A brook near Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Orange (Vista) trail along Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 View from lookout near south part of Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A small waterfall of a brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme) on a log near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A stream of water near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Puffball mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 One of potholes of Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls, zoomed, in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Tomato and Aspic (Calostoma cinnabarina) mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Chapman Falls and Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A covered bridge of Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A house on Route 82. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Gillette Castle. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Gillette Castle, zoomed. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Branford House of the University of Connecticut on Avery Point. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook and a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook, view from a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporus sulphureus), Chicken of the Woods mushrooms, orange species, in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 Some remains at High Vista Loop trail in Lime Hollow Preserve in Cortland, east from Ithaca. New York, December 3, 2005
 A church in Stonington. Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Stonington Lighthouse. Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 A cottage on Pequot Avenue. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Fog at morning, view from Witch Meadow Road. Salem, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Restoration of Avery Point Lighthouse. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Cormorants drying their wings at foggy morning in Stonington Point. Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A trail and pines on east side of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest in wet day. South Carver, Massachusetts, March 27, 2004
 New London Harbor Lighthouse, view from Neptune Beach. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 East side of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, October 3, 2004
 "Snow angel" near a trail around East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, February 1, 2004
 A cone in snow near a trail around East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, February 1, 2004
 Middle Pond in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, March 21, 2004
 Little Bearhole Pond in Massasoit State Park, in fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 Kings Pond in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 Mushrooms on a rotten log in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 A pink ladyslipper flower in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, May 31, 2004
 Pink ladyslipper flowers in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, May 31, 2004
 Saprophyte mushrooms in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 A road near Middle Pond in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 13, 2004
 Brittlegill mushrooms (Russula) in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 Mushrooms near Lake Rico in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 Pink lady slipper flowers in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, May 31, 2004
 A pink ladyslipper flower (zoomed) in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, May 31, 2004
 Clavulinopsis Miyabeana orange club mushrooms in Freetown - Fall River State Forest. Massachusetts, August 27, 2004
 Partridge berry near Cranberry Bogs in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 A holding pond of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 13, 2004
 Toadstools near Kings Pond in Massasoit State Park, with condensed fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 Fall colors of Little Bearhole Pond in Massasoit State Park, in fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 A holding pond of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park, in fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 A holding pond of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 13, 2004
 Pinesap (Monotropa hypopithys) flowers in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 Fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria toadstool) in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 A holding pond (zoomed) of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park, in fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 Mushrooms Boletus Granulatus (Slippery Jack) in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 Reflection of a red maple in a holding pond of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 Slippery Jack mushrooms near Kings Pond in Massasoit State Park, with condensed fog. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 8, 2004
 Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park (from east side). Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 17, 2004
 Millville Lock in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park (from east side). Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 Rocks on Devils Hall Trail in Pine Spring Canyon. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Amanita bisporigera(?) (Destroying angel) mushrooms near Lake Rico in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 Black trumpet (Craterellus fallax) mushrooms near Lake Rico in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 Golden trumpet mushrooms (Xeromphalina campanella) on a tree stump in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, October 13, 2004
 Hiker s staircase in Pine Spring Canyon, on Devils Hall Trail. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Dead juniper on Devils Hall Trail in Pine Spring Canyon. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Valley of Merced River from a bus near Big Oak Flat Road Vista Point in Yosemite National Park. California, March 17, 2024
 Amanita bisporigera(?) (American Death Angel) mushrooms near Lake Rico in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 "Chicken of the Woods" mushrooms (Laetiporus sulphureus, Polyporus sulphureus) in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 A holding pond of cranberry bogs in the area of Perry Bogs in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 30, 2004
 Clavulinopsis fusiformis yellow club mushrooms (spindle-shaped coral mushroom) near Kings Pond in Massasoit State Park. East Taunton, Massachusetts, September 19, 2004
 Texas madrone (Arbutus xalapensis) on Devils Hall Trail in Pine Spring Canyon. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Peeling bark of Texas madrone on Devils Hall Trail in Pine Spring Canyon. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, February 1, 2004
 Smooth white bark of Texas madrone on Devils Hall Trail in Pine Spring Canyon. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, December 28, 2007
 Northwest(?) trail in Borderland State Park. Massachusetts, January 21, 2004
 South side of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, October 3, 2004
 Fields at mile 32 near Blue Ridge Parkway. Buena Vista, Virginia, May 17, 2007
 View at mile 32 of Blue Ridge Parkway. Buena Vista, Virginia, May 17, 2007
 The towpath of Blackstone Canal in fog south-east from Visitors Center in Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park. Uxbridge, Massachusetts, October 30, 2004
 South side of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest at evening. Massachusetts, October 3, 2004
 A boardwalk through a marsh at northern end of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. Massachusetts, February 1, 2004
 Blooming shrubs on a bank of East Head Reservoir in Myles Standish State Forest. South Carver, Massachusetts, May 8, 2004
 A dam of Otter Creek Overlook near mile 38 of Blue Ridge Parkway. Buena Vista, Virginia, May 17, 2007
 Otter Creek Overlook near mile 38 of Blue Ridge Parkway. Buena Vista, Virginia, May 17, 2007