Hills in Judean desert to the north, behind Bokek creek canyon near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Hills in Judean desert above Ein Bokek, view to the west. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Hills in Judean desert above Ein Bokek, near Maal Bokek Trail. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Hills in Judean desert above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Upper northern side of the Bokek creek canyon and hills of Judean Desert. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Judean Desert, Nahal Bokek, and beginning of its canyon from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of Judean Desert, Nahal Bokek, and beginning of its canyon from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, view from Tsuk Tamrur hill, 3 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of Judean Desert to the north from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of Judean Desert to the north from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of salt pans in Red Sea near Ein Bokek from a plateau of Judean Desert. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Valley of Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, 3 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Valley of Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, 3 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Riverbed of Nahal Bokek in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Shallow parts of Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, 3 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Shallow parts of Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, 3 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 A shallow waterfall of Nahal Bokek in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Shallow parts of Nahal Bokek River in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Approaching beginning of a canyon of Nahal Bokek in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Judean Desert on a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Judean Desert on a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Judean Desert on a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Judean Desert on a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of Tsuk Tamrur hill in Judean Desert from another northern hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 White Broom shrub in a desert wadi of Bokek River above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Giant dry waterfall at the end of a canyon of Bokek River near Ein Bokek and a rim of a desert plateau. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Ein Bokek from Maale Bokek Ascent. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Judean Desert on the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 Judean Desert on the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 Judean Desert on the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 View of Ein Bokek and Dead Sea salt pans from the top of Bokek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Ein Bokek hotels at Dead Sea, view from Maale Bokek Ascent. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Sunset over Judean Desert, view from the road from Dead Sea to Arad. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 A desert plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Tsuk Tamrur hill in Judean Desert from a road from Arad to the Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
 A hill on a desert plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Approaching a hill on a desert plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 A small cliff on the southern side of the Bokek creek canyon, view to the north. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Camels on a hill near a Bedouin village in Negev Desert 2 miles north from Beer-Sheva, with Southern Hebron hills on the background. The Middle East, February 24, 2001
 View of hotels of Ein Bokek and Dead Sea from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Memorial Israeli junk cars near the Road 1 through Judean Hills west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, March 1, 2001
 Israeli radiolocation station on a desert plateau above Ein Bokek, with Moav Mountains in Jordan on background. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Judean Desert and Dead Sea from a trail north from Masada. The Middle East, December 7, 2000
 View of the opposite side of the canyon and Ein Bokek at Dead Sea from the southern side of the Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Judean Hills west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, February 26, 2000
 Canyon of Bokek River and Dead Sea at Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 South side of Bokek canyon above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Canyon of Bokek River and Dead Sea at Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Canyon of Bokek River and Dead Sea at Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Canyon of Bokek River and Dead Sea at Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Maale Bokek Ascent from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Maale Bokek Ascent from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Metzad Bokek fort near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Metzad Bokek fort near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Metzad Bokek fort near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Ein Bokek hotels from the southern side of the canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Dead Sea near Ein Bokek from the southern side of the canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Canyon of Bokek River and Dead Sea at Ein Bokek, zoomed. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 A cave at the entrance to a canyon of Bokek River. Ein Bokek, the Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Upper terraces of a canyon of Bokek River near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Ein Bokek hotels (zoomed) from the southern side of the canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Dead Sea and Ein Bokek hotels from the southern side of the canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 A bottom of Ramon Crater, with hills covered by tanned black stones, view to north-east from a top of a hill. A grey spot to the left is an exposition of basalt prisms on a bank of a dry river. The Middle East, February 1, 2001
 View of Dead Sea salt pans near Ein Bokek from the southern side of the canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of a rim of the plateau to the north from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of shore of Red Sea to the north from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Dead Sea salt pans and Moav Mountains in Jordan, view from a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View to the direction of Masada from Maale Bokek Ascent (there is a mysterious glow of Dead Sea). The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View to the direction of Masada from Maale Bokek Ascent (there is a mysterious glow of Dead Sea). The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Approaching a bottom of Ramon Crater, view to the east (zoomed). Hills are covered by black stones. Eastern rim is seen at far distance. The Middle East, February 1, 2001
 Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada, view to north-west. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 View of Dead Sea salt pans in Jordan (zoomed) from the southern side of the Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Approaching a bottom of Ramon Crater, view to the east (hills on the bottom are covered by black stones). The Middle East, February 1, 2001
 View of a giant dry waterfall at the end of the canyon from the southern side of the Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 A road to Mount Shelomo, view from northern hills, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Maale Tseelim ascent in Judean Desert. The Middle East, February 21, 2002
 View of a canyon in Ein Bokek from a road along the Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
 The top of Nahal Bokek canyon, with hotels of Ein Bokek and Dead Sea behind it. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View of Kaf Moline damn across Red Sea in Jordan from a plateau above Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Judean Hills west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, June 17, 2000
 View of Golda Meir Park from hills. Negev Desert, The Middle East, March 11, 2000
 Villages on Judean Hills west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, June 17, 2000
 Tributary of Nahal Darokh river going through chalk hills 4 miles east from Sde Boker, view from lower site. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 A small spring flower on a limestone plateau in Judean Desert south from Nahal Mishmar. The Middle East, February 21, 2002
 A desert plateau covered by flint stones (view to south-east) 1.5 miles south from Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 View of hills near Yeroham from a trail from a damn to the mountain ridge. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
 View of Bokek Creek canyon from the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 View of Bokek Creek canyon from the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 View of Bokek Creek canyon from the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 View of Dead Sea from Maal Bokek trail to the plateau, near Ein Bokek. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 View of Ein Bokek and Dead Sea from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, March 25, 2000
 Upper southern side of the Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of Bokek Creek, Ein Bokek hotels and Dead Sea with salt pans from the plateau. The Middle East, May 20, 2000
 A dry creek going to the rim of a plateau above Ein Bokek, with Dead Sea and mountains in Jordan on background. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Hills in southern edge of Makhtesh Ramon crater, view from a bus on Road 40 to Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Common black birds Tristram s grackles (?) on a rim of Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 View of hills at the bottom of Ramon Crater from distance of 1 mile to the south-east from Mitzpe Ramon Visitor s Center. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
 A common black bird Tristram s grackle (?) sitting on a rim of Bokek creek canyon. The Middle East, February 22, 2001