Dunes north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes along a road north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes along a road north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Ant mound in dunes north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes along a road north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes along a road north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes along a road north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran in Nizzanim reserve. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Dunes north from Ashkelon littered by unexploded rifle grenades. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Poppies in dunes in northern Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 A fleshy parasite (?) plant in dunes in northern Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 A meadow north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Flowers on a roadside north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Flowers on a roadside north from Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Common autumn flowers of pancratium in dunes near Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon, with tracks of lizards on the sand. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 A turtle near a road north from Ashkelon, near Tel Poran. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 View of Ashkelon from sandy dunes of north-west area. The Middle East, June 2, 2000
 Wasteland in northern Ashkelon. The Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Remains of an Arab house of Majidal Asqalan (?) village captured in 1948 situated left from Itzhak Ben Tsvi Street north from the bus station. Ashkelon, the Middle East, April 5, 2001
 Sunset at Mediterranean sea in Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Beaches south from Ashkelon at evening. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 A Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Beaches south from Ashkelon, near a power plant. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Limestone at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Remains of ancient Philistine Ashqalon in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Statue of a goddess and a child in the park in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Statue of the goddess of victory in the park in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 A chameleon caught on remains of Crusader fortress in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 View of southern Ashkelon from an ancient wall protruding from the sands. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 View of remains of Crusader bastion from the sandy hill in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 A frightened chameleon caught on remains of Crusader fortress in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Ruins of Crusader fortress or harbor at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Decaying ruins of an ancient harbour fallen in the sea at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 View of Mediterranean sea and the park from an ancient wall protruding from the sands in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Wide spread autumn flowers of pancratium near Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Ruins of an ancient Crusader s fortress destroying by the sea at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 View of remains of Crusader bastion and a pillar from the sandy hill in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 A granite pillar among ruins of ancient harbour washed out by the sea at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Decayed granite pillars from an ancient Crusader s fortress at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Ruins of cisterns (?) of an ancient Crusader s fortress destroying by the sea at Mediterranean beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Dunes of Nizzanim. The Middle East, July 19, 2001
 A road among dunes of Nizzanim. The Middle East, July 19, 2001
 Statue of the goddess of victory on the globe resting on shoulders of Atlas at a picnic place in the park in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, September 19, 2001
 Dried chameleon in dunes of Nizzanim. The Middle East, July 19, 2001
 Negev Desert 2.5 miles north-east from Sde Boker at morning. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 View to the north from the entrance to Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 View of a rim of the plateau to the north from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Canyon of Nahal Sekhvee River north from Safed. The Middle East, April 19, 2001
 View of shore of Red Sea to the north from Maale Bokek ascent. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 View to the north from the entrance to Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, Morning of April 25, 2001
 View to north-west from a foot of Spiral hill, in Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 View to north-west from a foot of Spiral hill, in Timna Park. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 Fort Metzad Halukim in Negev Desert 1 mile north from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 View of Judean Desert to the north from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 Sasgon Hill to the north from the entrance to Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, Morning of April 25, 2001
 View of Judean Desert to the north from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
 The sea in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Sea south from Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 18, 2002
 A beach of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 18, 2002
 A.S. in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 The sea in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Nahal Sekhvee River north from Safed, landscape of a wadi in Upper Galilee. The Middle East, April 19, 2001
 Weeds in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 A beach in southern Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 18, 2002
 Crusader s fortress in Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 18, 2002
 Weeds in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 A park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000
 Mediterranean beach in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 A plant in a riverbed in Zin valley, 3 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Wave breaking sea barrage in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Ruins of the ancient harbor. Ashkelon, the Middle East, June 2, 2000
 The tip of a wave breaking sea barrage in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Remains of pottery on a beach. Ashkelon, the Middle East, June 2, 2000
 Ancient ruins washed out by the sea in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Ancient ruins washed out by the sea in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Sunrise, view from a highway near Ashkelon. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
 The tip of a wave breaking sea barrage in Ashkelon. The Middle East, October 5, 2002
 Upper Nahal Darokh river 5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Upper Nahal Darokh river 5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Upper Nahal Darokh river 5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Upper Nahal Darokh river 5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Caves at Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Rocks east from Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 View from caves at Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Steep parts of Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Rocks east from Solomon Pillars in Timna Park, near Eilat at evening. The Middle East, April 25, 2001
 Chalk hills at Nahal Darokh river 4 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Chalk hills at Nahal Darokh river 4 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Chalk hills at Nahal Darokh river 4 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 A hill near a waterfall of Nahal Darokh river 4.5 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Nahal Darokh river below the horseshoe formation, 4 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 View to north-east from Mount Shelomo, 2.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001