Aleksiy Church near Luga River opposite to Novaya Zhizn settlement on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Iron furniture made from military-grade steel in Aleksiy Church near Luga River opposite to Novaya Zhizn settlement on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Svyatotroitsky (Holy Trinity) Sea Cathedral on Kurgalsky Peninsula in Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Museum of Vod Culture in Luzhitsy Village on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Fon Bipenn Mansion and a former azylum in Preobrazhenka Village on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Fruticose lichen Evernia prunastri on a tree bark on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Kosemkina Church (Lutheran) in Bolshoe Kuzemkino Village on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Some roadside chapel near Navolok Village west from Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Chapel of John Bogoslov in Navolok Village west from Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Interior of Alexander Nevsky Chapel near Pepyi Village west from Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Alexander Nevsky Chapel (under restoration) near Pepyi Village west from Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 View of Cheremenetskoe Lake from Golubkovo Village, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Borovoe Palace (Usadba), former sanatorium Krasny Val, view from a hilltop pavilion, near Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Railway bridge across Luga River in Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
 View of Svetloe Lake from a road in Syargi area in Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, June 1, 2019
 Monument of heroes partisans at a road stop north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, September 8, 2013
 Fall colors of bracken ferns (Pteridium aquilinum) at a road stop north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, September 8, 2013
 Tomb of T. A. Flippin (born 11/12/1868) in Chriesman Chapel Cemetery at Road 130, near Road 21. Deanville, Texas, February 2, 2008
 Tomb of S. T. and B. S. Dickinson (5/24/1870 - 8/27/1877) in Chriesman Chapel Cemetery at Road 130, near Road 21. Deanville, Texas, February 2, 2008
 Ascending road near Gothic Chapel in Alexandria Park in Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 22, 2015
 Summer house of a businessman opposite to a chapel in Vanakula near Rosson River north from Narva. Russia, May 5, 2019
 Old log house in Navolok Village west from Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Side view and cross section of mushrooms Melanoleuca subpulverulenta on a forest road used for dumping of dry vegetation at Caney Creek Trail (Little Lake Creek Loop Trail) in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, March 13, 2021
 Horses near Road 1155(?), near Chapel Hill(?). Texas, June 2, 2007
 Borovoe Mansion (Usadba), former sanatorium Krasny Val (built by G. Lvov in 1915), near Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Large pink tomb of Wilhelm Schaub (1861-1934) in Smolenskoe Lutheran Cemetery on Dekabristov Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 12, 2024
 Borovoe Palace (Usadba), former NKVD sanatorium Krasny Val (built by G. Lvov in 1915), near Cheremenetskoe Lake, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Chapel of Saint Roch Cemetery, or Campo Santo, and a crucifix in front of the chapel built over "wishing well", with a marble sculpture of an infant as an ex voto presented by a grateful mother whose child was cured of all illnesses. New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19, 2005.
 Free Chapel at Howland Road south from Adamsville. Westport, Massachusetts, February 7, 2004
 Fall colors of peninsula of Beloe Lake in Gatchina, a suburb of Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2013
 A statue of Saint Jude in the chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 411 North Rampart Street, a corner of Conti Street (Mortuary Chapel, "the Church of the Dead"). New Orleans, Louisiana, December 9, 2006
 Shrine of Saint Jude in the chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 411 North Rampart Street, a corner of Conti Street (Mortuary Chapel, "the Church of the Dead"). New Orleans, Louisiana, August 5, 2006
 Shrine of Saint Jude in the chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 411 North Rampart Street, a corner of Conti Street (Mortuary Chapel, "the Church of the Dead"). New Orleans, Louisiana, December 21, 2006
 Rural landscape opposite to Free Chapel at Howland Road south from Adamsville. Westport, Massachusetts, February 7, 2004
 Troitsky chapel bathhouse on Pogostskoe Lake in Pokrovo Tervenichi Women s Christian Orthodox Monastery. Area of Lodeynoe Pole, Leningrad Region, Russia, August 4, 2012
 Peninsula of Beloe Lake in Gatchina Park in Gatchina, a suburb of Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 21, 2013
 Reddening cross section of Lepiota mushrooms under juniper, in semi-open area, near a road on Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 30, 2021
 Film City in Ras Abrouq peninsula in west central coastal area, north from Zekreet, view from observation platform. Qatar, November 14, 2014
 Adams - Jones House (1860 - 1861) at 2423 Prytania Street in Garden District in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 15, 2006
 Cross section of elfin saddle mushroom (Helvella crispa) on a side of a sandy road, under Yaupon and oaks on Lake Somerville Trailway near Nails Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 30, 2021
 Adams - Jones House (1860 - 1861) at 2423 Prytania Street in Garden District at night. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 22, 2006
 Side view of mountain brownie mushrooms (Deconica montana, Psilocybe montana) on haircap moss (Polytrichum piliferum) in dunes near the lake south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Cemetery in Gorodets north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Church in Gorodets north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Resurrection Cathedral (1887) in Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Mushrooms Sarcoscypha austriaca near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Brown webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius sp.) in Mshinskaya, Luga Region. Russia, September 2, 2016
