Flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Dense flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Close up of flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Large bush of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Bush of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana. Qatar, January 22, 2016
 Blooming Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana. Qatar, January 22, 2016
 Flowers of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana. Qatar, January 22, 2016
 Flower of Zilla spinosa (Bunias spinosa, local name shabram) on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana. Qatar, January 22, 2016
 Bush of Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) near Ziziphus bushes in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) with green fruits in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Dry seeds of Zilla spinosa on the ground on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Fruits of Zilla spinosa carpeting the ground on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Blooming bush of Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) on a roadside in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Spergula fallax (local name degaygah) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) in sand on a roadside in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) in sand near Trainah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Small plant of prickly dock (Emex spinosa, Rumex spinosus, local names drs al ajooz, hanzab) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Blooming silver-sheath knotweed (Polygonum argyrocoleon) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Ochradenus baccatus (local names qardi, Qurdi) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Rotten last year bitter gourd (Citrullus colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Field of rotten desert gourd (Citrullus colocynthis, local names handal, shary, Handhal) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 White flowers of Malva parviflora (Malva flexuosa, local name khubaiza) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Plantain with large grain-like fruits (Plantago amplexicaulis, local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Large grain-like fruits of desert plantain Plantago amplexicaulis (local names rablat al mistah, lesan al hamal) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Yellow flower of a desert plant Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Violet flowers of Sand Spurry (Spergularia diandra, Arenaria diandra, Spergula diandra, local name degaygah) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Some dry tumbleweed in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Spergula fallax (local name degaygah) in a roadside depression in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Lepidium aucheri in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming bush of Salsola drummondii on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Silver Nailroot (Paronychia arabica, Illecebrum arabicum) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Flowers of Silver Nailroot (Paronychia arabica, Illecebrum arabicum) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Silver Nailroot (Paronychia arabica, Illecebrum arabicum) in sand on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Bush of a desert plant Indigofera intricata (local name humeira) near a road to Sawda Natheel in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Spergula fallax (local name degaygah) in sand near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Thorny bush of Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of Uwaynat Bin Husayn (Water Well) near Simaisma. Qatar, April 18, 2014
 Blooming desert plant Reseda muricata (local name showla) near a road to Sawda Natheel in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming puncturevine (Caltrop, Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus lanuginosus, local name hasak) on a roadside in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, February 28, 2015
 Seedling of a desert plant Tetraena qatarense (Zygophyllum qatarense) on a roadside of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Shoot of purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming bush of Ochradenus aucheri on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Desert plant purslane-leaved aizoon (Aizoon canariense) in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Brown Lily (Dipcadi erythraeum, Hyacinthus serotinus, local names mesailemo, besailemo) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming bush of Ochradenus aucheri on stony ground on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Blooming false sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana, local name Hawzan or mureer, Hawdhan) on roadside of a road to Zubara in Al Magdah farms area, in north-western Qatar, February 22, 2014
 Blooming Glossonema varians (Glossonema edule, local names attar, jarawa, yarawa) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Blooming desert plant Zygophyllum simplex (Tetraena simplex, local names Daa, harm, hureim) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming desert plant Glossonema varians (Glossonema edule, local names attar, jarawa, yarawa) near a road to Saudi Arabia in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Blooming Moltkiopsis ciliata (Lithospermum ciliatum, Lithospermum angustifolium, local names halam, Ghabshah) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Small bush of Cornulaca monacantha (local names thalj, thallaj) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Bush of Cornulaca monacantha (local names thalj, thallaj) in sand dunes near Inland Sea Road. Southern Qatar, March 5, 2014
 Bush of scarlet pea (Indigofera intricata, local name humeira) with flowers on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Spreading bush of scarlet pea (Indigofera intricata, local name humeira) on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Blooming desert campion (Silene villosa, local name terba) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Blooming Pulicaria undulata (Francoeruria crispa, Pulicaria crispa, local names jithjath, yethyas) on roadside of Salwa Road in south-western Qatar, February 21, 2014
 Blooming Althaea ludwigii (local name khatma) in a roadside depression of Khawzan Road. Qatar, February 20, 2016
 Blooming Althaea ludwigii (local name khatma) in a roadside depression of Khawzan Road. Qatar, February 20, 2016
 Blooming Caper plant (Capparis spinosa) in area of in Uwaynat Bin Husayn near Simaisma. Qatar, March 6, 2015
 Blooming desert plant Launaea capitata (Launaea glomerata, Zollikoferia glomerata, local names huwa, hazan) in sand near a road to Sawda Natheel in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014
 Bladderdock (Rumex vesicarius, local name homeid) on roadside in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Small blooming plant of desert campion (Silene villosa, local name terba) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Small blooming plant of Desert Campion (Silene villosa, local name terba) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa, local names jet, barseem) on roadside in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Blooming bush of Dipterygium glaucum (Cleome pallida Kotschy, Dipterygium scabrum) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, March 21, 2015
 Blooming bush of Dipterygium glaucum (Cleome pallida Kotschy, Dipterygium scabrum) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 11, 2015
 Bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) under limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Almost dry bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) under limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Greyish bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on sand in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) under limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, June 25, 2016
 Seedlings of Prickly Dock (Emex spinosa) on a roadside near Zubara. North-western Qatar, January 16, 2016
 Seedlings of prickly dock (Emex spinosa) in roadside depression of Dukhan Highway. Qatar, January 15, 2016
 Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) in a desert on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, February 5, 2016
 Bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on the slope of limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Greyish bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) under limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Greyish bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) under limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on a slope of a limestone hill in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on sand near small hills in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Shoot of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) in a desert on roadside of a road to Sawda Natheel. Southern Qatar, February 5, 2016
 Wire grass Ochthochloa compressa (local name Hamrah) on roadside of Sawda Natheel Road. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Lower view of a bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on sand dunes in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Greyish bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) in sandy area below a hill in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 8, 2016
 Upper view of a bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on sand dunes in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Grey bush of Traganum nudatum (local name dumran) on the slope of limestone cliffs in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 1, 2016
 Blooming plant of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Blooming Virgin s Hand (Anastatica hierochuntica, local names kaf mariam, jefaiea) on roadside of Salwa Road, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
 Wire grass Ochthochloa compressa (local name Hamrah) in sand on roadside of Sawda Natheel Road. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Wire grass Ochthochloa compressa (local name Hamrah) with spikes on roadside of Sawda Natheel Road. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Blooming Eremobium aegyptiacum in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016
 Prostrate bush of Haloxylon salicornicum (Hammada elegance, local names remith, hamd) in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, April 29, 2016
 Blooming sedge (Cyperus conglomeratus) in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, February 26, 2016