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2486-21. Aleksiy Church near Luga River opposite to Novaya Zhizn settlement on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019

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Iron furniture made from military-grade steel in Aleksiy Church near Luga River opposite to Novaya Zhizn settlement on Kurgalsky Peninsula near Ust Luga. Russia, May 5, 2019
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A Canada goose and a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
A Canada goose in a pond opposite to the Ledge (Old Quarry) in Freetown/Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, April 20, 2003.
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Courtyard near Novaya Gollandiya (New Holland). Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 30, 2013
Novaya (New) Tower of Ivangorod Fortress. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 17, 2005
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Church of Icon of God s Mother (1858) in Cemetery No. 1 in Kingisepp. Russia, May 5, 2019
Chapel built on Vuoksa River (Andrey Pervozvanny Church, built in 2000). Vasilkovo, north from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 29, 2011
Piles of trash from former garages in area of Standart settlement in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 11, 2017
Demolished garages in area of former Standart settlement in Sosnovka Park. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 8, 2017
Wall of Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
Blue flowers of mealy sage (Salvia farinacea) on opposite side of the river downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Field road to Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
View from a wall of Kaybolovskoe Gorodishche (old Estonian settlement). Kingisepp Region of Leningrad District, Russia, January 4, 2016
Catherine Church in Sergievka Park. Old Peterhof, west from Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 17, 2019
Ice on northern tip of Severny Island of Novaya Zemlia Archipelago in Russia, near Mys Zhelaniya. View from a window of a plane from Dubai, UAE to Houston, TX, April 28, 2011
Tire Montage Service near Lutheran church at 13 Vyborgskaya Street in old city in Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
Lutheran Church (Viipurin maaseurakunnan kirkko, 1481) at 13 Vyborgskaya Street in old city of Vyborg. Russia, May 24, 2019
Novaya Sylvia in Pavlovsk Park. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 11, 2009
V.A. Schroter House (built in 1891) at a corner of 114 Naberezhnaya Moyki and 2 Pisareva Street near Novaya Gollandiya (New Holland). Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 30, 2013
Meadow in area of Novaya Sylvia in Pavlovsk Park. Pavlovsk, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 11, 2009

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