Entrance gate and a ticket booth (damaged after hurricane Ike) of Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Fragments of beach access boardwalk from Beachtown over dunes (gone after hurricane Ike) to East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Twin high-rise towers of Palisade Palms Condominiums and beach access boardwalk over dunes washed away by hurricane Ike to East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Remains of beach access boardwalk from Palisade Palms Condominiums over dunes to East Beach (the dunes were gone after a hurricane Ike). Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 House damaged by hurricane Ike at 1200 block (east side) of Galveston Avenue, view from a beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Dry seeds on a beach near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Beach morning glory (Ipomoea imperati) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 White flower of beach morning glory (Ipomoea imperati) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 "Totem poles", oddly shaped pilings remained from Murdoch s Bathhouse after a hurricane Ike. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Pilings of Murdoch s Bathhouse, a gift shop and breezeway bar at 2215 Seawall Boulevard that was demolished by hurricane Ike. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Remains of beach access boardwalk from Beachtown arcade over dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Fragments of beach access boardwalk over dunes of East Beach opposite to Beachtown. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Recently built "Seaside Homes" summer house, damaged by hurricane Ike, on Water Drive east from O Neil Street, near Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Skeletal remains of a pier that used to hold Balinese Room, a nightclub and a former dancing hall and an illegal casino at 2108 Seawall Boulevard that extended 600 feet from Seawall Boulevard at 21st Street into the Gulf of Mexico and that was washed away by hurricane Ike. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Group of "totem poles" remained from a structure on East Beach, opposite to Beachtown. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Gulf Coast camphor daisy (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 Yellow flower of Gulf Coast camphor daisy (Rayjacksonia phyllocephala)(?) near Boddeker Drive in Ro Apffel Park. Galveston, Texas, December 20, 2019
 A fence damaged by hurricane waves in West End Park at sunrise. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 11, 2007
 Erosion on West Beach. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 House foundation damaged by hurricane Ike on South Melody Lane. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Forest damaged by a hurricane near Vetrenoe Lake south from Sosnovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 22, 2012
 Trees damaged by floodings in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Forest damaged by a hurricane two years before near Vetrenoe Lake south from Sosnovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 22, 2012
 Pine forest damaged by a hurricane two years before near Vetrenoe Lake south from Sosnovo, 40 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, July 22, 2012
 Cormorant sitting on Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Houses at 1808 Postoffice Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Beach tea (Croton punctatus) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Sealey Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Hurricane castoffs at Long Beach. Mississippi, February 4, 2006
 Beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 White pelicans near Pier 21 at cold windy weather. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Brown pelican sitting on Pier 21 at cold windy weather. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Close-up of a brown pelican sitting on Pier 21 at cold windy weather. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Joe s Crab Shack seafood restaurant on Pier 19 at 2000 Harborside Drive. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Water Drive (to the right) washed away by hurricane Ike, on Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 Stewart building (1882) at a corner of Kempner at Mechanic avenues in Strand district. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Spires of Saint Mary s Cathedral Basilica (1847) at 2011 Church Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Sonnentheil House (1886-7) at 1826 Sealy Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Blue house at a corner of Ball and 17th streets in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Mrs. Jetta Davis house (1887) at 1712 Winnie Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Joel B. Wolfe house (c. 1894) at 1602 Ball Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Round veranda of Bishop s Palace (1886-93) at 1402 Broadway Avenue, near 14th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Pilings of Murdoch s Bathhouse, a gift shop and breezeway bar at 2215 Seawall Boulevard, and Gulf of Mexico. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Cypresses in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Waves originated from a nearby Isabel hurricane and moving against wind, view from Horseneck Beach. Westport, Massachusetts, September 18, 2003
 Sealey Street near 18th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Virginia Field Park, with gazebo-style octogonal pavillion. Calvert, Texas, December 22, 2011
 Bald cypress trees in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
 Isaac Heffron house (1899), now "Victorian Inn" at 511 17th Street, near Postoffice Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 West-Lucas House on Sealey Street near 12th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Mather House (1887) on Winnie Street near 19th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Landes-McDonough house (1887-8) at 1602 Postoffice Street, a corner of 16th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 A carcass of Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at 610 Water Street near Beach Drive in Biloxi, with remains of Hurricane Camille Memorial behind it. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Cypress trees combed by floodwaters in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Fall colors of a cypress tree in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 George Fox House at 1402 Ball Street, a corner of 14th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Turret of Gustave Heye house (c. 1880) at 1226 Postoffice Street, a corner of 13th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Cypress trees combed by past floodings in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
 Beissner House (1887) at 1702 Ball Street, a corner of 17th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Lemuel C. Burr house (1876) at 1228 Sealy Street near 13th Street in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Julius H. Ruhl House (c. 1874) at 1428 Sealy Street, a corner of 15th Street, in East End Historic District. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Pedernales River in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
 Atlantic Ocean and Waves Mansion from Bailey s Beach at the end of Bellevue Avenue in Newport (the water is rough because of Isabel hurricane in North Carolina). Rhode Island, September 18, 2003
 New summer house "Seaside Homes" on Water Drive, shaped as a crystal by hurricane Ike, view Crystal Beach. Port Bolivar, Texas, January 25, 2009
 A damaged summer resort near Beach Drive in Biloxi. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Damaged Road 90 (Beach Drive) in Pass Christian. Mississippi, April 9, 2006
 Group of students of Texas A and M University at Beach Area parking in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
 First Presbyterian Church (1872-89) at 1903 Church Street, a corner of 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 Potato-weed (solanum) damaged by snout beetles on Deer Run Trail in Lick Creek Park. College Station, Texas, September 30, 2008
 Gnarl on cypress knees damaged by lawn mowers near a river walk in Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. Waco, Texas, August 23, 2008
 A cutting between West and East Ship Islands created by a hurricane "Camille", with a dead tree stand on East Ship Island (mostly submerged after a hurricane "Katrina") visible on horizon. Mississippi, October 8, 2006
 Tip of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Fruits of Ricinus communis (Castorbean, Castor Oil plant, Palma Christi, Ricin, Wonder tree, Krapata) near Beach Area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Ruins left by a hurricane near the Knubble. Acoaxet, Massachusetts, November 7, 2003
 Flounder like fish on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 A damaged roof of Old McDonald - Websters House (1889) at 502 North Beach Boulevard in Bay Saint Louis. Mississippi, April 16, 2006
 Sea rocket (Cakile geniculata) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Sea Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Homeless person sleeping on a beach under seawall near 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, February 21, 2009
 Fleshy-Leaved Amaranth (Amaranthus greggii) on East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Flower of sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) in dunes of East Beach. Galveston, Texas, January 19, 2013
 Pelican near Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 View of Gulf of Finland from Monplezir Pavillion in Peterhof, a former Tsar residence, now a suburb of Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 20, 2002
 Yellow leaves of hackberry damaged by a fungus in Wolf Pen Creek Park. College Station, Texas, November 2, 2021
 Brown pelicans on Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 White pelican from Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 White pelican near Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Brown pelican on Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 In Lost Bayou Historic District. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 House on Broadway near 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Brown pelican on a pile near Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 White pelican on a pile near Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Brown pelican sitting on Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Cypresses damaged by flooding in north-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 White pelican drying wings near Pier 21. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008
 Pier of Flagship Hotel, near 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, March 2, 2008