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1371-02. Low sandy mounds with Cornulaca plants near Inland Sea Road. Southern Qatar, March 5, 2014

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Blooming Cornulaca monacantha(?) in sand dunes near Inland Sea Road. Southern Qatar, March 5, 2014
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Cornulaca monacantha taken from roadside of Salwa Road in area of Rawdat Ekdaim. Southern Qatar, April 10, 2015
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Sand mounds near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Sand mounds (habitat of Seidlitzia rosmarinus) near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Windblown sand mounds and ripples at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, December 11, 2015
Sand mounds near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
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Taking pictures of plants on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Sand mounds and ripples near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
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Sand mounds and ripples at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Ant mounds on roadside of Salwa Road near Abu Nakhlah. Qatar, December 11, 2015
Seidlitzia rosmarinus growing on sand mounds near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Accumulation of sand around desert plants of Pulicaria and Zygophyllum on roadside of Salwa Road near Karaana, south-west from Doha. Qatar, April 23, 2014
Sand mounds (habitat of Seidlitzia rosmarinus) near Mesaieed, with Sealine Beach Resort in background, view to south-east. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Salt tolerant plants on Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, March 7, 2014
Sand mounds of windblown sand at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, December 11, 2015
Salt tolerant plant Salsola vermiculata(?) on windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Rare plant Koelpinia linearis with seeds in windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Sandy road on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab. South-western Qatar, November 7, 2014
Multicolored salt tolerant plants on Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, March 7, 2014
Plant of dandelion family Koelpinia linearis with fruits in windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Small plant of scarlet pea (Indigofera intricata, local name humeira) in windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Sand ripples and sand mounds at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed, view to north-west. Southern Qatar, July 10, 2015
Salt tolerant plants growing in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Qatar, March 21, 2015
Plant of dandelion family Koelpinia linearis with curved seed heads in windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) south from Abu Nahlah. Qatar, April 25, 2014
Bush of Cornulaca aucheri near Al Markhiya Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, May 7, 2014
Plant of Cornulaca aucheri near Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, May 6, 2014
Dry plants on roadside near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, May 27, 2016
Cornulaca aucheri(?) taken from a roadside of Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 25, 2014
Thorns of Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) south from Abu Nahlah. Qatar, April 25, 2014
Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) in sand south from Abu Nahlah. Qatar, April 25, 2014
Cornulaca aucheri(?) on a roadside of Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 25, 2014
Plants of bitter lettuce (achicoria azul, Launaea intybacea)(?) on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, March 26, 2016
Blooming century plants (Agave americana) near back entrance of Texas A and M University in Education City campus. Doha, Qatar, March 26, 2014
Shoot of Horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis bicontorta, Hippocrepis areolata) on windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Close up of Cornulaca aucheri(?) taken from a roadside of Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 25, 2014
Cornulaca aucheri (local name thalj) near a sand dune south from Abu Nahlah. Qatar, April 25, 2014
Cornulaca aucheri taken from a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, November 29, 2014
Shoot of Horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis bicontorta, Hippocrepis areolata) with fruits on windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis bicontorta, Hippocrepis areolata, local name umm ghurein) in windblown sand on southern side of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
Some dry tumbleweed in a roadside depression of Abu Samra Road in southern Qatar, February 11, 2014

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