Pharaoh s Island in the Red Sea 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Citadel of Salah ad-Din in Pharaoh s Island in the Red Sea 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Citadel of Salah ad-Din in Pharaoh s Island in the Red Sea 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Deserted Red Sea beach near Pharaoh s Island 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Egyptian marines camp and Pharaoh s Island in the Red Sea 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 The Gulf of Aqaba, Pharaoh s Island, and Sinai mountains from a beach of the Red Sea 4 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Red Sea and deserted coral beaches around 2 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Coral bay of Marsa Murah (Hamifratz Hane elam) Fjord of Red Sea 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Coral bay of Marsa Murah (Hamifratz Hane elam) Fjord of Red Sea 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 A beach of the Red Sea 3 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Red Sea near Breiha Hashemesh (Sun Pool) 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Red Sea (view to the south) near Breiha Hashemesh (Sun Pool) 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Red Sea (view to the north) near Breiha Hashemesh (Sun Pool) 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Bay of Marsa Murah (Hamifratz Hane elam) Fjord of Red Sea 6 miles south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Marsa Murah (Hamifratz Hane elam) Fjord 6 miles south-west from Taba, view from Road 36 along the Red Sea. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Marsa Murah (Hamifratz Hane elam) Fjord 6 miles south-west from Taba, view from Road 36 along the Red Sea. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 The Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea south-west from Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 The Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea near Taba. Egypt, April 18, 2002
 Egypt border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Mountains in Egypt near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 A road and mountains in Egypt near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Mountains on Egypt border near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 View to the west (Egypt) from Mount Tzefahot, near Coral Beach 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Coral reefs of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Coral reefs of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Coral reefs of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Coral reefs of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Small rocky island south-east from Nikolsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 Coral fjord Marsa Murah of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Vail Beach and Great Point in Block Island, view from west. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 View to south-west from a hill north-west from oil tank installation in Haloul Island (Jazirat Halul). Qatar, April 19, 2013
 Island of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 Tom s Cove(?) and mansions in south of Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, September 5, 2004
 Apinasaari Island of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 23, 2013
 Rocks south-east from Nikolsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 Monkey Pavilion on an island of 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Trees on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Forest on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Monkey pavilion on an island of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 Island at north-east part of Third South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 5, 2016
 Fall colors of trees on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Purple colors of dogwood on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Orange colors of dogwood on Saari island on 3-rd South Pond on Elagin Island. Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 7, 2017
 Shore of Konevets Island in Ladoga Lake, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2002
 Landscape of Konevets Island, view from a hill. 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 8, 2002
 Landscape of Konevets Island, view from a hill. 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 8, 2002
 Stones of a Skit (secluded monastery) in Konevets Island, 80 miles north from Saint Petersburg. Russia, September 8, 2002
 Aquarium and coral beaches south from Eilat from a hill behind the Field School. The Middle East, April 13, 2002
 Red Sea of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 A gull and Block Island ferry at ferry landing in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Small island beside Monastyrsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 View of Nikolsky Island from rocks beside Monastyrsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 Knotted pearlwort (Sagina nodosa, Russian name Mshanka) on rocks south-east from Nikolsky Island, on Valaam Island. Karelia Region, Russia, July 23, 2015
 Coral beach south from Eilat from ascent to Mount Tsefahot, behind the Field School. The Middle East, April 13, 2002
 A beach of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 View of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 View of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 A beach of Gulf of Akaba in Sinai south from Marsa Murah fjord. Egypt, November 21, 2002
 Crescent Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Southeast Lighthouse in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Great Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Barlow s Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Scotch Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Southeast Lighthouse in Block Island, zoomed. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 View from Fish Pier in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Driftwood on Mansion Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 A flounder on Crescent Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 A farm near Mansion Road in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Clay Head bluffs in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Pebbly Beach near Spring Street in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Mohegan Bluffs and a top of Southeast Lighthouse in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 A hotel on a beach near ferry landing in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Vail Beach and Barlow s(?) Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Mohegan Bluffs and Great Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 A typical house on Center Road in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 A rusty vehicle on Mansion Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 A pond near Dories Cove Avenue in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Plover Hill, view from the east, in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Piping plover on Crescent Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Vail Beach and Barlow s(?) Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Block Island North Lighthouse in Sandy Point. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Corn Cove and Mohegan Bluffs in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 View to the south near Bulbusei Gir, 3 miles south-west from Eilat. The Middle East, January 17, 2002
 Block Island North Lighthouse in dunes of Sandy Point. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 Trim s Pond from Beach Avenue bridge in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Running piping plover on Crescent Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Wading piping plover on Crescent Beach in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Vail Beach near Snake Hole and Barlow s(?) Point in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Trim s Pond and mansions east from Center Road in Block Island. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Southeast Lighthouse in Block Island, view from a place near Cat Rock cottage. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 24, 2004
 Cow Cove and Block Island North Lighthouse, view from Grove Point. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 A rock in Corn Cove in Block Island, from Mohegan Bluffs overlook. New Shoreham, Rhode Island, April 29, 2004
 View of a small passage from a trail 0.5 miles south from Mount Yoash, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, October 17, 2002
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park. Jamestown, Rhode Island, March 19, 2004
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park. Jamestown, Rhode Island, March 13, 2004.
 Close up view of a small passage from a trail 0.5 miles south from Mount Yoash, 3.5 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, January 17, 2002
 Dutch Island Lighthouse and West passage of Narragansett Bay, view from Fort Getty State Park at morning. Jamestown, Rhode Island, October 4, 2004
 Red Sea and mountains near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001
 Mountains near Taba, 3 miles south-east from Eilat. The Middle East, January 13, 2001