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277-01. Near Damascus Gate(?) in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002

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Near Damascus Gate in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Damascus Gate in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Near Damascus Gate in Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
A square in front of Damascus Gate of the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Roman square in front of Damascus Gate of the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Roman square in front of Damascus Gate of the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
Roman square in front of Damascus Gate of the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
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Moslems returning after a Friday worship through a market in Suq Khan ez-Zeit Road near Damascus Gate in Old City of Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 13, 2002.
Moslems returning after a Friday worship through a market in Suq Khan ez-Zeit Road near Damascus Gate in Old City of Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 13, 2002.
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Bar mitzvah ceremony at Western Wall. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 20, 2002
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Rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 17, 2000
An altar (?) of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City. Jerusalem, the Middle East, June 17, 2000

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