Abandoned fort on Mount Bental near a border with Syria, with melting snow on Mount Hermon on background. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Abandoned fort on Mount Bental near a border with Syria. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Abandoned fort on Mount Bental near a border with Syria. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Abandoned fort on Mount Bental near a border with Syria. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 View to the direction of Beirut from Mount Bental near a border with Syria. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Eucalyptus in Israeli military base. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Power station on Hermon River in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 View from Road 959. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Temple to Pan in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Cave of Pan and springs in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Kherouiaa village in Lebanon (?), view from Road 989. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 A.S. on Mount Hermon. Golan Heights, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 Skiing from Mount Hermon. Golan Heights, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 Cableway to Mount Hermon in Golan Heights. The Middle East. February 19, 2000
 A view from Mount Hermon. Golan Heights, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 A lake and a road near Mount Hermon. Golan Heights, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 Decorated niche cut in rock cliff (in which a statue probably stood in the past) near a temple to the god of Pan in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Banias Waterfall on Hermon River in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Near the Banias Falls on Hermon River in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 Israeli radiolocation station on a desert plateau above Ein Bokek, with Moav Mountains in Jordan on background. The Middle East, February 22, 2001
 Morning view to south-east from Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. Mount Shelomo is on the background. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 Israeli soldiers with a pile of machine guns at the entrance to Bahai Temple on Mount Carmel. Haifa, the Middle East, January 28, 2001
 An Israeli tank in Magan Sayyarim military base in Mizpe Sayyarim in Negev Desert on the border of Sinai in Egypt, view from a bus on Road 12 to Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 An Israeli tank in Magan Sayyarim military base in Mizpe Sayyarim in Negev Desert on the border of Sinai in Egypt, view from a bus on Road 12 to Eilat. The Middle East, December 13, 2001
 Golan Heights at evening after rain, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 A farm on Golan Heights near Katzrin. The Middle East, August 18, 2000
 Nimrod Fortress (?) on Golan Heights. The Middle East. February 19, 2000
 A road through Hermon Reserve. Golan Heights, the Middle East, February 19, 2000
 Israeli tanks in Mahane Shizzafon military base in Negev Desert, 3 miles north from Biq at Shizzafon, 15 miles from a border with Egypt, view from a bus on Road 40 to Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Plateau of Mount Eliazar with an acacia tree. Dead Sea is in background. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Ramon Crater east from Mitzpe Ramon, with Road 40 to Eilat, and Mount Ardon in background. The Middle East, December 19, 2001
 Roded creek at evening 3 miles north-west from Eilat. Mount Shehoret is on background. The Middle East, November 3, 2001
 Nuclear bomb factory in Negev Desert near Dimona (Israeli secret nuclear complex) described as "chocolate" or "textiles" factory. The domed structure glimmering on the sun to the right is the reactor built in 1958 by France, or Machon (block) No. 1. Cooling towers are clearly visible to the left. Palms and gardens are planted to obscure the facility from the road. The picture was taken from Road 25 at around 7:00 a.m. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
 Trenches on Ihoram Mt. near Ma ale Eilat Road, with Mount Shelomo on background, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Ramon Crater east from Mitzpe Ramon, a picnic at Ardon Creek, with Mount Ardon at background. The Middle East, December 19, 2001
 Open parts of Nahal Darokh river on Zin valley, with the horseshoe formation on the background, 4 miles east from Sde Boker. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Memorial Israeli junk cars near the Road 1 through Judean Hills west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, March 1, 2001
 Safed s cemetery below the Old City with Meron Mountains at background. The Middle East, April 19, 2001
 Old cemetery in Safed with Meron Mountains (over 1000 m) at background. The Middle East, April 19, 2001
 Entrance hall of Yad Vashem (holocaust) historical museum, indoctrination of Israeli soldiers. Jerusalem, the Middle East, March 1, 2001
 Yad Vashem (holocaust) historical museum, indoctrination of Israeli high school students (?). Jerusalem, the Middle East, March 1, 2001
