Stonington Lighthouse. Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Cormorants drying their wings at foggy morning in Stonington Point. Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Branford House of the University of Connecticut on Avery Point. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 Restoration of Avery Point Lighthouse. Groton, Connecticut, November 7, 2004
 A house on Route 82. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A church near Route 138 in Taunton(?). Massachusetts, November 6, 2004
 A cottage on Pequot Avenue. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Gillette Castle. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Gillette Castle, zoomed. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Fog at morning, view from Witch Meadow Road. Salem, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chapman Falls, zoomed, in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 One of potholes of Chapman Falls in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A window of Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Spring Street. Newport, Rhode Island, November 13, 2004
 A window of Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Spring Street. Newport, Rhode Island, November 13, 2004
 Chapman Falls and Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 A brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A stream of water near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Puffball mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 A covered bridge of Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 A brook near Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Saint Anthony s Catholic Church on East Main Road. Portsmouth, Rhode Island, November 26, 2004
 Orange (Vista) trail along Eightmile River in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Moss and stones of Muddy Brook near Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 A small waterfall of a brook near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 View from lookout near south part of Orange (Vista) trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Tomato and Aspic (Calostoma cinnabarina) mushrooms on Red Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 New London Harbor Lighthouse, view from Neptune Beach. New London, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Hopyard Road bridge in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, May 22, 2004
 Purple toothed polypore mushrooms (Trichaptum biforme) on a log near Orange Trail in Devils Hopyard State Park. East Haddam, Connecticut, October 1, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay at sunset, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, November 13, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook and a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Chatfield Hollow Brook, view from a covered bridge in Chatfield Hollow State Park. Killingworth, Connecticut, June 6, 2004
 Church of All Nations and Church of Mary Magdalene on the slope of Mount of Olives, view from Derekh Ha Ofel sidewalk. Jerusalem, the Middle East, November 22, 2001
 First Presbyterian Church (1872-89) at 1903 Church Street, a corner of 19th Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 A busy day in Varvarinskaya Church(?) in Pechory. Russia, August 8, 2004
 Bethel A. M. E. Church after snowfall. New Bedford, Massachusetts, December 27, 2004
 Sunday mass in New Hope Baptist Church in South End of Boston, May 30, 2004
 Interior of Paromenskaya Church in Zavelichye. Pskov, Russia, August 8, 2004
 A window of Bethel A. M. E. Church after snowfall. New Bedford, Massachusetts, December 27, 2004
 A church near Indian Avenue(?). Newport, Rhode Island, June 13, 2004
 Rozhdestveno church, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 22, 2004
 Interior of Holy Trinity German Catholic Church in South End of Boston, May 30, 2004
 Sunday mass in a Baptist church near Columbus Avenue in South End of Boston, May 30, 2004
 Paromenskaya Church (Uspeniya s Paroma) in Zavelichye. Pskov, Russia, August 8, 2004
 Seamen s Bethel church after snowfall, at morning. New Bedford, Massachusetts, December 27, 2004
 Church of Savior on Blood at early morning. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 7, 2004
 Interior of the Rozhdestveno Church, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 22, 2004
 Interior of Blagoveshchenskaya Church in Vasilievsky Ostrov neighborhood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Griaznovka(?) River and the church in Rozhdestveno, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 22, 2004
 A farm near Church Cove of Sakonnet River, view from Route 77. Little Compton, Rhode Island, April 25, 2004
 Interior of orthodox church "Soroka muchenikov Sevastiyskih"(?) near a parking place. Pechory, Russia, August 8, 2004
 Saint Nicholas Church and Vorontsov Lighthouse at evening, view from a seaport promenade. Odessa, Ukraine, August 15, 2004
 Interior of Church of Three Saints (Trioch Sviatiteley) in Vasilievsky Ostrov neighborhood. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Interior of a recently open Church of Saint Panteleymon the healer in Kuyalnik Liman spa resort. Odessa, Ukraine, August 14, 2004
 Church of Savior on Blood, Benois Building (lighted) and Griboedov Canal at night. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 7, 2004
 A pond of Oredezh River, Riga Highway and the church in Rozhdestveno, 50 miles south from Saint Petersburg. Russia, August 22, 2004
 Interior of the Church of Saint Mary. Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 2, 2004
 Interior of a church of Pskov-Pechory Monastery. Pechory, Russia, August 8, 2004
 John the Baptist church in Old Ladoga (Staraya Ladoga). Leningrad Region, Russia, July 18, 2004
 Dmitry Solunsky church in Old Ladoga Fortress in Staraya Ladoga. Leningrad Region, Russia, July 18, 2004
 Interior of John the Baptist church in Old Ladoga (Staraya Ladoga). Leningrad Region, Russia, July 18, 2004
 Church of Savior on Blood from colonnade of Saint Isaac Cathedral. Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 17, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, December 27, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, March 21, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay at sunset, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, October 7, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay at sunset, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, March 22, 2004
 Borden Flats Lighthouse in Mount Hope Bay after sunset, with Saint Anne s Church in Fall River in background, view from Brayton Point Beach in Somerset. Massachusetts, October 7, 2004
 First Baptist Church (1913) at 506 Elm Street. Calvert, Texas, November 25, 2011
 Gloryland Non-denominational Church near Road 22 in Springfield. Livingston Parish, Louisiana, November 25, 2006
 Church of Winter Palace in Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 16, 2016
 The North Church(?) in archeological site of Avdat in Negev Desert. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Ceiling of church of Winter Palace in Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 16, 2016
 Vaults of church of Winter Palace in Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 16, 2016
 The North Church(?) in archeological site of Avdat in Negev Desert. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 The North Church(?) in archeological site of Avdat in Negev Desert. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 The North Church(?) in archeological site of Avdat in Negev Desert. The Middle East, November 17, 2002
 Prayer hall of a church of Winter Palace in Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia, November 16, 2016
 Sneed Memorial Methodist Church (1923) at 308 East Mitchell Street. Calvert, Texas, November 25, 2011
 Spires of Saint Mary s Cathedral Basilica (1847) at 2011 Church Street. Galveston, Texas, November 15, 2008
 First Presbyterian Church, formerly Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Sterling (1850) at 401 East Barton Street, a corner Beech Street. Calvert, Texas, January 19, 2008
 First Presbyterian Church, formerly Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Sterling (1850) at 401 East Barton Street, a corner Beech Street. Calvert, Texas, January 7, 2012
 First Presbyterian Church, formerly Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Sterling (1850) at 401 East Barton Street, a corner Beech Street at morning. Calvert, Texas, December 22, 2011
 Wild garden on a foundation of St. Ann s Catholic Church on Bayou Caddy moved by floodwaters across Lower Bay Road (in background) west from Bay Saint Louis. Mississippi, November 23, 2006
 Western side of Kidron Valley and Mount of Olives with Church of All Nations, Gethsemane, view from Derekh Ha Ofel sidewalk. Jerusalem, the Middle East, November 22, 2001
 The Knubble in Acoaxet. Westport, Massachusetts, November 27, 2004