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232-20. Jamming traffic at Herzl Street at intersection with Lilienblum, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001

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Houses east from Lilienblum M. L. and Herzl Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A garden on a roof of a house just to the north, at the northern end of Herzl Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of Herzl, Kefar Giladi, Haqishon Street and Derekh Yafo Street below from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of Herzl, Kefar Giladi, Haqishon Street from Migdal Shalom tower. Russian Orthodox monastery is on horizon. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Houses built at the beginning of 19th century at Herzl Street and Sderot Rothschild, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Herzl Street behind Derekh Yafo Street from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Crossing of Hatalmiy, Yavneel and Shabazi Shalom Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A lunch on a roof of a house at Shabazi Shalom Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Nahalat Binyamin Street is to the right. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Area around Hatabor and Rabinovitch Street, view to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of area near Hatabor and Rabinovitch Street (zoomed) to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View to the east from Migdal Shalom tower. Great Synagogue at Allenby and Ahad Haam Street is at the center. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A spot (zoomed) around Nahalat Binyamin and Rabbi Meir Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A spot (zoomed) around crossing of HaTabor and Rabinovitch Street, view to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A spot (zoomed) around crossing of Nahalat Binyamin and Rambam Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Houses at Tarmav and Bet Yosef Street (zoomed), view to the north and slightly west from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
A monstrous house west from crossing of Sderot Rothschild and Nahalat Binyamin Street, view from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Houses at Shenkin Street west from Kikar Magen David (zoomed), view to the north and slightly east from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of Hashalom towers and Ramat Gan from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of Kerem Hatemanim quarter, Opera Tower hotel, US embassy etc. from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Downtown Tel Aviv to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Nahalat Binyamin Street is to the right. The Middle East, October 25, 2001
Downtown Tel Aviv to the north from Migdal Shalom tower. Nahalat Binyamin Street is to the right. The Middle East, October 25, 2001
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Area around Dolphinarium from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
View of Shabazi quarter to south-west from Migdal Shalom tower. Old Jaffa is to the left on horizon. Dan Panorama and Hyatt hotel are near the beach. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Hassan Beck Mosque and Dolphinarium behind it (zoomed) from Migdal Shalom tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
Hassan Beck Mosque and David Intercontinental hotel at evening. Migdal Shalom tower is to the left. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, October 25, 2001
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Aref El-Aref s House (1938) in Old City of Beer-Sheva, at intersection of Herzl and HaAtzmaut Street. The Middle East, October 28, 2000
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View of Old Jaffa from Tel Aviv beach after sunset. The Middle East, October 25, 2001
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Old City of Beer-Sheva during Shabbat, view from intersection of Trumpledor and Hadassah Street. The Middle East, October 28, 2000
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Northern Tel Aviv, view from Azrieli Tower. The Middle East, May 31, 2002
View to the north from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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Northern Tel Aviv from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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Derekh Yafo Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, January 4, 2001
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View to the north from Azrieli Tower (Ayalon Highway and Ramat Gan). Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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Entrance to Avni Inst. of Fine Arts on Elat Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, January 4, 2001
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Rectangular(?) tower and Ayalon Highway north from round tower of Azrieli Complex. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
Ayalon Road from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
A roof of a building from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
Tel Aviv beach after sunset. The Middle East, November 3, 2001
Bet Eshel Street, near the Clock Tower. Jaffa, the Middle East, January 4, 2001
Sea Mosque (?), with Tel Aviv on background. Jaffa, the Middle East, January 4, 2001
Ayalon Highway and Ramat Gan north from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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Israeli defence building, the city, hotels, and the sea west from Azrieli Tower. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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View of unknown person from a bus during traffic jam. Nazareth, the Middle East, March 16, 2002
A traffic jam on a street. Nazareth, the Middle East, March 16, 2002
Israeli flags and an upturned American flag at Ha Shalom Street near BGU. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 9, 2000
Rainbow at Mapa (?) Street, near Bograshov Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, November 23, 2000
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View to the east on Conference Centre Street in West Bay from intersection with Omar Al Mukhtar Street. Doha, Qatar, November 17, 2015
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View of houses in western Tel Aviv from a plane, near Ben Gurion Airport. The Middle East, September 25, 2000
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Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, November 23, 2000
Sunrise over Negev Desert north from Beer-Sheva, view from a train to Tel Aviv. The Middle East, June 7, 2002
A hostel at intersection of Beit Eshel and Olei Tsiyon Street. Jaffa, the Middle East, July 15, 2000
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A Jew walking from Rothschild Boulevard near crossing with Shenkin (?) Street. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, July 15, 2000
Intersection of roads 10 and 310 west from Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport, with a traffic jam in direction to New Orleans, view from a plane. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 17, 2006
View of Dormition Church from Yemin Moshe Street area near Mishkenot Sha ananim. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 28, 2001
Immigrant quarters of Shekhuna Dalet, view from David HaMelekh Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, September 27, 2001
Flattened cat on Ben Gurion Blvrd. near intersection with Yizhak Nafha Street. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, September 24, 2000
Carmel Market on Hacarmel Street, likely site for future bombings. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, November 23, 2000
Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street surrounded by residential buildings. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street surrounded by residential buildings. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
Old Cemetery near Allenby Road and Ben Yehuda Street surrounded by residential buildings. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, December 28, 2000
View of the Dead Sea from the opening of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Sheikh Inam building at Salah and Bazri Street, view from Sea wall Promenade, Old City of Akko (Acre). The Middle East, June 7, 2001

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