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1773-16. Grass wall barley (Hordeum murinum) in a depression in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016

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Dense stand of spear grass (Stipa capensis) in Yoodah depression near Al Zubara Road. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Poop of dhub (spiny-tailed agama) containing plant seeds and remains of grass. Harrarah, 40 miles south-west from Doha, Qatar, March 12, 2010
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Close up of grass Rostraria pumila taken from a dried silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, near Darwish Farm. Northern Qatar, February 6, 2016
Masses of grass Rostraria pumila in a dried silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, near Darwish Farm. Northern Qatar, February 6, 2016
Spikes of grass Rostraria pumila taken from a dried silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, near Darwish Farm. Northern Qatar, February 6, 2016
Plants of pepper-grass (Lepidium aucheri) on caked mud in a silty depression near a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Young plants of pepper-grass (Lepidium aucheri) on caked mud in a silty depression near a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Hindi grass (Diaz bluestem, Dichanthium annulatum) in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Back lit Hindi grass (Diaz bluestem, Dichanthium annulatum) in a silty depression on roadside of a road to Zubara, area of Al Magdah farms. Northern Qatar, February 27, 2016
Dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) among dry grass in a depression north from Zekreet in Ras Abrouq Peninsula. Qatar, June 24, 2016
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)(?) in a garden in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
Zilla spinosa (local name shabram) in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
Plants of dyer s croton (giradol, Chrozophora tinctoria, local names Tanoom, zerraij, tannom) among dry grass in a depression north from Zekreet in Ras Abrouq Peninsula. Qatar, June 24, 2016
Spikelet of Malabar sprangletop (brown beetle-grass, Leptochloa fusca) in wet place in a roadside depression east from Al Jebail water treatment plant. Al Khor, Qatar, January 23, 2016
Flowers of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)(?) in a garden in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
Malabar sprangletop (brown beetle-grass, Leptochloa fusca) in shallow water in a roadside depression east from Al Jebail water treatment plant. Al Khor, Qatar, January 23, 2016
Stout form of a parasitic plant Cistanche tubulosa (desert hyacinth, dhanoon, Tartuth) in Al Harrarah. Qatar, March 4, 2016
Small flower of false sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana) grown without sun in shade of a wall in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016
Flower and seeds of false sowthistle (Reichardia tingitana) grown without sun in shade of a wall in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016
Dry grasses in a depression behind a rocky ridge in Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, March 26, 2016
Vegetation in a roadside depression east from Al Jebail water treatment plant. Al Khor, Qatar, March 19, 2016
Pan dropseed grass (Sporobolus ioclados) in a park of Qatar University. Doha, Qatar, March 23, 2016
Stone ruins near a depression behind a rocky ridge in Jabal Al Jassasiya, on north-eastern coast. Qatar, March 26, 2016
Sea Lavender (Limonium axillare, local name Qetaif) in a depression in area of Ras Laffan farms. Northern Qatar, March 12, 2016

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