Ancient mosaic in Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 View of Masada Fortress from the north. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Dead Sea banks north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Columbarian Tower, or Dovecot in Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Red Canyon (jammed by a group of schoolchildren) from a trail above Nahal Shani, 9 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 A thorny plant on a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Dry wadi and Dead Sea, view from a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, view of a road to the Eastern Church and British police station ( Camel police ) made from ancient rocks in 1936 on the top of a hill. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 View of Judean Desert and Dead Sea from a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 View of remains of a Roman camp (?) and Dead Sea from a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Sodom apple plant in bloom, cut at Masada parking. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 8, 2000
 View from north-west corner of Masada, with remains of a Roman camp at background. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabatean city Mamshit, near Dimona, view behind the gate. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 View of dry riverbeds composed of powdery chalk substance (marl) and Dead Sea from a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, an area that is not yet excavated. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, view o dams. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabatean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, one of rooms in the House of the Affluent . The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona. The Western Church with a mosaic floor. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Arch of the Hurva (Ruined Synagogue) in the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 17, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, view of the House of Affluent from an observation tower. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 En Aneva spring and pools at Nahal Tseelim with ruins of ancient agricultural buildings above, 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, view of the Mamshit stream. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Remains of ancient Nabataean city Mamshit in Negev Desert near Dimona, view to the south from an observation tower, with the Western Church on background. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Western Wall. A person was handcuffed and stripped of his clothes. The group waited until a police car picked them. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
 Dead Sea mountains near Masada at evening. The Middle East, November 30, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient harbor. Ashkelon, the Middle East, June 2, 2000
 Ancient pottery on the sea bank at Ashkelon beach. The Middle East, June 2, 2000
 Streams and small canyons (Masada Marls) in the direction of Dead Sea, view to the east from Roman road 0.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 View of schoolchildren from a bus during traffic jam. Nazareth, the Middle East, March 16, 2002
 A group of cats sleeping over a dumpster during stillness of Sabbath (Saturday), day of rest and religious observance. Alexander Yannai Street, Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 2, 2000
 Masada Marls, view from ascent to Mount Eliazar, south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 End of Nahal Tseelim canyon from the Roman road to Masada, 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Masada Marls, view from ascent to Mount Eliazar, south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 Masada fortress on the top of a hill, view from Roman road 1 mile north from Masada at evening. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 View of a hill with Masada fortress on the top from the Roman road 1.5 miles north from Masada at evening. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Israeli soldiers with a pile of machine guns at the entrance to Bahai Temple on Mount Carmel. Haifa, the Middle East, January 28, 2001
 Moslems returning after a Friday worship on ancient Roman road Damascus Gate in Old City of Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 13, 2002.
 View to the east from Migdal Shalom tower. Great Synagogue at Allenby and Ahad Haam Street is at the center. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
 Hurva Synagogue. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 7, 2001
 Some upper cave of an ancient Jewish cemetery in Kidron Valley, view from Derekh Ha Ofel road. Jerusalem, the Middle East, December 13, 2002.
 Elijah (?) Synagogue in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 7, 2001
 Ruins of a synagogue in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 7, 2001
 View of unknown person from a bus during traffic jam. Nazareth, the Middle East, March 16, 2002
 A beach in Tel Aviv. The Middle East, December 28, 2000
 Ancient Jewish tombs in Kidron Valley and cemetery on slope of Mount of Olives, view from Derekh Ha Ofel road. Jerusalem, the Middle East, December 13, 2002.
 A Roman camp east from Masada hill, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Latrun, the Trappist Monastery. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Latrun, ruins of Emmaus. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Typical houses in Tel Aviv. The Middle East, December 28, 2000
 Masada marls, view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Entrance of a synagogue(?) in front of the Western Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, October 31, 2002
 Entrance to a synagogue (?) near Western, or Wailing Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001
 Monastery of the Cross at evening. Jerusalem, the Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Latrun, view from the Trappist Monastery. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Sunrise, view from a highway near Ashkelon. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 A trail along ancient riverbed east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Ancient dams east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 An ancient riverbed (?) on a trail 1.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Masada marls (powdery chalk wadi), view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Masada marls (powdery chalk wadi), view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Ancient burial chambers in basements of modern houses of Silwan (Kefar Ha-Shiloah) village in Kidron Valley, view from Derekh Ha Ofel road. Jerusalem, the Middle East, December 13, 2002.
 HaAtzmaut Street in Old City of Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 A large mosque in downtown Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Turkish Railway Station. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Stalactites in Sorek Cave, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Shopping in downtown Beer-Sheva at Friday. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Stalactites in Sorek Cave, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Clouds over the City Hall. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 27, 2000
 Approach to En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona, view from above. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 A trail to En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Southern approach to Tel Aviv, view from a train. The Middle East, December 28, 2000
 A river behind En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Sorek River near western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Tame (?) cat near Ringenblum Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 2, 2000
 A pool at En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Creeks going through marls (powdery chalk substance) to Dead Sea, view to the east from Roman road 1 mile north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Old Turkish Railway Water Tower. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
 A slope to a river behind En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Old City of Beer-Sheva, with Kukuruza Tower on background. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Abandoned Moslem Cemetery in downtown Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 A slope to a river behind En Yorkeam spring south from Dimona. The Middle East, December 23, 2000
 Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
 Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv at evening, with Ramat Gan at background. The Middle East, December 28, 2000
 A new street in Ramot neighborhood in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
 A cat with a broken paw on Haviva Reik Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 2, 2000
 Stray cat s portrait taken near Ringenblum Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 2, 2000
 View of Sorek River from Road 395, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 Ramot Quarter in northern Beer-Sheva at evening. The Middle East, December 16, 2000
 Sneaking cat on Shlomo Hamelekh Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, December 2, 2000
 Hashalom Towers and heavy traffic in Tel Aviv at evening. The Middle East, December 28, 2000
 Wall of stalactites in Sorek Cave, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 British Army World War I cemetery in Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, December 22, 2000
 Shimshon Cave at Sorek River, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000