 Tombs of cemetery in Gorodets north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Stonecrop flowers near guerilla memorial north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Violet webcap mushroom (Cortinarius violaceus) in Mshinskaya, Luga Region. Russia, September 2, 2016
 Sulphur tuft mushrooms (Hypholoma fasciculare) in Mshinskaya, Luga Region. Russia, September 2, 2016
 Girdled webcap mushrooms (Cortinarius trivialis) in Mshinskaya, Luga Region. Russia, September 2, 2016
 Spring brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella spadiceogrisea) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Spring pinkgill mushrooms Entoloma vernum at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Script lichen Graphis scripta on a tree near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Fir clubmoss (Huperzia selago, Russian name Baranets) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Scurfy twiglet mushrooms (Tubaria furfuracea) at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Cemetery of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Entrance of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Close up of script lichen Graphis scripta on a tree near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Early spring pinkgill mushrooms Entoloma vernum near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 View of Razliv Lake from Lenin Trail in area of Razliv, north-west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 21, 2019
 Old stone stairs in John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Cat sitting on ruins in John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Stones of Polovtsev (Rapti) Palace in Dzerzhinskogo Village, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Ruins of Polovtsev (Rapti) Palace in Dzerzhinskogo Village, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Monk s dorms of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Henbane (Hyoscyamus, Russian name Belena) on a cemetery in Gorodets north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Mountain clover (Trifolium montanum) near guerilla memorial north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) among dry aspen leaves at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) in a wet aspen forest at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Wrinkled thimble-cap mushrooms (Verpa bohemica) with long stems near Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 False puffball slime mold (Reticularia lycoperdon) on a tree at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Ranch road in mist, view from Old Navasota Road, near Old Chappell Hill Road. North from Brenham, Texas, April 6, 2008
 Marshy peninsula in Birch Creek Unit of Lake Somerville State Park, Texas, July 22, 2018
 Marble tomb of Jeff Davis Pistole (9/15/1861-7/9/1902) when exposed to regular daylight as well as when illuminated by a 365 nm ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight in Calvert Cemetery. Calvert, Texas, November 3, 2024
 Close up of false puffball slime mold (Reticularia lycoperdon) on a tree at Road 41K-064 south from Mys Moryin Nos near Ladoga Lake, east from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 14, 2019
 Cat guarding monk s dorms of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Entrance of monk s dorms of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Stone arch of Polovtsev (Rapti) Palace in Dzerzhinskogo Village, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Backyard of monk s dorms of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Grand stairs of Polovtsev (Rapti) Palace in Dzerzhinskogo Village, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Side view of bolete mushrooms Boletus ferrugineus and Boletus edulis near a road west from Kavgolovskoe Lake (Syariunlakhti), near Toksovo. North from Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 26, 2024
 Side view of rosy club coral mushrooms Clavaria rosea on a side of a road around Kavgolovo Lake between Oselki and Toksovo, north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 13, 2024
 Stone arch at main entrance of John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Old Metal Lathe Enterprise 1330 in John-Bogoslov Cheremenetskiy Monastery, south from Luga. Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Pink flowers of common sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) near guerilla memorial north from Luga, Leningrad Region. Russia, June 12, 2014
 View of FM 1155 road from Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site. Washington, Texas, February 27, 2019
 Cross section of large white brittlegill mushrooms Russula albidicremea at Forest Service Road 231 near Little Lake Creek Wilderness in Sam Houston National Forest north from Montgomery. Texas, June 2, 2022
 Efimovskaya Chapel opposite to Sophiyskiy Cathedral. Novgorod, Russia, August 1, 2001
 Olginskaya Chapel recently built in Zavelichye. Pskov, Russia, August 8, 2004
 Troyitskaya (Trinity) Chapel of Yaroslav Courtyard. Novgorod, Russia, July 3, 2003
 Richard Serra s sculpture, East-West/West-East on chalky plateau of Brouq Nature Reserve on Ras Abrouq Peninsula, view from east. Qatar, December 5, 2014
 Richard Serra s sculpture, East-West/West-East on chalky plateau of Brouq Nature Reserve on Ras Abrouq Peninsula, view from west. Qatar, December 5, 2014
 Brittlegill (Russula sp.) mushrooms in pine forest near roadside stop at a partisan monument. North from Luga, Leningrad Region, Russia, August 24, 2013
 Rowing in Carnegie Lake, view from Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, May 2, 2007
 South end of Skaneateles Lake, view from Glen Haven Road. New York, November 20, 2005
 Lake Carnegie, view from Washington Road bridge. Princeton, New Jersey, February 4, 2007
 Pentagonal cross sculpture "Pope Star" by Piotr Reykhet in Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2019