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1363-19. Brown cat near Al Shamal Road. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014

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Cymbopogon commutatus grass on a roadside of a road to Zubara. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2015
Burgundy leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana shaped as a tree in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, January 16, 2016
Jujube tree (Indian plum, Ziziphus mauritiana) in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, January 16, 2016
China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, November 20, 2015
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Flower of natal plum (Carissa macrocarpa) planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, November 20, 2015
Fruits of Lucky nut (Thevetia peruviana or may be nerifolia) planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, November 20, 2015
Flower of Vinca Vitesse Rose (Catharanthus roseus) in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, January 16, 2016
Purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) grown on a lawn in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, November 20, 2015
Mexican marigold (Tagetes erecta) flower planted in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, December 19, 2015
Fruit of jujube (Indian plum, Ziziphus mauritiana) in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, January 16, 2016
Traditional fishing boat dhow on a beach in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015
Sinuous lines left behind in sand by a snake in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015
Small crab with caviar taken from shallow water in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015
Snake tracks (sinuous lines) in sand in Al Mafyar (Mafjar) area on northern coast (Al Shamal). Qatar, June 27, 2015
Bienertia sinuspersici emerging from sand on a beach near Umm Tays Island in Madinat Al Shamal area. Northern Qatar, June 26, 2015
Plant of Bienertia sinuspersici in sand on a beach near Umm Tays Island in Madinat Al Shamal area. Northern Qatar, June 26, 2015
Green fruits of Desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera)(?) in Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, August 22, 2015
Cluster of fruits of Desert fan palm (Washingtonia filifera)(?) taken from Al Shamal City Park. Ruwais, Northern Qatar, August 22, 2015
Eyelash Plant (Blepharis ciliaris) with flowers on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Shoot of Eyelash Plant (Blepharis ciliaris) on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Fruit of wild gourd (Cucumis prophetarum) taken from roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014
Flower of wild gourd (Cucumis prophetarum) on roadside of a road to Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, December 12, 2014

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