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666-05. River bed of a tributary of Lampasas River near the entrance of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008

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Tributary of Lampasas River near the entrance of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Limestone cave with a spring of a tributary of Lampasas River near the entrance of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Old suspension bridge over a tributary of Lampasas River at the head of Stillhouse Hollow Nature Trail in Chalk Ridge Falls Park. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Pretty sneezeweed (Helenium elegans) with down-flexed ray flowers near Lampasas River in Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, May 17, 2009
Waterfall of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Waterfall and a pond of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Steel cable suspension bridge downstream from the falls in Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
Waterfall of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, May 17, 2009
A spring with maiden ferns of a small creek in Chalk Ridge Falls Park. Belton - Killeen, Texas, May 17, 2009
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River flats in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
River downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Cypresses on a river island in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
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Pedernales River in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
Shores of Pedernales River below bluffs in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Cypress trees lining Pedernales River below bluffs in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Blue flowers of mealy sage (Salvia farinacea) on opposite side of the river downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Northern tributary of Tseelim River, view from Roman road from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
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Bayou Barbay, a tributary of Amite River, view from Pete s Landing at Road 444 in Maurepas. Livingston Parish, Louisiana, November 25, 2006
Water tupelo in Bayou Barbay, a tributary of Amite River, view from Pete s Landing at Road 444 in Maurepas. Livingston Parish, Louisiana, November 25, 2006
A cypress and water tupelo in Bayou Barbay, a tributary of Amite River, view from Pete s Landing at Road 444 in Maurepas. Livingston Parish, Louisiana, November 25, 2006
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Clearing sky over Taunton River after an evening thunderstorm from an apartment in northern Fall River at 8:14 p.m. Massachusetts, August 13, 2003
A cypress and water tupelo reflected in Bayou Barbay, a tributary of Amite River, view from Pete s Landing at Road 444 in Maurepas. Livingston Parish, Louisiana, November 25, 2006
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Taunton River, USS Massachusetts and Braga Bridge from Fall River Heritage State Park at 6:39 a.m. Fall River, Massachusetts, January 21, 2004
Cypress roots enveloping a river boulder in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
Button lichen (Buellia) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Cypresses and the river in north-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
Some whitish lichen on a limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
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A tributary of Nahal Nekarot River running from southern side of Ramon Crater, 6 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
Entangled cypress roots growing over river boulders in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
Button lichen (Buellia) on limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
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Pedernales river above the falls. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
Pedernales river below the falls. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
Some dark-green crustose lichen on a limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Entrance to Ein Gedi park, from the side of Nahal Arugot river. The Middle East, April 4, 2002
Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Creek and a cypress in McKinney Falls State Park, near Upper falls. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
Cypress Pool below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
Pedernales river in beach area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
Near the Banias Falls on Hermon River in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
Lower Falls of Yellowstone River from a lookout in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
A big tributary of Nahal Nekarot River and Ramon s Tooth (black hill) at southern side of Ramon Crater, 6 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) in wet condition on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Partially dry bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a limestone conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Taunton River north from Fall River Heritage State Park at 4:45 p.m. Massachusetts, October 29, 2003
Indian mallow (Abutilon fruticosa) near a parking of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
Hollow part of a cypress tree in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
A tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
A tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Lower Falls of Yellowstone River from Grand View Lookout Point in Canyon Village. Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, July 24, 2010
Taunton River, view from Battleship Cove park in Fall River at morning. Massachusetts, September 24, 2004
Pepsi-Cola Falls of Tosna River near Sablino, south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, May 21, 2011
Hollow part of a cypress tree at sunset in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
A dry riverbed at spring of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Red anemones in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Chiseled sunken disk lichen (Circinaria contorta, Aspicilia contorta) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Limestone erosion forms at Koomer Ridge Trail. Red River Gorge, Kentucky, November 7, 1999.
Common flowers in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Garlic-like flowers in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge to Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Spring flowers in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Sorek River near western entrance to Jerusalem. The Middle East, December 30, 2000
Steel arch bridge spanning Brazos River (Washington Street Bridge, built in 1901), from south-west. Waco, Texas, August 23, 2008
Creeping fern among dry leaves and needles on Koomer Ridge Trail. Red River Gorge, Kentucky, November 7, 1999.
Mushroom-like limestone erosion forms at Koomer Ridge Trail. Red River Gorge, Kentucky, November 7, 1999.
Blue pimpernel flowers in a riverbed of a tributary of Nahal Revivim descending from a mountain ridge near Yeroham reservoir. The Middle East, March 8, 2001
Dark Hollow Falls near Skyline Drive. The Meadow, Virginia, May 16, 2007
Texas aster with variegated fritillary(?) butterfly near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
Rocks and Pedernales River in Reimers Ranch park. West from Austin, Texas, December 20, 2008
View of a northern slope of Nahal Oren river from Etzba Ridge on Mount Carmel. The Middle East, March 5, 2002
Firedot lichen Caloplaca subsoluta (Squamulea subsoluta, Caloplaca irrubescens) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
Dwarf yellow butterfly (Dainty Sulphur, Nathalis iole) on Texas aster near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
Taunton River, battleship BB-59 USS Massachusetts and Braga Bridge from Fall River Heritage State Park at 4:40 p.m. Massachusetts, October 29, 2003
Taunton River, battleship BB-59 USS Massachusetts and Braga Bridge from Fall River Heritage State Park at 4:44 p.m. Massachusetts, October 29, 2003
Taunton River, battleship BB-59 USS Massachusetts and Braga Bridge from Fall River Heritage State Park at 4:46 p.m. Massachusetts, October 29, 2003
Entrance to Nahal Tseelim River Gorge, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Blackstone River south from Hartford Avenue crossing in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2003

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