 Egyptian border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Egypt border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Mountains on Egypt border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Mountains on Egyptian border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A dry riverbed on Egyptian border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A trail near Egyptian border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 View of Mount Zion, and south-eastern corner of City Wall from Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001
 View of Mount Zion, and south-eastern corner of City Wall from Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001
 Fishing near Jordanian border. Eilat, the Middle East, October 13, 2001
 View to the north from Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. Mount Shehoret is on horizon. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 View of valley of Nahal Roded creek and Mount Shehoret to the north from Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 A trail going east from Mount Tzefahot to Field Study School, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Nafha Prison (Israeli top security prison, holds 200 Palestinians sentenced to life), view from a road to Eilat. North from Mitzpe Ramon, the Middle East, February 1, 2001
 Masada marls, view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 View to the east from Mount Shelomo, 2.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 A dilapidated Israeli flag at Derekh Hashalom Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, April 20, 2000
 Moon Valley in Sinai across Egyptian border, view from Road 12, 5 miles west from Eilat. The Middle East, December 13, 2001
 View to the north from Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A river going west near Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Masada marls (powdery chalk wadi), view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 A trail going west(?) near Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A trail going north from Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A trail going west near Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Masada marls (powdery chalk wadi), view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
 Nahal Roded wadi with Mount Shehoret at background, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 14, 2002
 View of Tzin Valley south-east from Sde Boker college, with Keden Akev hill at the background. The Middle East, December 18, 2001
 View of Tzin Valley south-east from Sde Boker college, with Keden Akev hill at the background. The Middle East, December 18, 2001
 View to the west (Egypt) from Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Dilapidated Israeli flags over a plant on Yizhak Nafha Street in northern Beer-Sheva. The Middle East, April 25, 2000
 A garden in northern Beer-Sheva opposite to railway station after a rain, with Hanegev Palmach Brigade Memorial on background. The Middle East, January 26, 2001
 Volcanic hills on the bottom of Ramon Crater south from Mount Ardon, with a cone of Giv at Harut at background. The Middle East, February 9, 2002
 Sea Mosque (?), with Tel Aviv on background. Jaffa, the Middle East, January 4, 2001
 View of Haifa from Mount Carmel. The Middle East, January 28, 2001
 View of Haifa and a bay from Mount Carmel. The Middle East, January 28, 2001
 An Israeli helicopter returning after bombing(?) of Bethlehem, viewed from the war memorial at Beit Meir, west from Jerusalem. The Middle East, April 10, 2002
 Flour mill, with Ein Gedi and Dead Sea on background. The Middle East, March 29, 2001
 A jeep road 1 mile south-east from Netafim Border Check Point from Ma ale Eilat Road, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Hebrew University on Mount Scopus. Jerusalem, the Middle East, March 1, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View from a trail on Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 Bahai garden on Mount Carmel. Haifa, the Middle East, January 28, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the south. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View of Haifa port from Mount Carmel. The Middle East, January 28, 2001
 Bee s nest on a roadside west from Mount Sdom. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 Bahai Temple on Mount Carmel. Haifa, the Middle East, January 28, 2001
 View of Road 12 (Eilat ascent) to direction of Netafim border crossing north from Mount Yoash, 4 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, January 17, 2002
 Eilat hotels at Red Sea, view from Mount Shahmon at evening. The Middle East, December 13, 2001
 Bahai Temple on Mount Carmel, with oranges. Haifa, the Middle East, January 28, 2001
 Wadi of Nahal Pratzim, west from Mount Sdom. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the south-west. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 View of Haifa from Bahai Temple on Mount Carmel. The Middle East, January 28, 2001
 View of Dead Sea from a lookout of Mount Sdom to the north. The Middle East, December 27, 2001
 A.S. on Mount Yehoram, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
 View of Haifa, a bay and a northern coast from Mount Carmel. The Middle East, January 28, 2001
 Haifa on the slope of Mount Karmel, view from a train. The Middle East, June 7, 2001
 Dead Sea to the west, behind the rim of Mount Yishai lookout, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
 Mary s Tomb on the foot of Mount of Olives. Jerusalem, the Middle East, July 12, 2001