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612-21. Downtown from Smith Street. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008

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Fountain on Smith Street, near Robin Street. Houston, Texas, January 21, 2008
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Old Mercury car near South Main Street. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
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Vintage Edsel car and Courthouse on South Main Street in background. Anderson, Texas, January 26, 2008
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Lee Henderson Parish House (Jones(?) House, Queen Anne style, 1897, now Parish House Bed and Breakfast) at 609 East Gregg Street, a corner of Pin Oak Street. Calvert, Texas, January 19, 2008
Corner of Smith and Bell streets at morning. Houston, Texas, November 24, 2011
11th(?) Street in downtown Washington. DC, February 6, 1998.
Illinois(?) Street in downtown Indianapolis. Indiana, May 4, 1999.

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