Beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Beach morning glory (Ipomoea imperati) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 White flower of beach morning glory (Ipomoea imperati) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Gulf Coast camphor daisy (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Yellow flower of Gulf Coast camphor daisy (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala)(?) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Beach pavillion (damaged after hurricane Ike) of Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Entrance gate and a ticket booth (damaged after hurricane Ike) of Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Area of Boddeker Road. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Beach tea (Croton punctatus) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Remains of beach access boardwalk from Beachtown arcade over dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Fragments of beach access boardwalk over dunes of East Beach opposite to Beachtown. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Fragments of beach access boardwalk from Beachtown over dunes (gone after hurricane Ike) to East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Flowers of firewheel (Gaillardia pulchella) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Bushy seaside tansy (sea daisy, sea ox-eye, Borrichia frutescens)(?) taken from Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Saltwort Batis maritima on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Shoregrass Monanthochloe littoralis on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Shoot of saltwort Batis maritima on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella, firewheel) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Green mat of water-hyssop (Bacopa monnieri) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Glasswort Salicornia virginica or may be S. bigelovii on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Shoot of glasswort Salicornia virginica or may be S. bigelovii on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Red colors of glasswort Salicornia virginica or may be S. bigelovii on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Drummond s beeblossom (Oenothera xenogaura, Gaura drummondii) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Twin high-rise towers of Palisade Palms Condominiums and beach access boardwalk over dunes washed away by hurricane Ike to East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 A house at 1428 Avenue H in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 A house at 1410 Avenue H in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Perennial glasswort (Salicornia virginica) in a salt marsh on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Red and green colors of perennial glasswort (Salicornia virginica) in a salt marsh on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Yellow flowers of Gulf Coast camphor daisy (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala)(?) on Caracara Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Wooden house at 1406 Avenue H in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Remains of beach access boardwalk from Palisade Palms Condominiums over dunes to East Beach (the dunes were gone after a hurricane Ike). Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Upper view of perennial glasswort (Salicornia virginica) in a salt marsh on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Flower of Carolina wolfberry (box-thorn, Christmas-berry, Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidum, Solanaceae) on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Red berries of Carolina wolfberry (box-thorn, Christmas-berry, Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidum, Solanaceae) on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Blooming Carolina wolfberry (box-thorn, Christmas-berry, Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidum, Solanaceae) on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Shoot with berries of Carolina wolfberry (box-thorn, Christmas-berry, Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidum, Solanaceae) on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Joe s Crab Shack seafood restaurant on Pier 19 at 2000 Harborside Drive. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Beissner House (1887) at 1702 Ball Street in East End Historic District in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Gresham Residence / Bishop s Palace (1886-93) at 1402 Avenue J (Broadway), near 14th Street in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Round veranda of Bishop s Palace (1886-93) at 1402 Broadway Avenue, near 14th Street in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Joel B. Wolfe house (c. 1894) at 1602 Ball Street in East End Historic District in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Flower and red berry of Carolina wolfberry (box-thorn, Christmas-berry, Lycium carolinianum var. quadrifidum, Solanaceae) on Clapper Rail Trail in Galveston Island State Park. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Tip of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Erosion on West Beach. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Trube Castle (1890) at 1627 Sealy Street, a corner of 17th Street in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Flounder like fish on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Clarke-Jockusch house (1895) at 1728 Sealy Street, near 18th Street in East End Historic District in Galveston. Texas, December 20, 2019
 Sea rocket (Cakile geniculata) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Sea Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Fleshy-Leaved Amaranth (Amaranthus greggii) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Homeless person sleeping on a beach under seawall near 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, February 21, 2009
 Flower of sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Beach Drive (Road 90) in Gulfport. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Group of "totem poles" remained from a structure on East Beach, opposite to Beachtown. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Grand Casino near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Remains of a mansion(?) near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Ruins of a casino(?) near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Ace of spades in "Fun Time USA" amusement park at 1300 Beach Drive (Road 90) west of Cowan Road in Gulfport. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Damaged Road 90 (Beach Drive) in Pass Christian. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Piled tombstones of a cemetery near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 A damaged summer resort near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Remains of an octopus(?) in "Fun Time USA" amusement park at 1300 Beach Drive (Road 90) west of Cowan Road in Gulfport. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 A broken dragon in a playground of "Fun Time USA" amusement park at 1300 Beach Drive (Road 90) west of Cowan Road in Gulfport. Mississippi, February 4, 2006
 Crumbling concrete blocks of a casino(?) near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Water Drive (to the right) washed away by hurricane Ike, on Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Drift seeds (fleshy green pods) of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) on a beach of Grand Isle State Park. Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, November 4, 2006
 House damaged by hurricane Ike at 1200 block (east side) of Galveston Avenue, view from a beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 A carcass of Chateau de La Mer condominium in Gulfport, view from Beach Drive (Road 90). Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Seeds(?) of Bienertia cycloptera on a beach in Abu Samra, near the border. Southern Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Bienertia sinuspersici with seeds on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 Seeds of Bienertia sinuspersici on a beach near Zubara archeological site. Northern Qatar, October 24, 2014
 A lobster trap, now useful as a beach chair on Horseneck Beach. Westport, Massachusetts, December 17, 2004
 Dusk at East Beach Road (Horseneck Beach Reservation). Westport, Massachusetts, December 15, 2004
 A big oak near East Drive in Audubon Park in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 14, 2006
 Lakeside Drive in Highland Park at night. Dallas, December 31, 1997.
 Lakeside Drive in Highland Park at evening. Dallas, December 31, 1997.
 An oak near Dreyfous Drive in City Park in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 16, 2006
 A lobster pot, sand ripples and beach grass at sunset on Horseneck Beach. Westport, Massachusetts, December 17, 2004
 A carcass of Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at 610 Water Street near Beach Drive in Biloxi, with remains of Hurricane Camille Memorial behind it. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Ruins of Spray Park near Dreyfous Drive and Marconi Boulevard in City Park in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 16, 2006
 Remains of Spray Park near Dreyfous Drive and Marconi Boulevard in City Park in fog. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 16, 2006
 Lakeside Drive (?) in Highland Park with a disposed Christmas tree. Dallas, December 30, 1997.
 Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) with seeds on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) near Umm Bab in south-western Qatar, November 29, 2014
 Seeds of Illinois bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis) in Bee Creek Park. College Station, Texas, August 22, 2019
 Recently built "Seaside Homes" summer house, damaged by hurricane Ike, on Water Drive east from O Neil Street, near Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Chateau de La Mer, a resort condominium at the corner of Cowan - Lorraine Road in Gulfport, view from Beach Drive (Road 90). Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 New summer house "Seaside Homes" on Water Drive, shaped as a crystal by hurricane Ike, view Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Fluffy seeds of eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, May 1, 2019
 Ice crystals on frostweed seeds in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 1, 2020
 Seeds of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera, local name nakheel) on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab. South-western Qatar, November 7, 2014
 Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera, local name nakheel) with seeds on a beach in the area of Al Hamala (Al Hamlah) Water Well near Umm Bab. South-western Qatar, November 7, 2014
 Dry seeds of dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium) on a forest clearing in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, December 11, 2020
 Seeds of bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, October 13, 2019
 Prickly seeds of Buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum) in Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. Texas, December 22, 2012
 Close up of seeds of bushy bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus) in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, October 13, 2019
 Harvester ants with plant seeds on a sandy trail in Bastrop State Park. Bastrop, Texas, November 28, 2019