Wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 A skull shaped stone in a wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 A skull shaped stone in a wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Stones of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Approaching narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Approaching narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Limestones near narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 A fall at the beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Behind a fall at the beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Starting the second part of the trail along Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2.5 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Beginning of the second part of the trail along Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2.5 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Opening of canyon of Tsafit Creek to Arava Valley, 1.2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Approaching the end of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the north. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 View of the Dead Sea from the opening of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Acacias along Tsafit Creek 11 miles west from Dimona, 3 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view from Maale Peres to the north-west. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 View of the Dead Sea Works from the opening of Nahal Peres Canyon 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the north-east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 View of Arava junction from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 A waterfall at the end of Nahal Peres Canyon, view to north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 A waterfall at the end of Nahal Peres Canyon (with water pools), view to north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Northern side of opening of Peres canyon, view to the north from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Beginning of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-east from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the west. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Upper part of Nahal Yamin canyon, 8 miles south-east from Yeroham. The Middle East, March 2, 2002
 View of Dead Sea east from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Zoomed view of the Dead Sea Works at distance of 4 miles north-east from Maale Peres from a place 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 100 m south from a hill and a jeep road (there is a deep canyon of Nahal Peres to the right). The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Nahal Peres River 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 100 m south from a hill and a jeep road (there is a deep canyon to the right). The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Nahal Akev creek canyon, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 A small canyon of Ein Akev Tahton spring in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Ein Akev Tahton spring creating a small sub-canyon in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Ein Akev Tahton spring creating a small sub-canyon in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Desert landscape of Nahal Akev creek canyon, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 A canyon of a short tributary of Nahal Akev creek, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Middle part of the Dry Canyon in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
 White Broom (Retama raetam) shrub in bloom in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 View of Dead Sea Works north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
 Amphitheatre-like part at the beginning of the Dry Canyon in the upper Nahal David. Ein Gedi, the Middle East, March 29, 2001
 Desert landscape of Nahal Akev creek canyon, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Nahal Akev creek canyon below Ein Akev Elyon spring, 2 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Nahal Akev creek canyon below Ein Akev Elyon spring, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 A canyon of a short tributary of Nahal Akev creek, view to the north, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 A pool of Ein Akev Tahton spring in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Ein Akev Tahton spring (view from above) in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
 Ein Akev Tahton spring creating a small sub-canyon in canyon of Nahal Akev wadi, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 A trail along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Limestone of Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Tributary of Nahal Darokh river going through chalk hills 4 miles east from Sde Boker, view from lower site. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Acacia bush along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Stone pavement of Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Sandstone cliffs along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Stone pavement of Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Stone pavement of Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 View from a trail along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Pink sandstone along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Purple limestone along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Desert landscape of canyon of Nahal Akev wadi, 2.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Some salty bush (anabasis?) at Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 View of a fall from a trail along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Some greyish plant on the bottom of Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Acacia bush and pink sandstone along Tsafit Creek 10 miles west from Dimona. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
 Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Narrow part of the canyon of Mapalim creek, wadi of the falls , 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Narrow part of the canyon of Mapalim creek, wadi of the falls , 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Narrowing of the canyon of Nahal Mapalim creek, wadi of the falls , 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
 Nahal Tseelim River Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
 Salty bush at the bottom of Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Red flowers of mistletoe parasite on acacia in Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Crows on a limestone in Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
 Riverbed and canyon (resembling Ein Avdat) of Nahal Tseelim 3 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Lower Tseelim Canyon, 3 miles north from Masada, near Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
 Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 Horseshoe formation (a round tilted pit 200 - 250 m in diameter and 30 - 40 m in depth with a flat bottom surrounded by caves) of Nahal Darokh river 4 miles east from Sde Boker, view from lower site. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
 Dead end of the upper Nahal David canyon, above Ein Gedi. The Middle East, November 15, 2001
 Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
 Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
 Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
 View of the Negev Desert to the west along Nahal Nekarot River, 6 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
 View of Nahal Tseelim canyon from a southern tributary with En Aneva spring 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada, view to north-west. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
 Ein Akev Tahton lower spring of Nahal Akev wadi, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Ein Akev Tahton lower spring of Nahal Akev wadi, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Canyon of Nahal Gov wadi, 13 miles east from Yeroham. The Middle East, March 23, 2002
 Canyon of Nahal Gov wadi, 13 miles east from Yeroham. The Middle East, March 23, 2002
 Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Approaching the canyon of Nahal Gov wadi, 13 miles east from Yeroham. The Middle East, March 23, 2002
 End of Nahal Tseelim canyon from the Roman road to Masada, 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
 Nahal Shani wadi east from Red canyon, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani river east from Red canyon, 9 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani wadi east from Red Canyon, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani wadi east from Red canyon, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Shani wadi east from Red canyon, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
 Nahal Nekarot River (?) at southern side of Ramon Crater, 6 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001