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Fungi: Ascomycota: Leotiomycetes: Helotiales: Helotiaceae: Ascotremella faginea (Peck) Seaver, 1930

Ascotremella faginea – Дрожалка буковая

Синонимы: Haematomyces fagineus, Neobulgaria faginea.

Русское название: Дрожалка буковая.

Выдержка из статьи в Википедии: Дрожа́лка бу́ковая (лат. Ascotremella faginea) — вид грибов, типовой вид монотипного рода Ascotremella семейства Гелоциевые (Helotiaceae).

Фотографии этого гриба из окрестностей Санкт-Петербурга

Jelly brain-like mushroom <B>Ascotremella faginea</B> on a birch log east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, <A HREF="../date-ru/2016-09-08.htm">September 8, 2016</A>
LinkJelly brain-like mushroom Ascotremella faginea on a birch log east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2016
Location on mapsul. Lesovoda Morozova, 9, Toksovo, Leningradskaya oblast', Russia, 188664
Gelatinous bodies of jelly brain-like fungus <B>Ascotremella faginea</B> east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, <A HREF="../date-ru/2016-09-08.htm">September 8, 2016</A>
LinkGelatinous bodies of jelly brain-like fungus Ascotremella faginea east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2016
Location on mapsul. Lesovoda Morozova, 9, Toksovo, Leningradskaya oblast', Russia, 188664
Jelly brain-like fungus (mushrooms <B>Ascotremella faginea</B>) east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, <A HREF="../date-ru/2016-09-08.htm">September 8, 2016</A>
LinkJelly brain-like fungus (mushrooms Ascotremella faginea) east from Kuzmolovo in northern Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2016
Location on mapsul. Lesovoda Morozova, 9, Toksovo, Leningradskaya oblast', Russia, 188664


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