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248-25. A small plateau near En Gedi spring in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002

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A small plateau near En Gedi spring in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A small plateau near En Gedi spring in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
David creek in Ein Gedi, view from Zafit Trail above En Gedi Field School. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
Flour mill below Ein Gedi spring (a free back entrance to Ein Gedi Park). The Middle East, March 29, 2001
An acacia near En Shulamit spring in Ein Gedi, with Dead Sea at background. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A small limestone cliff near Chalcolithic temple in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
Small cliffs above Ein Gedi spring. The Middle East, March 29, 2001
Caves to the right from an entrance to Ein Gedi Park. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Dudaim Cave in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
Dry Canyon of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
View at the entrance to Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A waterfall at Dudaim Cave in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A plant at upper part of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
Upper part of Dry Canyon of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
View of Dead Sea from an opening of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A plant on limestone at upper part of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
A plant among limestone at upper part of David creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, January 24, 2002
Acacia near Ein Gedi spring. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
Dried plants at Ein Gedi spring, now flowing mostly in a pipe. The Middle East, March 29, 2001
A small spring flower on a limestone plateau in Judean Desert south from Nahal Mishmar. The Middle East, February 21, 2002
View of David Creek canyon from a trail to Shulamit spring in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
View of David Creek canyon from a trail to Shulamit spring in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Hyrax (rock badger), near a road in upper Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Hyrax (rock badger), near a road in upper Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Upper pools of Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Entrance to Ein Gedi park, from the side of Nahal Arugot river. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Upper pools of Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
A wild plum(?) tree at Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Springs of upper pools of Nahal Arugot river in Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
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Shulamit fall. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
An ibex behind a rock. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
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Cacti in Kibbutz Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
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Chalcolithic temple, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
Near Dudaim Cave. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
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Acacia tree. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Chalcolitic temple. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Under the baobab tree in Kibbutz Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Cliffs above Shulamit Fall. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Entrance to Ein Gedi park, at evening. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
Acacia behind entrance to Ein Gedi park. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
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A picturesque garden in Kibbutz Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
A terrace above Shulamit Fall. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
View of Ein Gedi (?) from a road along Dead Sea. The Middle East, April 15, 2000
Nahal Amir wadi south from a small plateau, 5 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, March 25, 2002
Shulamit Fall on David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
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End of the Dry Canyon in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Beginning of upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Flour mill, with Ein Gedi and Dead Sea on background. The Middle East, March 29, 2001
Hidden Waterfall at Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Acacia tree at the end of David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
An ibex on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Shulamit Fall on David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Shulamit Fall on David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Sodom apples growing on a roadside. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Entrance to David Creek reserve in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Upper Pools of Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Acacia tree at David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
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Near the beginning of the Dry Canyon in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
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Young ibex on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
A watching ibex on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
An ibex close-up on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Hyrax, or rock badger near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Window Fall (?) in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Ibexes crowding on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
View of a sky to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Trail to Upper Pools of Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Trail to Upper Pools of Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Ferns over Hidden Waterfall at Nahal Arugot. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Feeding ibex on a trail near Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Standing up ibex near the entrance to Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
Shulamit Fall and a cave on David Creek in Ein Gedi. The Middle East, April 26, 2000
Ferns of David Creek, near Dudaim Cave, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
Dead end of the upper Nahal David canyon, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
Dead Sea to the west, behind the rim of Mount Yishai lookout, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
View to the north from the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
Resting ibex near the entrance to Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000
A big ibex standing still near the entrance to Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, November 30, 2000

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