Small yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in sand near Harrarah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in silty depression on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum near Harrarah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in sand near Harrarah in southern Qatar, February 14, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in a small runnel in area of Ras Laffan Farms, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Small yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in desert near industrial zone of Ras Laffan, north from Doha. Qatar, March 23, 2013
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, January 30, 2016
 Close up of yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, January 30, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in area of Ras Laffan Farms, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Close up of yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in area of Ras Laffan Farms, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum on roadside of a road from Dukhan to Al Jumayliyah. Western Qatar, March 1, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi on white background in area of Ras Laffan Farms, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Green Metallic Bee (Agapostemon) on yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi(?) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Yellow flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi(?) with Green Metallic Bee (Agapostemon) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Yellow flower of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in desert near industrial zone of Ras Laffan, north from Doha. Qatar, March 23, 2013
 Aster like yellow flower of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi in desert near industrial zone of Ras Laffan, north from Doha. Qatar, March 23, 2013
 Flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi on long stalks in area of Ras Laffan Farms, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, February 12, 2016
 Flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Green Metallic Bee (Agapostemon) on flowers of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi(?) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Aaronsohnia factorovskyi(?) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Aaronsohnia factorovskyi or may be Tripleurospermum in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Flower of Aaronsohnia factorovskyi(?) with Green Metallic Bee (Agapostemon) in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, February 28, 2014
 Yellow-white chlorotic leaves of bindweed (morning glory, Convolvulus pilosellifolius)(?) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Spergula fallax (local name degaygah) in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Black seeds of Spergula fallax on the ground in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Grass wall barley (Hordeum murinum) in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Spike of grass false barley (Hordeum murinum) in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Spikes of grass false barley (Hordeum murinum) in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Flowers of thorn acacia (Acacia ehrenbergiana, local name Salam) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) with yellow flowers on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata (local name Huwa ghazal) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Small yellow flower of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima). Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Yellow flowers of Arabian primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Small yellow flower of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Yellow flowers of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Shrubby Horsetail (Ephedra foliata, Ephedra ciliata, local name alanda) growing on bushes of Ziziphus in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Flowers of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)(?) in a garden in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Pulicaria undulata in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Star shaped prostrate yellow flowers of a desert plant Aizoon canariense (local name Jafna). Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Old water well in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Cluster of yellow spring flowers of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima, local name Hasheshat al arneb) in desert on hills of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Yellow flowers of Pulicaria undulata (local names jithjath, yethyas) in a silty depression in Al Nuaman (Al Numan) near Zubara. Northern Qatar, March 20, 2015
 Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Bush of Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) near Ziziphus bushes in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Desert plant with yellow flowers Pulicaria undulata (Kootkaat, Rabool, Rabl, Rabd, Ghobbeira, Ghobbayra-a, Shaay gabali) near Harrarah, west from Mesayeed, south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 19, 2013
 Texas Indian-mallow (Abutilon fruticosum, Abutilon denticulatum, local name gargadan) with yellow flowers near Ziziphus bushes in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
 Yellow spikes of dry spear grass (Stipa capensis, local names samma, safa) in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, March 26, 2016
 Desert plant of aster family with yellow flowers Pulicaria undulata (Kootkaat, Rabool, Rabl, Rabd, Ghobbeira, Ghobbayra-a, Shaay gabali) in area of dunes near Harrarah, west from Mesayeed, south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 19, 2013
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) with green fruits in a green depression in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of false amaranth (Digera muricata) on periphery of a small field of alfalfa in Harrarah settlement. Southern Qatar, October 30, 2015
 Small limestone arch in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Flowers and leaves of false amaranth (Digera muricata) on periphery of a small field of alfalfa in Harrarah settlement. Southern Qatar, October 30, 2015
 Shrubby Horsetail (Ephedra foliata, Ephedra ciliata, local name alanda) with flowers in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, March 26, 2016
 Small yellow flowers of Dipterygium glaucum (Cleome pallida Kotschy, Dipterygium scabrum) at entrance of Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, March 3, 2014
 Small yellow flowers of Buck s horn groundsel (Senecio glaucus, mureer) in sands of Jazirat Umm Tays, barrier island at northern tip of Qatar, east from Ruwais, March 24, 2012
 Qatar Natural History Group discovered some small critter in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Looking over an edge of a small wadi in Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
 Small limestone arch on a mountain slope in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, March 27, 2015
 Yellow flowers of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (local name Meseika) on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016
 Small brown grasshopper in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Walking along an edge of a small wadi in Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
 Stoneseed (Echiochilon jugatum) with small flowers on a rocky ridge of Jebel Fuwairit. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016
 Flowers of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) in a kitchen garden in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Small brown camouflaged grasshopper in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Yellow flower of Arabian Primrose (Arnebia hispidissima) in desert. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Tribulus macropterus var. arabicus with yellow flowers on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 White flowers of Fagonia indica on the slope of limestone hills in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Small depression with grasses on Purple Island (Jazirat Bin Ghanim). Al Khor, Qatar, April 2, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Pulicaria guestii in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
 Small yellow flower of a plant Koelpinia linearis of dandelion family in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Plant of Pulicaria guestii with yellow flowers in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
 Yellow daisy like flowers of Pulicaria guestii in roadside depression near a road from Al Shahaniya to Al Samriya north-east from camel race track. Lekhraib, Qatar, December 4, 2015
 Blue head lizard Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus) on sand. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 White flowers of bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) near a road to Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of Seetzenia lanata (Zygophyllum lanatum, local name Habyan) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Flowers of bushy bindweed (Convolvulus prostratus, morning glory) on a gravel plane in Harrarah (Al Kharrarah). Southern Qatar, April 23, 2016
 Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)(?) in a garden in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Frightened blue head desert lizard Yellow-spotted Agama (Trapelus flavimaculatus). Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Flowers of Eruca vesicaria (rocket) in roadside depression near Dukhan Highway. Qatar, February 5, 2016
 Astragalus tribuloides with flowers in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016
 Yellow distaff-thistle (Atractylis carduus, local names jalwa, laymoony, shuwwaykh) in desert of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
 Flowers of Althaea ludwigii (local name khatma) in a roadside depression of Khawzan Road. Qatar, February 20, 2016
 Close up of flowers of Eruca vesicaria (rocket) in roadside depression near Dukhan Highway. Qatar, February 5, 2016
 Spurge Euphorbia retusa with flowers in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016
 Yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata subsp. mucronata on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Small plant of golden chamomile (Matricaria aurea) in a silty depression near Al Nuaman (Numan). North-western Qatar, January 16, 2016
 Flowers of Launaea mucronata (local name Huwa ghazal) in desert of Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 2, 2012
 Common ground mantis (Eremiaphila baueri) in camouflage color preying on small insects. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha. Qatar, March 5, 2010
 Tiny fruits (globose-ovoid capsules) of small asphodel lily Asphodelus tenuifolius. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
 Hairy leaves and yellow flowers of milkvetch Astragalus arpilobus subsp. hauarensis in windblown sand on roadside of Salwa Road in area of Khashem Al Nekhsh. Southern Qatar, March 18, 2016
 Carpet of yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata subsp. mucronata on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Masses of yellow flowers of Launaea mucronata subsp. mucronata on sand dunes near the spring in Maszhabiya (Al Mashabiya) Reserve near Abu Samra. Southern Qatar, March 4, 2016
 Flowers and fruits of spurge Euphorbia retusa in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016
 Flowers of golden chamomile (Matricaria aurea) in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
 Woolly plantain (Plantago ovata) with flowers in a large roadside depression near Route 77 to Ras Laffan. Qatar, February 6, 2016