana, January 31, 1998.
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98 (Lafayette, April 5 - 28, 1998)
 Puffball mushrooms near Battle Ground. Indiana, October 16, 1999.
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - Trail to Battle Ground 4/4/98 (Lafayette March 22 - April 5, 1998)
 - trail to Battle Ground along Wabash River 7/19/98, 8/30/98 - Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporus sulphureus), Chicken of the Woods mushroom. (Lafayette, July 12 - September 1, 1998)
 Heritage Trail along Wabash River between Lafayette and Battle Ground, Indiana, February 22, 1998.
 Heritage Trail along Wabash River between Lafayette and Battle Ground, Indiana, February 22, 1998.
 Winter mushrooms (velvet foot, Flammulina velutipes) near Battle Ground. Indiana, October 16, 1999.
 Rotten wood on a trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground along Wabash River. Indiana, January 31, 1998.
 - Near Battle Ground 5/24/98 (Lafayette, May 24 - July 12, 1998)
 - Near Battle Ground 5/24/98 (Lafayette, May 24 - July 12, 1998)
 - Near Battle Ground 5/24/98 (Lafayette, May 24 - July 12, 1998)
 - Near Battle Ground 5/24/98 (Lafayette, May 24 - July 12, 1998)
 View of Wabash River and Heron Island from Heritage Trail between Lafayette and Battle Ground, Indiana, February 14, 1998.
 Edible Armillaria mushrooms (Russian name opiata, in plural) behind Barzas River near Beriozovsk, near Kemerovo in Siberia. Russia, September 16, 2002
 Edible Armillaria mushrooms (Russian name opiata, in plural) behind Barzas River near Beriozovsk, near Kemerovo in Siberia. Russia, September 16, 2002
 Edible Armillaria mushrooms (Russian name opiata, in plural) near a small mining city Beriozovsk near Kemerovo in Siberia. Russia, September 13, 2002
 Edible Armillaria mushrooms (Russian name opiata, in plural) near a small mining city Beriozovsk near Kemerovo in Siberia. Russia, September 13, 2002
 Edible Armillaria mushrooms (Russian name opiata, in plural) near a small mining city Beriozovsk near Kemerovo in Siberia. Russia, September 13, 2002
 Hedge apples (osage orange) among first year garlic mustard leaves on a trail to Battle Ground. Indiana, November 26, 1999
 Burnett Creek near Battle Ground. Indiana, October 16, 1999.
 Remains of a cardinal (the state bird of Indiana) on a trail from Lafayette to Battle Ground along Wabash River. Indiana, January 31, 1998.
 Heron Island on Wabash River between Lafayette and Battle Ground, Indiana, February 22, 1998.
 Hedge apples (fruits of osage orange) near Battle Ground. Indiana, October 16, 1999.
 Drying forest at Heritage Trail along Wabash River north from Lafayette. Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Mushrooms on a log at Heritage Trail along Burnett Creek near Battle Ground, Indiana, February 22, 1998.
 A soybean field north from Lafayette, Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Corn festival in Brookston, north from Lafayette, Indiana. September 18, 1999.
 Tippecanoe River (after a drought) north from Lafayette, Indiana. September 18, 1999.
 Sunflowers at Heritage Trail near Lafayette, Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Davis Ferry Bridge across Wabash River north from Lafayette. Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 Tippecanoe River north from Lafayette, Indiana. Shallow places appeared after a drought. September 18, 1999.
 A trail in Ross Hills Park, 6 miles west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 Green garlic on Heritage Trail along Burnett Creek near Battle Ground, Indiana, February 14, 1998.
 - Ross Hills Park near Lafayette IN 12/18/99 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Ross Hills Park near Lafayette IN 12/18/99 (West Lafayette IN, December 18, 1999 - January 1, 2000)
 - Happy Hollow Park in West Lafayette 12/15/99 (Chicago, Ann Arbor MI, Lafayette IN, December 4 - 15, 1999)
 Bulbous honey mushrooms (Armillaria gallica) found on the ground on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, December 16, 2018
 A farm near Division Road west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 An abandoned (?) house on Ferry Street. Lafayette, Indiana, September 26, 1999.
 Happy Hollow Park in West Lafayette, Indiana, September 22, 1999.
 Soybean field near Road 26 west to Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 A forest near Division Road west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 Fountain of Purdue University Mall. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 21, 1999.
 A monarch butterfly at Mascouten Park. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 6, 1999.
 Founders Park in Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 21, 1999.
 Heron island during a drought on Wabash River north from Lafayette (compare with another picture of Heron Island at winter). Indiana, September 11, 1999.
 C.R. 500 North 2 miles north from West Lafayette. Indiana, October 30, 1999.
 C.R. 500 North 2 miles north from West Lafayette. Indiana, October 30, 1999.
 A marsh in Ross Hills Park, 6 miles west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 Purdue University Mall during afternoon hours. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 21, 1999.
 Bulbous honey mushrooms (Armillaria gallica) on the ground in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 16, 2016
 Purdue University Mall and Electrical Engineering Building. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 26, 1999.
 Mushrooms at Ross Hills Park near Lafayette IN, June 13, 1999.
 Forest along Wabash River in Ross Hills Park, 6 miles west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 Greenbrier and poison ivy on trees in Ross Hills Park, 6 miles west from Lafayette, Indiana, September 25, 1999.
 Edible mushroom (Russian name Volnushka) near Toksovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 5, 2002
 Edible mushroom (Russian name Volnushka) near Toksovo, 7 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 5, 2002
 Bulbous honey mushrooms (Armillaria gallica) on the ground in spruce forest in Posiolok near Vyritsa, south from Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 16, 2016
 View of Purdue University Mall from the second floor of Electrical Engineering Building. West Lafayette, Indiana, September 21, 1999.
 Tippecanoe County Amphitheater near Battle Ground, Indiana, February 14, 1998.