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1342-16. Blooming silver-sheath knotweed (Polygonum argyrocoleon) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014

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Flowers on terminal spikes of silver-sheath knotweed (Polygonum argyrocoleon) on a roadside of Salwa Road. Qatar, February 14, 2014
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Blooming black-eyed geranium (Geranium mascatense) growing near Ziziphus nummularia bushes in a depression near a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
Blooming Brown Lily (Dipcadi erythraeum, Hyacinthus serotinus, local names mesailemo, besailemo) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
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Blooming shoot of Tribulus macropterus var. arabicus on sand near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
Blooming Tribulus macropterus var. arabicus on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
Blooming bush of Ochradenus aucheri on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Blooming plant of Zaleya pentandra in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Blooming false sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana, local name Hawzan or mureer, Hawdhan) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
Pink young plant of Bienertia cycloptera with small fruits of flowers taken from roadside of Salwa Road in Abu Samra, near Saudi border. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
Wide angle view of a blooming spurge Euphorbia retusa in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016
Upper view of a blooming rare spurge Euphorbia retusa in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016
Blooming Glossonema varians (Glossonema edule, local names attar, jarawa, yarawa) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
Red berries (masie) of Desert Thorn (Lycium shawii, Lycium arabicum, local name Awsaj) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
Field Marigold (Calendula arvensis, Calendula micrantha, local name hanwa) growing in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
Blooming black-eyed geranium (Geranium mascatense) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
Blooming Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
Blooming Hindi grass (Diaz bluestem, Dichanthium annulatum) in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2015
Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii in roadside silty depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Blooming desert plant Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
Pallenis hierochuntica (Asteriscus pygmaeus, Asteriscus hierochunticus, Odpntospermum pygmaeum, local name Jahwayan) in silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in area of Thaghab Al Majda. North-western Qatar, February 28, 2014
Blooming bush of Ochradenus aucheri on stony ground on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Blooming eyelash plant (Blepharis ciliaris, local names nejayae, shouk al dab) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, November 7, 2015
Blooming plant of Pulicaria guestii with Tetraena simplex in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
Pink Mustard (Erucaria hispanica, Sinapis hispanica, Erucaria latifolia) in a depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms (Thaghab Al Majda). Qatar, February 28, 2014
Blooming desert plant Glossonema varians (Glossonema edule, local names attar, jarawa, yarawa) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
Pallenis hierochuntica (Asteriscus pygmaeus, Asteriscus hierochunticus, Odpntospermum pygmaeum, local name Jahwayan) growing in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
Blooming Moltkiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum ciliatum, Lithospermum angustifolium, local names halam, Ghabshah) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
Vegetation in a depression on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Blooming Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Blooming Fagonia indica in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
Grass of Chrysopogon plumulosus in a roadside depression of Khawzan Road. Qatar, February 20, 2016
Blooming grass Chrysopogon plumulosus in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Argentine peppercress (Lepidium bonariense) on roadside depression of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, March 3, 2014
Shoots of giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense) in Botanic Gardens of Komarov Botanical Institute. Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 9, 2017

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