Powdered speckled shield lichen Punctelia missouriensis or may be P. rudecta with isidia on a tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 20, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on tree bark in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree on Lone Star Hiking Trail near Pole Creek in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, March 1, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree on Alligator Branch section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, February 17, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on yaupon holly or may be on oak in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, February 3, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a tree on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, March 2, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta)(?) on a wooden bench in David E. Schob Nature Preserve at 906 Ashburn Street. College Station, Texas, May 20, 2024
 Apothecia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a granite tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Powdered speckled shield lichen (Punctelia subrudecta) or may be P. caseana on Caney Creek section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, January 26, 2019
 Large apothecia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on surface of a granite tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on a fallen oak at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, March 2, 2019
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) growing around inscription on a granite tomb of C. M. Womack (5/24/1862) in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) in a shady place in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
 Rough speckled shield lichen (Punctelia rudecta) on sandstone in an oak and red cedar forest at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, January 25, 2019
 Wet saucer lichen Ochrolechia on an old hackberry tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Saucer lichen Ochrolechia on a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Medallion lichen (Dirinaria confusa) on a tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Close up of medallion lichen (Dirinaria confusa) on a tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Close up of saucer lichen Ochrolechia on a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Apothecia of saucer lichen Ochrolechia on a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Medallion lichen (Dirinaria confusa) on a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Medallion lichen (Dirinaria confusa) near the base of a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a crape myrtle tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Pattern of powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a crape myrtle tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Medallion lichen (Dirinaria confusa) with large black apothecia near the base of a hackberry(?) tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 speckled shield lichen (Punctelia)(?) on a smooth barke of maple(?) in Huntsville State Park. Texas, December 18, 2020
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) on a tree on Lone Star Hiking Trail near Pole Creek in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, February 9, 2019
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) on a tree on Alligator Branch section of Lone Star Hiking Trail in Sam Houston National Forest near Huntsville. Texas, February 17, 2019
 Rim-lichen (Lecanora) on a plastic chair in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Button lichen (Buellia) on a granite tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Warty lichen (Pertusaria) on a petrified wood tomstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on low tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Sunken bloodspot lichen (Haematomma persoonii) on a petrified wood tomstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Button lichen (Buellia) on a polished granite surface of Bible on a tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata)(?) on a petrified wood tomstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 18, 2019
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, January 18, 2019
 Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata)(?) on a tombstone made from petrified wood in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Close up of button lichen (Buellia) on a polished granite surface of Bible on a tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Grainy shadow-crust lichen (Hyperphyscia adglutinata) (olive), bare-bottomed sunburst lichen (Xanthomendoza weberi, Gallowayella weberi) (golden) and some greenish grey lichen on a massive cast iron fence in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) on a sandstone rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 20, 2021
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) with soredia(?) on a sandstone rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 20, 2021
 Close-up of speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) on a sandstone rock at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 20, 2021
 Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a wet tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a wet tombstone with an inscription in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) around a decoration on a tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Grainy shadow-crust lichen (Hyperphyscia adglutinata) (olive), bare-bottomed sunburst lichen (Xanthomendoza weberi, Gallowayella weberi) (golden) and other lichens on a massive cast iron fence in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Speckled shield lichen (Punctelia) on a pine on Lone Star Hiking Trail near Pole Creek in Sam Houston National Forest. Richards, Texas, February 9, 2019
 Speckled lichens on a back of a granite tombstone both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Various lichens on an fallen oak limb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Mature polypore mushrooms on a stump in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Confederate flag and a rifle on a tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Broken tomb of D. C. H. covered with seashells in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Green stink bug on a knob of an iron fence in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Fern leaves and lily of the valley flowers on a marble tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Various green and grey lichens on a massive cast iron fence in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Tombs of Odd Fellow Cemetery in fog. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Red chair in Odd Fellow Cemetery in fog. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Gates of Odd Fellow Cemetery in fog. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Old marble tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Cast iron fence of a tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Crustose lichen with bright orange fluorescence on a granite tomb when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Round patches of crustose lichen with bright orange fluorescence on a granite tomb both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia) on a tomb in City Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2018
 Rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia) on a granite tombstone in City Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2018
 Granite tombstone with sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a granite tomb both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a tombstone when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a granite tomb in City Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2018
 Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) with millipeds on a granite tomb in City Cemetery. Bryan, Texas, December 8, 2018
 Iron cedar tree with lichens of a cast iron tomb fence both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Gazebo in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Entrance of Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Gate of Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Confederate flag in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Tombs in Odd Fellow Cemetery in mist. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Tracks of land snails, or zigzag marks left by mouthparts (radula) on bark of crape myrtle tree in Fanthorp Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
 Colorful scarecrow in ultraviolet light in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Tomb of Mark S. Womack (1841-1910) in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, February 24, 2008
 Tombstone of Sela Josephine Rogers (1850 - 1868) in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
 Compact tomb of Neil both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Handshake symbol on a tombstone both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Decorations of a children s tomb both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Paper flowers when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Masonry of a crypt when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Tomb of Gullied with crustose lichens both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Marble tomb of George Pennington both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Granite tomb of Campbell with lichens both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Marble tomb of George Moore both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Masonic compass symbol on a tombstone both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Various crustose lichens on a flat surface of a romb both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Child s tomb of Alice when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Tomb of Rachel Moore when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024
 Crustose lichens of a rough surface of a tombstone both in natural light and under 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, November 9, 2024