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207-04. Approaching the end of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the north. The Middle East, May 10, 2001

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Lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view from Maale Peres to the north-west. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
View of the Dead Sea from the opening of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
A waterfall at the end of Nahal Peres Canyon, view to north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
A waterfall at the end of Nahal Peres Canyon (with water pools), view to north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
View of the Dead Sea Works from the opening of Nahal Peres Canyon 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the north-east. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Beginning of the lower Nahal Peres Canyon 1 mile north-east from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 17 miles east from Dimona, view to the west. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Northern side of opening of Peres canyon, view to the north from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
View of Arava junction from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
View of Dead Sea east from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Zoomed view of the Dead Sea Works at distance of 4 miles north-east from Maale Peres from a place 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
View of Dead Sea Works north-west from Maale Peres, 0.5 miles north-west and above Arava junction (Road 25 to Dead Sea), 17 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Approaching narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Approaching narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 100 m south from a hill and a jeep road (there is a deep canyon of Nahal Peres to the right). The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Nahal Peres River 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 100 m south from a hill and a jeep road (there is a deep canyon to the right). The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the plateau near Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, view to the south to the direction of Dead Sea. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the plateau near Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, view to the north with Har Hamarma (?) at the horizon. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River in the plateau near Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 300 m south from a jeep road. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 500 m south from a jeep road. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 400 m south from a jeep road. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the plateau near Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 250 m south from a hill and a jeep road. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona, 200 m south from a hill and a jeep road. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the area of Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the area of Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Descent to Dead Sea along Nahal Peres River and a jeep road in the area of Har Tsurim, 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Nahal Peres River 2 miles north from Tamar ascent to Dead Sea (Road 25), 15 miles east from Dimona. The Middle East, May 10, 2001
Beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Stones of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
A fall at the beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Behind a fall at the beginning of the lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Limestones near narrowing of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
A skull shaped stone in a wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
A skull shaped stone in a wide part of lower canyon of Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Acacias along Tsafit Creek 11 miles west from Dimona, 3 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Opening of canyon of Tsafit Creek to Arava Valley, 1.2 miles south-east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Beginning of the second part of the trail along Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2.5 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Starting the second part of the trail along Nahal Tsafit Creek, 2.5 miles east from Arava junction. The Middle East, November 29, 2001
Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Salty bush at the bottom of Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Red flowers of mistletoe parasite on acacia in Nahal Shani east from Red Canyon approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Lower Tseelim Canyon, 3 miles north from Masada, near Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
A canyon of a short tributary of Nahal Akev creek, view to the north, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Creeks going through marls (powdery chalk substance) to Dead Sea, view to the east from Roman road 1 mile north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Approaching of En Namer spring in Tseelim Canyon 3.5 miles north-west from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Approaching of En Namer spring in Tseelim Canyon 3.5 miles north-west from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Approaching beginning of a canyon of Nahal Bokek in Judean Desert, on a plateau 2 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
Ein Akev Tahton spring (view from above) in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Rotem Fertilizers plants near Zafit junction at Road 25 from Dimona to Arava. The Middle East, April 13, 2002
View of Nahal Tseelim canyon from a southern tributary with En Aneva spring 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
A small canyon of Ein Akev Tahton spring in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Ein Akev Tahton spring creating a small sub-canyon in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Ein Akev Tahton spring creating a small sub-canyon in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Approaching the canyon of Nahal Gov wadi, 13 miles east from Yeroham. The Middle East, March 23, 2002
A canyon of a short tributary of Nahal Akev creek, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Entrance to Nahal Tseelim River Gorge from Dead Sea, 2 miles north from Masada, view from a parking place. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
A.S. at entrance to Nahal Tseelim River Gorge from Dead Sea, 2 miles north from Masada, view from a parking place. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
A tributary of Nahal Divshon creek, view to north-west from a trail 1.5 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Streams and small canyons carved in soft limestone in the direction of Dead Sea, view to the east from Roman road 0.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
A jeep road at the bottom of Ramon Crater approaching Nahal Ramon River, view to the north, with Mitzpe Ramon Visitor s Center on horizon in the center (there is only one acacia tree in Ramon Crater in this area), 3 miles south-east from Mitzpe Ramon. The Middle East, May 3, 2001
A jeep road 1 mile south-east from Netafim Border Check Point from Ma ale Eilat Road, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
A short tributary of Nahal Akev creek, view to north-west from a trail 2 miles east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
Narrowing of the canyon of Nahal Mapalim creek, wadi of the falls , 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
Moslem cemetery north-east from Dimona, view from Road 25. The Middle East, March 15, 2001
End of Nahal Tseelim canyon from the Roman road to Masada, 2.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
A wadi along Road 31 from Arad to Dead Sea, 1 mile south-west from Arad, view from a bus. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Streams and small canyons (Masada Marls) in the direction of Dead Sea, view to the east from Roman road 0.5 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Tributary of Nahal Darokh river going through chalk hills 4 miles east from Sde Boker, view from lower site. The Middle East, April 9, 2001
Entrance to Tseelim Canyon, 3 miles north from Masada, near Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
Nahal Tseelim River Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Nahal Tseelim River and Dead Sea, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
View of canyon of Nahal Keziv river from trail 2223, 2 miles north-west from Mi ilia. Galilee, the Middle East, March 31, 2002
Judean Desert above canyon of Nahal Rahak creek 2 miles south from Masada, view to north-west. The Middle East, January 31, 2002
A pool of Ein Akev Tahton spring in Nahal Akev creek canyon, 3 miles north-east from Avdat. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
View of a canyon in Ein Bokek from a road along the Dead Sea. The Middle East, September 29, 2001
Under acacia in lower Nahal Mishmar canyon, near Dead Sea. The Middle East, February 21, 2002
Nahal Mor (?) river, view from a road along Dead Sea. The Middle East, March 29, 2001
Riverbed and canyon (resembling Ein Avdat) of Nahal Tseelim 3 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, May 17, 2001
Crows on a limestone in Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
View from trail 2223 overlooking canyon of Nahal Keziv river, 2 miles north-west from Mi ilia. Galilee, the Middle East, March 31, 2002
A road along Nahal Netafim Creek, 2 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
A road along Nahal Netafim Creek, 2 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001
View of Ben Gurion tomb (in the center) and Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker from 1 mile distance to the north on the opposite side of 100 m deep Tzin canyon (the serpent road goes down to Ein Avdat Reserve). The Middle East, February 15, 2001
View of Judean Desert, Nahal Bokek, and beginning of its canyon from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
View of Judean Desert, Nahal Bokek, and beginning of its canyon from a hill, 2.5 miles west from Ein Bokek. The Middle East, April 17, 2001
Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Mountains on northern side of Nahal Tseelim Canyon, 2 miles north from Masada. The Middle East, January 20, 2001
Nahal Shani wadi approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
Nahal Shani wadi approaching Nahal Raham, 8 miles north from Eilat. The Middle East, February 7, 2002
View of a cave from trail 2223 overlooking canyon of Nahal Keziv river, 2 miles north-west from Mi ilia. Galilee, the Middle East, March 31, 2002
A jeep track approaching Mount Shelomo from Ma ale Eilat Road, 3 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, March 22, 2001
Going down and approaching a road from Ein Avdat Reserve, with Nahal Horim creek hills behind it, 1 miles south from Ben Gurion College at Sde Boker. The Middle East, February 15, 2001
A jeep road along Nahal Netafim Creek, 2 miles north-west from Eilat. The Middle East, November 4, 2001

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