Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A covered bridge of Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls, zoomed, in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 One of potholes of Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Orange (Vista) trail along Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 A brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A stream of water near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Puffball mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A small waterfall of a brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 View from lookout near south part of Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Tomato and Aspic (Calostoma cinnabarina) mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme) on a log near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A house on Route 82. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Gillette Castle. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Gillette Castle, zoomed. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Branford House of the University of Connecticut on Avery Point. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Cypresses and the river in north-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park (from east side). Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 17, 2004
 Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park (from east side). Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook and a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook, view from a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 A church in Stonington. Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Stonington Lighthouse. Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Taunton River, USS Massachusetts and Braga Bridge from Fall River Heritage State Park at 6:39 a.m. Fall River, Massachusetts, January 21, 2004
 River below Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 7, 2009
 Near the Banias Falls on Hermon River in Banias Park. Golan Heights, the Middle East, April 7, 2001
 The towpath of Blackstone Canal in fog south-east from Visitors Center in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 River flats in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 River downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 A cottage on Pequot Avenue. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Cypress roots enveloping a river boulder in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
 Cypresses on a river island in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Button lichen (Buellia) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Some whitish lichen on a limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Fog at morning, view from Witch Meadow Road. Salem, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Restoration of Avery Point Lighthouse. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Opposite side of the river downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Rusty cypress foliage on a river in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Button lichen (Buellia) on limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Entangled cypress roots growing over river boulders in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
 View from opposite side of the river downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Some dark-green crustose lichen on a limestone rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Lower Falls in Taughannock Falls State Park. Ithaca, New York, October 11, 2005
 Cormorants drying their wings at foggy morning in Stonington Point. Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Lake below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Twin falls in Pedernales Falls State Park, from an overlook. Johnson City, Texas, November 7, 2009
 Narrowed stream below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 12, 2013
 Cypress Pool below the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Creek and a cypress in McKinney Falls State Park, near Upper falls. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Limestone rocks near the falls in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 River bed of a tributary of Lampasas River near the entrance of Chalk Ridge Falls Park, below a dam of Stillhouse Hollow Lake. Belton - Killeen, Texas, August 17, 2008
 Pedernales River in north area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Pedernales River in Beach Area in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 29, 2008
 Pedernales river in beach area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 Shores of Pedernales River below bluffs in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a limestone conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) in wet condition on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Partially dry bordered scale lichen (Psora pseudorussellii) on a conglomerate rock near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Indian mallow (Abutilon fruticosa) near a parking of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Cypress trees lining Pedernales River below bluffs in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 North-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 Cypresses east from Trammel Crossing in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 10, 2007
 Cypresses in north-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 Blue flowers of mealy sage (Salvia farinacea) on opposite side of the river downstream from Cypress Pool in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 2, 2008
 Chiseled sunken disk lichen (Circinaria contorta, Aspicilia contorta) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Cypresses damaged by flooding in north-east area of Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, November 6, 2010
 New London Harbor Lighthouse, view from Neptune Beach. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Texas aster with variegated fritillary(?) butterfly near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Plummer s Trail in fog in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 Mumford River Dam in the center of Uxbridge, in Blackstone Heritage State Park. Rhode Island, October 10, 2004
 Stanley Woolen Mill in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 10, 2004
 Firedot lichen Caloplaca subsoluta (Squamulea subsoluta, Caloplaca irrubescens) on limestone near the river in Pedernales Falls State Park. Johnson City, Texas, January 11, 2019
 Dwarf yellow butterfly (Dainty Sulphur, Nathalis iole) on Texas aster near a pond of Upper falls in McKinney Falls State Park. Austin, Texas, October 26, 2008
 Taunton River, view from Battleship Cove park in Fall River at morning. Massachusetts, September 24, 2004
 Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park (from west side). Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 17, 2004
 SNET Trail in fog near Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 SNET Trail in fog near Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 Ruins of Goat Hill Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 East Branch of Westport River, view from Pine Hill Road. Wesport, Massachusetts, May 8, 2004
 East Branch of Westport River, view from Pine Hill Road. Wesport, Massachusetts, May 8, 2004
 Lichen and boulders near Goat Hill Trail in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 Spotted wintergreen near Goat Hill Trail in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 17, 2004