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791-03. Acorns on live oak in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, September 6, 2009

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Rusty vintage car near Gilmartin s General Store in Old Baylor University Park. Independence, Texas, October 24, 2009
Close up of a blue flower of Skeleton plant (Lygodesmia texana) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 9, 2009
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Texas signalgrass (Urochloa texana) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, September 3, 2020
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Ratany (Krameria lanceolata) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, May 9, 2010
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Field of wildflowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
Field of flowers in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 1, 2008
Field and oaks in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, March 20, 2019
Stone house in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2010.
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White gaura flower in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 13, 2008
Log cabin in Old Baylor Park at morning in mist. Independence, Texas, April 7, 2008
Skullcap (Scutellaria wrightii) in Old Baylor Park. Independence, Texas, April 14, 2021

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