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357-22. Gulls eating quahogs at South Shore Beach in Little Compton. Rhode Island, September 7, 2003

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A gull at South Shore Beach in Little Compton. Rhode Island, September 7, 2003
Bird sanctuary near South Shore Beach in Little Compton. Rhode Island, September 7, 2003
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Between Quicksand Pond and South Shore Beach in Little Compton. Rhode Island, May 30, 2003
South Shore Beach at evening (7:12 p.m.). Little Compton, Rhode Island, August 23, 2003
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Red algae and gulls at eastern end of Bailey Beach (Reject s Beach) in Newport. Rhode Island, August 24, 2003
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Sakonnet Point Lighthouse, view from the end of Rhode Island Road. Little Compton, Rhode Island, May 8, 2004
Sakonnet Light from Sakonnet Point. Little Compton, Rhode Island, November 2, 2003
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Red maples in a swamp in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
Red maple swamp in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
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An old grassy road in Simmons Mill Pond Management Area south from Adamsville, with some morning fog. Little Compton, Rhode Island, October 6, 2004
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A mansion on the ocean shore, view from Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Rhode Island, December 13, 2003
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A road and American holly tree in Simmons Mills Pond Management Area south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 13, 2005
Bailey s Beach in Newport. Rhode Island, March 15, 2003.
Bailey s Beach in Newport. Rhode Island, March 15, 2003.
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The Waves Mansion from Bailey s Beach in Newport. Rhode Island, March 15, 2003.
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American holly tree near a road in Simmons Mills Pond Management Area (entrance from John Dyer Road) south from Adamsville. Little Compton, Rhode Island, January 13, 2005
Rhode Island Sound between Black Point and Scarborough Beach. Narragansett, Rhode Island, October 31, 2004
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A dam of Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
Dundery Brook in Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
Fiddleheads in a swamp of Wilbour Woods park. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 30, 2004
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30 fiberglass hull of a boat for sale on Matunuck Point Beach. South Kingstown, Rhode Island, February 29, 2004
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Belcourt Castle Mansion on Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Rhode Island, September 18, 2003
A mansion on western side of Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Rhode Island, September 18, 2003

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