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265-20. Hyrax (rock badger), near a road in upper Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 4, 2002

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Hyrax (rock badger), near a road in upper Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
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Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
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Entrance to Ein Gedi park, from the side of Nahal Arugot river. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
A wild plum(?) tree at Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
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Trail to Upper Pools of Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
View to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
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View of a sky to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Near the beginning of the Dry Canyon in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
View to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
View of a sky to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
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Narrow canyon through magmatic rock of wadi Gishron, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, October 17, 2002

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