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250-36. A desert plant on limestone of northern Mount Eliazar, south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002

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A desert plant on limestone of northern Mount Eliazar, south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
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Masada Marls, view from ascent to Mount Eliazar, south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
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A grazing camel in Judean Desert 1.5 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
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Close up of a grazing camel in Judean Desert 1.5 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
Masada marls (powdery chalk wadi), view to the east from Mount Eliazar, near the Dead Sea. The Middle East, November 8, 2001
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Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Descending to the south from Mount Ardon, in Ramon Crater. The Middle East, February 9, 2002
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South-western slopes of Mount Ardon, in Ramon Crater. The Middle East, February 9, 2002
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Dimona Nuclear plant in Negev Desert, view from Road 227. The Middle East, March 2, 2002
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Iron oxide sands south from Mount Ardon in Ramon Crater. The Middle East, February 9, 2002
Volcanic hills on the bottom of Ramon Crater south from Mount Ardon. The Middle East, February 9, 2002

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