Wells Fargo Plaza and Shell Plaza buildings in downtown. Houston, Texas, June 17, 2007
 Wells Fargo Plaza and 1100 Louisiana buildings from Enterprize Plaza (Smith and Lamar streets). Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Public Library and Enron (Wells Fargo Plaza) Building, view from a corner of McKinney and Smith streets. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Public Library and Wells Fargo Plaza tower from a corner of Smith and Lamar streets in fog. Houston, Texas, January 27, 2008
 Wells Fargo Plaza and 1100 Louisiana buildings from a corner of Smith and Lamar streets in fog. Houston, Texas, January 27, 2008
 Jean Dubuffet sculpture "Monument to the Phantom" and high rise building of Wells Fargo Plaza in downtown. Houston, Texas, June 17, 2007
 Wells Fargo building from Smith Street. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2013
 One Shell Plaza building at 910 Louisiana Street in downtown west from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Enterprize Plaza in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 22, 2011
 Confederate Memorial Plaza in downtown, view from rear. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 - downtown Fort Worth (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 San Fernando Cathedral, view from West Main Plaza. San Antonio, Texas, February 9, 2008
 Tranquility Park in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 27, 2008
 Downtown from Smith Street. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Main Street in downtown at rain. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Panorama of downtown from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Downtown from a corner of Dallas and Louisiana streets. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Downtown south-west from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Pan American Plaza in downtown Indianapolis. Indiana, May 4, 1999.
 Islamic Da wah Center and trolley tracks on Main Street in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 Confederate Memorial Plaza in downtown. Anderson, Texas, December 31, 2009
 Confederate Memorial Plaza in downtown. Anderson, Texas, December 7, 2012
 Overgrown house in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
 Detail of a woman breast abstract of Joan Miro painted sculpture "Personage and Birds" at 600 Travis Street in front of Chase Tower in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
 - east to downtown Dallas 3/8/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 Confederate Memorial on South Main Street in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
 View of Tippecanoe Courthouse in downtown Lafayette from Amtrak Station. Indiana, January 31, 1998.
 Old house on Apalonia Street, a corner of Fanthorp Street in downtown. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
 View from Lamar Street between Louisiana and Milam streets in fog. Houston, Texas, January 27, 2008
 An alley in downtown Lafayette parallel to Columbia Street with a view of Tippecanoe County Court House. Indiana, January 18, 1998.
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 - a trip to Mineral Wells with SMU rock climbing club 2/13/97 (Mineral Wells, Dallas, Texas Hill Country, February 23 - March 14, 1997)
 View from City Hall in downtown in fog. Houston, Texas, December 31, 2011
 Downtown towers, view from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, December 23, 2009
 View of downtown south-west from Chase Tower. Houston, Texas, December 23, 2009
 Downtown at morning. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2013
 Pennzoil Place in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2013
 Pennzoil Place in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 22, 2011
 Area of Louisiana Street in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 22, 2011
 Area of Pennzoil Place in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2013
 Area of Louisiana and Lamar streets in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 22, 2011
 Towers in area of Louisiana Street in downtown. Houston, Texas, January 22, 2011
 View of a boat from an emty stone plaza in Al Wakra Heritage Village (Souq Waqif in Al Wakrah). Qatar, August 15, 2015
 Pennzoil Place and JP Morgan Chase Tower in Houston downtown. Texas, January 22, 2011
 Plaza in HBKU Research Complex in Education City. Doha, Qatar, January 20, 2016
 Road 105 at morning in downtown Navasota. Texas, September 7, 2008
 Near Main Street in downtown. Calvert, Texas, February 10, 2008
 Main Street in downtown. Calvert, Texas, February 10, 2008
 Oak alley of Military Walk at twilight, view from Academic Plaza, on campus of Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, March 19, 2009
 Model of a train on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Palace Theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 First Street Bridge and downtown from Auditorium Shores. Austin, Texas, February 2, 2008
 Cow like animal at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Shaded walkway on Heritage Square in downtown Waco. Texas, August 23, 2008
 Carnegie public library on Main Street in downtown. Bryan, Texas, October 9, 2008
 Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown. Bryan, Texas, October 9, 2008
 Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Shield with retorts on southern facade of Chemistry Building (1929), view from H2O Fountain Plaza, on campus of Texas A and M University. College Station, Texas, November 27, 2010
 Entrance of Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Byzantine chant demonstration at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Dancer on Community Stage at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Female dancer on Community Stage at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Sculpture in front of Carnegie public library on Main Street in downtown Bryan. Texas, November 18, 2008
 Cliffs of Superior Peak, view from Chickadee place in Snowbird Ski Area. Utah, January 10, 2008
 Orthodox Christian like performer at Byzantine chant demonstration at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Town Lake, Shoal Beach and downtown from a path east from Congress Avenue Bridge. Austin, Texas, February 2, 2008
 Mountains in direction of Thunder Bowl and Bassackwards, view from Chickadee place in Snowbird Ski Area. Utah, January 10, 2008
 View of Tippecanoe Courthouse and the downtown from Big Four Depot. Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998.
 View of Monument Circle from an office in AUL(?) Tower in downtown Indianapolis. Indiana, May 4, 1999.
 Michigan Avenue and downtown, view to the south from Hancock Observatory. Chicago, October 12, 1999.
 Wasatch National Forest and Salt Lake Valley, view from Easy Street near Miners Camp in Snowbird Ski Area. Utah, January 10, 2008
 Albritton Tower on campus of Texas A and M University, view from Old Main Drive in fog. College Station, Texas, January 28, 2008
 View of Charles River and downtown Boston from the top of Bunker Hill Monument. Massachusetts, July 31, 1999.
 View of downtown Boston from a ship standing at Charlestown Navy Yard. Massachusetts, July 31, 1999.
 Queen movie theater on Main Street in downtown, view from its entrance. Bryan, Texas, March 16, 2009
 Prakriti, Indian Youth Dance Group at Citibank World Stage (Palace Theater) at Brazos Valley Worldfest at downtown Bryan. Texas, November 22, 2008
 Downtown Lafayette. Indiana, January 18, 1998.
 Forest and snow on a slope of Superior Peak across Little Cottonwood Canyon, view from Easy Street near Miners Camp in Snowbird Ski Area. Utah, January 10, 2008
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 - Highland Park and Snider Plaza in Dallas, Jan. 20 - 21, 1997 (Norman - Dallas, December 28, 1996 - January 31, 1997)
 An alley in downtown Lafayette. Indiana, January 18, 1998.
 Little Cottonwood Canyon and Salt Lake Valley, view from Miner s Road in Gad Valley in Snowbird Ski Area. Utah, January 10, 2008
 Defunct fountain in downtown Beer-Sheva, view from intersection of HaHistadrut and K. K. L. Street. The Middle East, October 28, 2000
 Sam Houston statue at Road 45, view from its feet. Huntsville, Texas, December 18, 2008
 Main Street in downtown Lafayette. Indiana, January 18, 1998.
 Main Street in downtown Lafayette. Indiana, January 18, 1998.
 Main Street in downtown Lafayette. Indiana, January 18, 1998.