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2424-20. Tracks of land snails, or zigzag marks left by mouthparts (radula) on bark of crape myrtle tree in Fanthorp Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018

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Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a crape myrtle tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Pattern of powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a crape myrtle tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Tomb of Sarah E. Fanthorp (1842 - 1844) in Fanthorp Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata) on bark of a tree in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Fanthorp Cemetery in fog. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
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Steinhagen Log Cabin in Fanthorp Inn State Historical Site. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
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Old house on Apalonia Street, a corner of Fanthorp Street in downtown. Anderson, Texas, December 7, 2012
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Powdery medallion lichen (Dirinaria applanata)(?) on a petrified wood tomstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
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Button lichen (Buellia) on a polished granite surface of Bible on a tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
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Myrtle tree trunk in Calvert Cemetery. Texas, January 15, 2011
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Apothecia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on a granite tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Tour of Fanthorp Inn (19th century stagecoach inn). Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
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Steinhagen Log Cabin in Fanthorp Inn State Historical Site. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
Steinhagen Log Cabin in Fanthorp Inn State Historical Site. Anderson, Texas, January 2, 2009
Steinhagen Log Cabin in Fanthorp Inn State Historical Site. Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
Large apothecia of peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) on surface of a granite tomb in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Fallen leaves of crape myrtle and cypress elm on a parking place in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 22, 2019
Mail (postmaster) room in Fanthorp Inn (19th century stagecoach inn). Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
Crumbling house at a corner of Fanthorp and Apalonia streets in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 2, 2009
Peppered rock-shield lichen (Xanthoparmelia conspersa) growing around inscription on a granite tomb of C. M. Womack (5/24/1862) in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Helmeted Guinea fowl (guineahen, Numida meleagris) birds in Fanthorp Inn. Anderson, Texas, February 28, 2009
Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a wet tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) on a wet tombstone with an inscription in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Sidewalk firedot lichen (Xanthocarpia feracissima, Caloplaca feracissima) around a decoration on a tombstone in Odd Fellow Cemetery. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2018
Communal dining table with mock food in Fanthorp Inn (19th century stagecoach inn). Anderson, Texas, January 18, 2009
Crape myrtle trees covered by ice on a golf course on campus of Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, February 17, 2021
Fruits of crape myrtle in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, October 28, 2008
Crape Myrtle Trail in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 13, 2019
Crosses in Negro Section of Oakwood Cemetery on a strip of land where many slaves were buried in unmarked graves. Huntsville, Texas, December 18, 2008
North end of Crape Myrtle Trail in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 13, 2019
Gate of Crape Myrtle Trail in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, April 20, 2024
Zigzag cliff-brake fern (Pellaea ovata) on slope of the dome in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
Iron sculpture at Crape Myrtle Trail in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 12, 2021
Crape Myrtle Trail and Trial Beds in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, August 3, 2022
Camel s tracks crossing vehicle s tracks over wavy sand ripples at sunrise near Sealine Beach Resort near Mesaieed. Southern Qatar, December 11, 2015
Zigzag cliff-brake fern (Pellaea ovata) in shade of big rocks on Freshman Mountain in Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. Fredericksburg, Texas, December 25, 2018
Old house on Apalonia Street, a corner of Fanthorp Street in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
Ruin on Apalonia Street, a corner of Fanthorp Street in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 2, 2009
Cow itch succulent vine (Sorrelvine, Cissus trifoliata) colonizing dry bushes near Crape Myrtle Trail in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, July 24, 2013
Toothed crust fungus (Xylodon radula, Basidioradulum radula)(?) in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 20, 2017

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