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227-07. View of Yafo and Bat Yam from a plane from Saint Petersburg to Tel Aviv. At the bottom, there is intersection of Yerushalayim-HaMered Blvds and Raziel-Elat and 3280 Rds. Yaffa clock tower is unclearly seen at right lower third part of the picture. September 3, 2001

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A skull shaped stone in a wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Rectangular(?) tower and Ayalon Highway north from round tower of Azrieli Complex. Tel Aviv, the Middle East, May 31, 2002
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Top part of high rise building, view from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, December 23, 2009
Clock Tower and Sea Port from St. Olaf Tower of Vyborg Castle. Vyborg, Russia, February 14, 2013

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